The town's first church was located on Church Street, still so-called, even though the church itself, the first version of All Saints Anglican Church, now located on King Street, was torn down in 1868 to make way for its reincarnation. This church accommodated the town's other denominations in the days before there was money or population enough to raise frames for the Catholic, Methodist, Baptist and other denominations. Church Street now contains the renmant of the old Catholic Church once located on Mary Street, built probably in the 1820s, which was moved to this location in 1903 to form the stage area for the Andraeleo Club's new hall, and is presently the back end of Europa Restaurant. The Greenock Presbyterian Church was finished in 1826, not without some controversy between the congregation and the funder of the project, Captain Christopher Scott, a wealthy Scottish merchant. It is not known exactly when the first Methodist church went up, probably in the 1830's. Methodism was a very popular religion in Charlotte County at this time. When it was time for a new church, the old was moved around the corner to serve as an elementary schoolhouse, and has since been demonlished. The new Methodist and the Baptist church as well were were erected in the 1860s, as was the the new Anglican church. The new Catholic Church went up in 1886.