St. Andrews Beacon, June 19, 1902Ancient Landmark Removed
The old fort building at Fort Tipperary, which has "braved the battle and the breeze" for eighty and more years, has been obliged to succumb to the advancing hosts of civilization. Finding that it stood in the way of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy's new cottage, the contractor is having the old building removed. It was a staunchly built structure, its walls being composed of hewn pine legs 11 inches thick, piled one on top of the other. The wood in these timbers is still as good as when it was first erected. The timbers near the ceiling were provided with port-holes to fire upon the enemy at close range. Exactly when the building was erected is not known. It has been generally supposed that it was built during the trouble so 1812 but the fact that the deed of exchange for the property between the Imperial government and the Church of England corporation of St. Andrews, was not executed until 1815 disposes of that belief. The building was probably erected in 1815 or very soon afterwards. So far as known it was only occupied as a military station during the Fenian invasion.