Old St. Andrews



Death of Harris Hatch



St. Andrews Standard, Aug 13, 1856
It is our melancholy duty this morning to record the sudden death of the Hon. Harris Hatch, which took place on Saturday inst., 9th inst., in the 76th year of his age. While presiding at the Special Sessions on Friday, he was taken suddenly ill, and was conveyed to his residence. Medical aid was at hand, but all efforts to restore him proved unavailing; he continued to linger until 2 o'clock am, when his spirit returned to Him who gave it.

Mr. Hatch while an infant, came to this country with his father one of the Loyalists, who was an officer in the British service during the American Revolution; he was educated at Windsor College, Nova Scotia; and for many years held a number of important offices in this County, of which he was one of the oldest and most respectable inhabitants—he was a member of the Legislative Council, President of the Charlotte County Bank, Judge of Probates, President of the Agricultural Society, and held other offices.

Mr. Hatch complained of debility since his return from Fredericton; the heat and fatigue he underwent during the short Session, having overcome his usually robust constitution. In common with the community, we sincerely sympathize with his amiable partner (who has been for some time in ill health,) in her affliction, and condole with her large and respectable family in their bereavement.