Like very town and city in Canada, St. Andrews did its part in our various wars. As far as this website goes, these were the Boer War, World War I and World War II. There was too much reportage on these wars to be recorded or reproduced by this writer, his interests being chiefly elsewhere, but some things stood out and these have been itemized below. For the Boer War, it was chiefly the letters home by Edwin Mallory, son of Liveryman W. E. Mallory, that were interesting. Mr. Mallory stuck around South Africa for some time after the conclusion of that conflict, returned home a hero, and eventually obtained a position with the CNR which allowed him to retire with distinction from that Company. For World War One I limit myself to a "Patriotic Entertainment" staged at Andraeleo Hall in support of the troops, and to Armistice Day celebrations, which Mr. Broad reported on with some humour. World War Two comes in for much more detail, owing principally to the columns of J. F. Worrell, author of "Shiretown Items." In these lively pieces one gets a vivid and usually droll sense of the ordinary trials of small town life during rationing, among other things, such as the nuisance of having your town practice dive-bombed by the local airforce fliers.