Old St. Andrews



Fires in St. Andrews



August 1, 1820
On Saturday morning last, about three o’clock, the brig Robert, of Londonderry, Nova Scotia, lying at the wharf of D. McMaster, Esq., was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was immediately given, and the Firewards, Military and inhabitants, repaired quickly to the vessel. The most judicious measures were adopted, and carried into execution with spirit and promptitude, notwithstanding the extreme severity of the weather. We are happy to state their exertions were crowned with success, the fire being kept under until the rise of the tide, which completely extinguished it. The vessel has sustained less damage than was at first imagined. The fire was occasioned, it is supposed, by some defect in the hearth of the fireplace. Where all deserved praise, it may seem superfluous to particularise, yet we cannot help remarking, that Capt. Jones, Lieut. Barker, and the troops at this Post, deserve the thanks of the community for their unwearied exertions on the occasion.—St. Andrews Herald, January 8, 1822


May 27/1842
18 immigrant ships have left Cork, with 3,690 persons: 1542 land at Saint John, 1211 in Quebec, 733 New York, 204 in St. Andrews. More extensive emigrations than ever before. Fire at Indian Point in building owned by H. O'Neill and occupied by emigrant families.


Dec 6, 1843
On Friday morning last about half pat 4 o’clock our inhabitants were aroused from their slumbers by the appalling cry of fire! which was found issuing from the house owned and occupied by Cornaby Morrison, situated immediately in front of the Scotch Church. Upon arriving at the house, which is only a few rods from our residence, we found its unfortunate owner standing alone near the door, in a state of intoxication, his hair much singed and his clothes on fire—he succeeded in getting into the house, from which he was pulled out—the smoke being so dense and the flames spreading so fast that it was dangerous to enter. In about 15 minutes some persons arrived at the place with engines but the flames had made such progress—the wind blowing strong from the NW and the thermometer being at zero, that it was some time before the engines could be worked, and the house had fallen to the ground before the fire could be extinguished. It appears from what we could learn from the owner that there had been no person in the house but himself, that he had gone to bed and left a candle burning near the pillows which caught fire while he was sleeping—and that he had great difficulty in escaping from the room which in less than a minute was in a blaze. Not one article was saved. The wife of the unfortunate man had been a few days previous driven from her home by the continual intoxication of her husband, and his consequent ill treatment of her. All her furniture and other property however was left in the house, and of course was consumed by the fire. Both husband and wife are left destitute.
            This scene adds one more to the fearful catalogue of evils, as well as crimes, arising from drunkenness. We hope however that the destitution which the unfortunate inebriate has brought upon himself and particularly his narrow escape from an untimely end will arouse him to a sense of his condition and dispose him to quit forever the intoxicating bowl; and under the auspices of a Total Abstinence Society earn for himself and wife a comfortable maintenance. Mrs. Morrison is a very deserving, industrious woman, and we trust that something will be done to relieve her in her present distressed situation.


Aug 2/1848
Destructive fire--great loss of property.
We have the melancholy task this week of announcing an awful visitation to St. Andrews--the destruction by fire of one of our largest and most valuable properties, viz. the Rope Walk and building owned by Messrs. J. and R. Jarvis--with their new Ship, nearly ready for launching, and two Dwelling houses, with the furniture, etc., one owned by Captain Peter Smith, and occupied by . . ., the other owned and occupied by Mr. William Jarvis, who, we are sorry to say, has lost everything. The fire was discovered by one of Messrs. Jarvis' apprentices about half past 2 o'clock on Monday after noon last. It appears that some tar, which was boiling for the purpose of tarring rope, boiled over, and a lad attending it threw some water on the flames, which spread to the side of the building situated at the lower end of the Rope Walk, near the water's edge, and within a few yards of the new Ship. Several barrels of tar were in the building, which immediately ignited and the whole establishment, extending from Water Street to the shore of the harbour near the Light House, was immediately in a blaze. The alarm was given. Church bells rang, and the appalling cry of Fire resounded through our streets. The fire engines, and, we may add, the whole male population of the town, were early to the spot, but the flames had made such progress, that even the workmen employed in building the vessel had not time to save their working tools. Such was the rapidity with which the fire spread, that the boys employed in the "Walk" were obliged to save themselves by jumping out of the windows and doors.
            The heat was so intense that the houses on the western side of the Rope Walk were frequently on fire, large pieces of lighted shingles etc. were scattered over the town, and it was with difficulty that the fire was prevented from spreading.
            Much credit is due to the Fire companies, and the inhabitants generally for their exertions to save the property. The military under Lieut. Wells also did good service. Great praise is due also to our neighbours in Robbinston who came over in boats to the number of 50 persons and employed themselves usefully in assisting to removed furniture, carrying water, etc.
            We learn that Messrs. Jarvis loss including the Rope Walk, rope, several suits of new sails, new ship, etc., is estimated at 10,000 pounds no insurance on the Rope Walk, etc., and only 1,000 pounds on the vessel. We in common with the whole community deeply sympathize with these gentlemen whose labours for years have been destroyed--their hopes blasted--and their families ruined. Thus in a few hours, have these industrious, honourable, and enterprising gentlemen been deprived of everything--a large number of persons thrown out of employment, and the town suffered a loss which will not soon be made up.


March 9/1853
Fire. We are called upon this week to chronicle a rare occurrence in SA—the destruction by fire of eight houses, which were principally occupied as stores and dwellings. On Thursday night, about half past 9 o’clock, the inhabitants of the town were aroused by the ringing of the bells and the appalling cry of fire, which was discovered issuing from the roof of the store occupied by Mr. M. J. Elliott as a refreshment saloon, on the Western side of Water Street. The flames spread so rapidly that it was deemed impossible to save the adjoining buildings occupied as stores by Messrs. D. Bradley, C. E. O. Hathaway, and Francis Waddell. Mr. Waddell also resided in the same building commonly known as “Happy Corner.” the fire spread with fearful rapidly to the houses on the same side down William Henry street to the harbor, and it was not without great exertions Mr. Bradford’s hotel (only separated by a narrow lane from Mr. Bradley’s store,) was saved, not without damage to the end next the fire, which had ignited, but was quickly put out by the engines constantly playing upon it while water was to be had; and we believe that, had it not been for the supply obtained from the tank in the house of G. F. Campbell Esq., the whole block would have been reduced to ashes. The goods which were promptly removed from the stores have been so much damaged that the greater part are unsaleable. The probably value of the houses is estimated at about 1300 pounds. We understand that upon the goods and houses destroyed, there are policies for upwards of $2850. This much we must say, that he firemen populace and military worked hard of their own accord, to save the property from the devouring element. The management or rather want of management and order at the fire, needs no comment. The fire is said to have originated from a defect in the chimney.


April 6/1853
New fire engine from NY.


April 13, 1853
New Fire Engine. The new fire engine and hose carriage, built in New York for the fire wards here, arrived lat week, and was landed “in good order and well conditioned,” as per bill of lading. The newly formed company, whose services have been accepted to man the engine, took charge at once, and after having put it together, run it down the street in gallant style, and lodged it in the present, temporary building. Several trials were made of its power in throwing water, which we are happy to say have proved the engine to be a superior one. We cannot say as much for the hose, which burst in one or two places; these defects, however, can soon be remedied. The fire company is an excellent one, composed of young men belonging to the town—with J. Little, captain; H. Ames, 1st Lieut.; and George Moore, 2nd Lieut. Should their services be required, we are safe in saying they will proved themselves equal to the task, as the company is composed of half, hearty, spirited young men, who are neither afraid nor ashamed to work, and both are able and willing.


April 27/1853
The property commonly known as “Happy Corner” on Water and William Henry streets, containing one lot and a half, was sold at public auction yesterday, to Mr. D. Bradley, for 400 pounds. This site is said to be one of the most eligible stands for business in SA, and adjoins the property owned and occupied by Mr. Bradley pervious to the late fire.


June 8/1853
No. 1 Torrent Fire Company
On Monday evening last, the Company belonging to Torrent Engine, turned out in their new uniforms with the Engine and hose carriage, for the purpose of trying the Engine. They marched up Water street, and presented a very neat and orderly appearance; the dress is a fireman’s cap painted black, with a guard of triangular form in front, on which is gilded the figure 1; blue shirt with red collar and facings, dark overhauls, fastened with a broad leather belt. Several experiments were made with the Engine as to its capacity in throwing water. With upwards of 150 feet of hose a large stream was thrown over Mr. Street’s two story brick house, and with 80 feet of hose a steady stream was thrown into and over the belfry on the Scotch church, a distance of 70 feet. In fact the Engine gives entire satisfaction, and we may add, that should the services of the gallant Company be called into requisition, that fine body of men will be found “ready” and willing to do their duty.


Aug 3/1853
Torchlight Procession: As stated in our last, want of time and space precluded an extended notice of the late Torch Light Procession of Torrent Fire Company, No. 1. We think the affair demands a more particular description at our hands, as being the first of the kind our town ever witnessed and also most creditable to the parties concerned.
            Torrent Company has been organized but a few months, and has charge of one of Smith Piano Engines, which will compare favorably as to finish and execution with any machine of its size in the province. The company is composed of young men of the town, and we think it no unseemly boast to say, that for zeal, activity and good conduct, they are excelled by none. Their willingness and endurance were, we think sufficiently and satisfactorily tested at the fire which consumed Mr. Watt's house.
            This company a few weeks ago, resolved on making a demonstration, either by a trial excursion among the brethren on the river, or in such other manner as might be generally acceptable; and at last fixed upon a Torch Light Procession. At sunrise, on the morning of the 26th ult., the flags from the bell tower of the Town Hall gave the signal of preparation. At a house somewhat later, the unusual display of flags across the streets excited the curiosity of our good people, most of whom could not tell why the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, with Erin's green banner, were floating over their heads as they passed along. The heaps of flowers continually arriving, and the multifarious preparations, gave note that the "Boys of the Fire Brigade," were about.
            The day, which had been gloomy all through, settled down at evening into a most appropriate darkness, and the fun commenced. The largest crowd that has been assembled in our town for the past 20 years gathered around the Engine-house, impatiently awaiting the appearance of the Machine. At a quarter before 9, the Engine, most tastefully and beautifully decorated with such flowers as St. Andrews ladies know how to bestow--and drawn by two splendid white horses, made its appearance in the square, when the Procession was formed as follows:--
            Officers, with Branch Pipes.
            THE MACHINE.
            Members, two and two, with torches.


The procession started from the Engine House,--passing through the principal streets, and halting at different localities where stunning cheers were given for the ladies who had so liberally favoured the company with flowers and decorations. On returning to the Engine-house, after three hearty cheers for the Queen, the firemen repaired to Bradford's hotel, where an excellent collation awaited them and their guests, the fire wards with other gentlemen of the town. After the usual amount of feeding and toasting, the company were enlivened by songs or speeches. But the charm of the evening was the singing of the Quartette Club of the Company, which was entirely unexpected by the guests, and was perhaps the most pleasant surprise of the whole. The company and guests separated soon after 12 o'clock, each and all highly gratified with the evening's entertainment--Some of the "boys," however, having procured a . . . and music, danced the sun up.
            The decorations of the engine elicited admiration in all quarters. The band, with one exception, was composed of members of the company. The whole affair was the most pleasing we have ever witness in this place and the general impression of the close was that Torrent Fire Company were of the right stamp.
April 25/1855
R. Storr's store, corner King and Water, destroyed by fire. Upper rooms occupied by Mr. Andrews as barrister's office; store adjoining in same bldg. by Edward Stinson, as confectionary. Michael Fauls lives next door; Mr. Daley works there as tailor. This goes as well. Bradford's Hotel just saved. G. F. Campbell opposite fire.


June 20/1855
Fire at Mr. Storey's, corner Elizabeth and Queen, formerly M. Norris.


Aug 27, 1856
Fire. We have to record the occurrence of another fire in our town which took place last Wednesday night about 10 o’clock, on the premises of Mr. T. Berry in William Henry Street. It broke out on the outside of a building occupied by Mr. Berry and our contemporary Mr. Clinch, of the Provincialist, respectively as a carpenter’s shop and printing office; this, as well as an adjoining building, used as a school house were totally consumed, Mr. Berry losing all his tools, but he printing materials and other effects of Mr. clinch we are glad to say were saved, with a little damage. A small building occupied by a barber [Mr. Bounds?] was also partly burned and then pulled down, thereby arresting the further spread of the fire towards Water Street. The wind being easterly, the flying sparks and embers falling upon the roofs of the houses on both sides of Water Street had at first a very bad appearance, but a good supply of water from the tank in the immediate vicinity of the fire enabled Torrent Engine to arrest it, after the gap had been made by removing the Barber’s shop. Much praise is due the Fire and Hose men, and the young men who so gallantly assisted the regular firemen to serve the Engine throughout the whole occasion. It is much to be regretted that a full company cannot be obtained and kept up for this Engine, so that at all times it may be worked by an efficient crew of its own without being dependent upon casual aid, as the time may come when this sort of parsimony (if such it is) may turn out to be a very dear saving. The letter of Index in another column, will we hope be carefully read by those it most concerns. We certainly think that a volunteer company is better adapted to the exigencies of a fire engine, than an appointed company. With the solitary exception of this town, every other town and city in the province has its volunteer company or companies, and that they answer admirably we have every reason to know. The volunteer company which originally had this Engine was undoubtedly a very efficient body, and that the collision between them and the Fire wards, which broke it up, ever occurred, is a matter or regret.


Sept 17/1856
We beg leave to express our thanks to the many kind friends who assisted us so energetically, and successfully, in saving the Press, Type, and nearly all the effects of our Printing Office, on the occasion of the disastrous fire on the morning of the 12th inst. we are also desirous to add, that in consequence of the inconvenience to which we have been subjected by the compulsory change of office, and the unavoidable confusion into which our arrangements have been thrown, we are only able to issue a half sheet this day. We copy the following account of the fire from our contemporary of the Provincialist
            Fire. While the ruins are yet smoking, it our unwelcome task to record, as far as we are acquainted with circumstances the particulars of a serious conflagration, (the worst this town ever experienced) which happened in St. Andrews on the night of Wednesday the 10th inst. the fire as we are informed first caught in a building occupied by Mr. John Aymar, as a Spar and block maker’s shop—it was discovered between 12 and 1 o’clock, a most inconvenient time for waking people up, but notwithstanding which, the Engine companies, and indeed the whole town was promptly on the spot, and did everything that could be done to extinguish the fire; circumstances were unfavourable, the tide was down, and difficult to procure water for the Engines; the whole block was consumed; and it was only by most strenuous exertions that the fire was prevented from communicating to the buildings in the neighborhood. Mr. Pheasant’s extensive hotel establishment was in immediate danger, being on the opposite side of the street, and the wind blowing in that direction, the roof of his house, as also his stable, repeatedly caught and was put out again; but for the tall trees in front of his premises which partly intercepted the flaming embers, it is supposed they would have gone for it. The chief sufferers by the fire we understand are Mr. J. Aymar who has lost his stock in trade, as also his tools, and Mr. Quin, whose building was not insured. Our contemporary of the Standard is also burnt out, under much the same circumstances that we ourselves were about a month a go, that is to say, materials saved, only the time and trouble of setting up again—which is no trifle.
            There are now several gaps in the town caused by fire—we hope that ere long the improved state of business will cause them to be rebuilt.—Provincialist.


The following properties were consumed: the large range of buildings owned by the C. C. Bank on the Market Square, occupied by Mr. McElwee, as stone, dwelling and bake house; Standard Printing Office; Mr. Moore’s tin ware shop, one unoccupied store, and two barns. On water Street, Mr. Boyd’s two stores, and store house; a house, store, and shed, occupied by Capt. McMaster, and owned by Mr. Street; store occupied by Mr. M. S. Hannah; the engine room, a workshop, tools, stock, foundry and blacksmith shop occupied by Mr. Aymar; store owned by Mr. C. O’Neill; dwelling house and blacksmith shop owned by Mr. Thomas Quinn; and a house owned by the estate of the late hon. Mr. Hatch. The estimated total loss is 4,000 pounds, upon which about 900 in insured. Capt. McMaster lost all his furniture and clothes, upon which there was no insurance.


Oct 8/1856
Another Fire.
About 10 o’clock last night, the appalling cry of “fire!” resounded through our streets. The flames were discovered issuing from a barn in rear of Mrs. Fitzsimmons store on Water Street, in the Church block, so called. torrent Engine was early at the scene of conflagration; but the flames spread so rapidly, owing to the combustible materials around, that it was supposed for some time the whole block of buildings would be consumed; we are happy, however, to record, that the supply of water from the tank in William street, was sufficient for the engine to throw two streams of water constantly, and the engine being well manned and worked with an indomitable will, the fire was extinguished almost on the spot where it commenced having only destroyed the adjoining barn and woodshed on the premises occupied by Mr. Millar. Buildings in the vicinity were in imminent danger, having been on fire several times.
            We regret to state that one of our most active firemen, Mr. George Moore, met with a serious accident by falling from the roof of one of the houses, fracturing and dislocating both joints of his left arm. He was immediately conveyed to his residence, and placed under the medial care of Decry. Gove. Mr. Moore has a wife and several children depending on his labour, and as he will be for some time unable to work, it is to be hoped that the public will render that assistance which the wants of his family require. We understand Mrs. Fitzsimmons lost a valuable cow, and about two tons of hay. Mr. Miller lost all his hay and a quantity of wood.


Oct 22/1856
Since fire at Market Wharf, James Boyd has relocated his provisions store to Steamboat Landing.


Nov 5/1856
We learn that some of the owners of the land in the “burnt district” are getting out frames for the purpose of erecting stores and dwellings on the old foundations As bricks can now be purchased almost as low a slumber, would it not be admissible to erect a row of brick buildings, which would not only be cheaper in the end, but also an ornament to the town. We learn also that several persons intend erecting dwelling in the spring. [ref. here to new brickyard I believe at Chamcook]


Sept 16/1857
We beg leave to direct the attention of the Magistrates to the present dangerous state of the Market Square, and that part of Water Street immediately in front of the Railroad Hotel. The cellars of the buildings destroyed by fire a year since, are left open and exposed, and are nothing less than "man traps," endangering the lives of the community, and more particularly strangers. We have been in expectation, day by day, to hear of some life sacrificed; such a nuisance would not be tolerated in any other town in the province. But a day or two since, a gentleman passing along Water Street in the evening, would have been precipitated into one of these cellars, had not a resident of the town warned him of the danger. Such a sate of thi9ngs is disgraceful to the town; and we call upon the Magistracy to have the nuisance at once abated by compelling the owners of the property to fence it, in order that loss of life or limb may not occur. Should any accident take place which might be compensate for—no Jury would hesitate to award damages against their Worships. A highly respectable correspondent has sent us a letter upon the subject, in which he handles the Magistrates without gloves for the “dereliction of duty.”


Sept 23/1857
Fire. a fire broke out at half past 1 o’clock on Thursday morning last, in the store owned and occupied by Col. Boyd, head of the Steamboat wharf—and notwithstanding the alarm was immediately given, and the engines were early on the ground, all efforts to save the store or adjoining houses proved fruitless. The engines were well and ably worked—particularly old No. 1 @, which was first at the scene of action, and took its position immediately in front of the fire beside the Steam-mill well, which afforded a bountiful supply of water. The inhabitants worked with a good will; to their exertions and those of the Fire Companies we may safely say, the whole lower part of Water Street was saved from destruction. The Railroad Extension was several times in imminent danger, but a good look out was kept and little or no damage was done to the road. The properties destroyed are Mr. Boyd’s nearly full of good and provisions, an adjoining new store unoccupied and two dwelling houses which had just been thoroughly repaired—the Messrs. Shaw’s boat builder shop, with all their tools, moulds, and a considerable quantity of seasoned lumber, and a barn filled with hay, belonging to the widow Healy. Mr. Boyd, we learn, had a small amount insured on his buildings; but we regret to say, that the Messrs. Shaw were uninsured. We respectfully suggest that refreshments should be provided for the firemen on such occasions, as it is next to impossible for men to work as hard as they do for hours, without using something, such as tea or coffee and biscuits, or other stimulants.


Oct. 21, 1857
On Sunday night last, about half pat 10 o’clock, the large barns attached to the Alms House, were discovered by the keeper, Mr. Edward DeWolfe, to be on fire. the inmates of the House were all in bed at the time, and it was with no small exertion that Mr. DeWolfe succeeded in driving out the stock, and breaking open the piggery—the alarm was immediately given, but the fire had made such progress, that before the engines and populace reached the premises, which are about half a mile from the town, all that could be done was to save the House and sheds from the devouring element, which was accomplished. In the barns were 17 tons of hay, 6 tons of grain, a large quantity of potatoes, 6 barrels of beans, 1 do. of peas, together with double and single harnesses, and all the farm implements.
            Mr. DeWolfe in addition to being slightly burned has suffered a very considerable loss, as the farm produce was owned by him and uninsured. There is much sympathy expressed for him in the community, as he is an honest an industrious man, and the loss will fall heavily upon him at this season of the year. It is to be hoped, that means will be taken to relieve him in his present depressed circumstance, and save a worthy family from utter ruin. The origin of the fire is a mystery, as the premises were apparently all safe at quarter past 9 o’clock.


Now 18/1857
The Market Square
Now that the railway extension has been completed to the market Wharf, there will be more space required for piling lumber, produce, etc., and as the market Square is already small enough for the requirements of the town, it would be advisable for the Justices to have the ground on which the Bank property stood, (known as the “Sime Stores and Wharf,”) filled up and thrown into the present square; the addition would then make the market Square something like a proper size, which it is not now. Besides, they should look forward to the increase of business, which will necessarily follow on the opening of the railway too Woodstock; as it is, with even the trade which is every day being developed, and rapidly increasing, there is not sufficient room for depositing freight brought down the line and complaints have been made of the highway to the Steamboat landing, having been filled up with cordwood for a day or two at a time, rendering the passage to and from the steamer not only difficult but dangerous. We notice that, in other place where trade has increased from the construction of railway and other causes, large sums were given by the City authorities to private properties for the purpose of converting them into public squares and landing places. In view of these facts, we trust their worships will, without delay, advertise for tenders for the repairing of the wharf, and filling up of the cellars and wharf, for the purpose of enlarging the Market Square.


April 28/1858
New Buildings--Last Friday frames of 3 new buildings raised, 2 on Water Street on "burnt district"--one a large, two-story frame for a store, owned by Jason Boyd, the other for a smaller store adjoining Bradford's Hotel and owned by John Breen. Edward Stinson owns third frame--intended for a Swiss cottage and situated on Harriet near old hay scales.
            Bradley preparing to erect store and dwelling corner Water/William. Gove erecting corner Montague and Princess Royal on Court House block.


July 6/1858
Market Square--The lot adjoining the Market Square, recently purchased by the magistrates for the purpose of enlarging the Square is being filled up, the burnt logs removed, and a substantial block built. It not only adds to the appearance but very materially increases the size of the Square.


Aug 21/1859
Fire at Dr. McStay's dispensary. Partially saved thanks to tank in William St. Wells dry. More tanks should be built where wells are scarce.


Sept 14/1859
Destructive Fire. Six Buildings Burned
On Saturday morning lat, between 3 and 4 o’clock, one of the largest and most destructive conflagrations took place, with which this Town was ever visited. The inhabitants were aroused by the appalling cry of ‘fire” at half past 3 o’clock. It was discovered to have originated in a building in the church block on Water Street, occupied by T. G. Bounds, as a barber’s shop, and James Butler as a dry goods store. Owing to the dry weather for several weeks, the flames spread so rapidly, that notwithstanding the efforts of the fire companies and populace, the fire was not extinguished before six buildings were consumed, viz.—the premises owned by J. Butler and J. Dougherty, the adjoining house owned by occupied by R. T. Fitzsimmons as a store and dwelling, and the large building on the corner of Water and William Henry Streets, owned by Thomas Berry, occupied by J. Ingram as a grocery store and dwelling. Fears were entertained that the entire range of stores on the east side of Water as far as King Street would be destroyed, and the occupants were ready “packed up” for a hasty removal; this however they were spared through the energetic exertions of the firemen, with a bountiful supply of water from the public tanks, the fire was got unde4r, not however before it injured the house owned by Capt. James McMaster. the heat was so intense that the new brick building recently erected by D. Bradley, on the western side of Water street, was slightly damaged, the casings of the window having been blackened and the glass broken.
            Mr. Berry’s house was insured for 250 pounds; Mr. Fitzsimmons for 300, his loss on goods uninsured is about 60; Messrs. Butler and Dougherty’s house was insured for 250, on Mr. Butler’s goods 300. The total estimated loss is about 1500. The goods and furniture saved are considerably damaged.
            We cannot close this brief account of the fire, without adverting to the unwearied and successful exertions of the firemen, who are entitled not only to the thanks of the town and the Insurance companies, but to something more tangible. When work as they did on Saturday morning, until they were almost worn out with fatigue, refreshments such as coffee, tea, and accompaniments should be provided for them.
            It will be admitted, that another tank is required at the foot of Edward Street near Irwin’s corner, and that as soon as practicable, another fire engine should be procured; this, we think, will not be denied by our townsmen.


Dec 7/1859
Fire. Home of Charles McQuoid, corner Montague and Adolphus, consumed by fire.


Feb 6/1861
Disastrous Fire. On Friday morning last about half past one o’clock, the inhabitants were wakened from their slumbers, by the ringing of the bells and the appalling cry of fire. Flames were discovered issuing from the roof of the house, owned by John M. Owen’s in the centre of the lower black of buildings on the Market Wharf. the Engines, and populace were early at the scene of conflagration; the tide was up, and the firemen and inhabitants worked with energy and determination, to prevent the flames from spreading but their resolute efforts were unavailing, for in a short time the whole block of seven houses was one sheet of flame, and the heat was so intense, that no one could pass up or down the Wharf. The furniture was saved but in a damaged state.
            The following is a list of the sufferers: Mrs. Sharkey two houses insured for 250 pounds; Charles Stevenson one—insured 100. J. M. Owens one—insured 150. E. Pheasant two—insured 400. John Dougherty one—insured 250.
            The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective chimney; no exertion was spared to try and save the adjoining buildings. This was the most disastrous fire which has occurred here for many years.


Feb 13, 1861
Seven buildings destroyed in fire at market Square. Sufferers: Mrs. Sharkey, two houses; Charles Stevenson, one; J. M. Owens, one; E. Pheasant, two; John Dougherty, one. Most disastrous fire in many years.


Feb 5/1862
Western Inn corner Water and Adolphus destroyed by fire. Mr. McGee owner.


Aug 24/1864
“Our young townsmen Hanson Brothers have erected and in operation a respectable Hotel, which we understand is patronized and well conducted. They are energetic, smart men, although their premises were destroyed by fire a few months ago, and their loss was heavy, they set to work at once, and built their present commodious house.”


Nov 3, 1869
A fire took place on Thursday night last about 12 o’clock in the shed attached to the Barn on the Hatch property, at present owned and occupied by Capt. D. Green. The Torrent and “St. John” Engine were early at the fire, but were of small service, and the Barn containing about three tons of hay belonging to Capt. Green, and seven owned by Mr. Henry O’Neill was burnt. By the exertions of the citizens the house which is a brick edifice and the kitchen built of wood, were saved. The wind was blowing from the eastward and carried a piece of burning wood which lodged on the roof of the Tom Johnson house, in Water Street, and set it on fire, but the timely use of a few buckets of water extinguished the flames. Capt. Green believes that the fire on his premises was the work of an incendiary, as no ashes or dry stuff was in the shed. There is a general impression in the town, that the St. John engine is a poor tub, and that the Town has been sold in its purchase. A correspondent who has had some experience at fire, and knows something of hand fire engines, speaks out plainly, and is prepared to defend his position with anyone who may support the purchase of the “machine.”


To the Editor of the Standard—
Sir:--The general management of Town affairs has been anything but satisfactory to the public for the past two or three years, and calls for a change. Taxation has increased it is believed unnecessarily, and bars heavily on an already poor people with little trade to enable them to do more than obtain a living—of course there are exceptions but they are truly exceptions to the rule, which I am sorry to admit is of too wide spread application and urgently calls for a radical change. We read daily of abuses being received, and when the load becomes too heavy for the people to bar, they in self-defence take matters in their own hands and apply the pruning knife of reform. We should all submit cheerfully to the restraints of our rulers, and pay taxes with out grumbling provided they are required and lawfully imposed, but a recent tax is as distasteful as it is unjust.
            Two or three years ago last April, the firewards recommended to their Worships a tax for the purchase of a Steam Fire Engine, the amount collected yearly for that purpose to be deposited in the savings Bank until a sufficient sum was to hand to purchase the “Steamer.” The Magistrates ordered an assessment for that purpose, and $500 was collected. But tell it not in Gath, publish it not in Askelon—will it be credited, that one of their Worships at September Sessions 1868, proposed to purchase a St. John cast off hand Engine, and actually succeeded in obtaining the consent of a majority of the law Justices present, to take the money (contrary to the original purpose for which the tax was levied) and appropriate it towards paying for the old St. John hand engine. What follows simply this, that the Town is saddled with a tax to pay for an Engine, which proved on its first trial to be worse than useless; this fact can be established by all who were present at the recent fire; and that the “Torrent Engine” is a much better machine.
            Now for the remedy—let the people who desire to have a say in the management of their affairs, at once apply the pruning knife, and by a united effort obtain an Act to Incorporate the County. Until they do so, they will be governed by an irresponsible body; whereas should they decide to have a Municipal Corporation, they will have a voice in electing Councillors, and also of displacing them annually, when they act contrary to the wishes of their constituents. In another letter, I may refer to matters not touched upon in the present. A wider discussion of Town and Parish affairs through the press would prove beneficial. Yours, One of the People


July 26/1871
On Friday morning last, about 3 o’clock a fire broke out in a shed attached to an unoccupied office on Water Street near Clark’s Hotel. . . .


August 20, 1873
The Fire
On Monday morning, was the most destructive fire which has taken place in St. Andrews for many years. At a few minutes to 12 o’clock Sunday night last, the inhabitants were aroused from their slumbers by the ringing of the fire bell and the appalling cry of fire! Flames were seen issuing from the roof of Messrs. O’Neill’s building at the head of the Market Wharf, fronting on Water Street. The fire originated between Mr. James Stoop’s premises and the forward portion of Mr. O’Neill’s building. Everything was so dry, that the flames spread with fearful rapidity, although the fire companies and engines were early on the spot, and the populace assisted, worked indefatigably. To save the buildings was impossible and their efforts were directed to confining the fire to the row in which it commenced, and playing on the buildings contiguous, which happily they succeeded in doing. Nearly all the goods and furniture were saved, excepting in the upper rooms of Mr. Stoop’s house, where the fire had made such headway that it was not safe to enter the rooms. Mr. Stoop’s loss of personal property is considerable. The heat was so intense, that one time Mr. M. Faul’s roof took fire, but was promptly extinguished by the intrepidity and daring of a young lad, son of Mr. James McKinney, who ran up the ladder and clambered along the roof with a small bucket of water. The Market Wharf has now but one building left. Mr. Wm. Hicks’ store and dwelling, which owing to being a few yards distant from the Dougherty house, did not catch fire. The whole row of buildings were burnt to the ground by 2 o’clock am on Monday morning. The loss is estimated at nearly $3000. The buildings were insured as follows: Messrs. O’Neill’s $800 in the Queen; James Stoop’s $800 in the Queen; Mrs. Kearney’s $600 in the Queen. The properties in the vicinity were in imminent danger as the sparks were carried to the roofs. Had the old Market House in the Square adjoining Clarke’s hotel and Mr. J. S. Magee’s store, caught fire, there is no doubt the principal part of the town would have been destroyed. It is high time that the old dilapidated building was pulled down, and a new building erected on the site which would answer for public offices and a large Town Hall, a building much needed as has frequently been expressed.
About 4 o’clock the cry of fire was again heard. A new barn on the hill near Mr. A. Lamb’s residence, with upwards of five tons of hay, owned by Leonard Chase was in flames, which with its contents was burnt to the ground. As no person had been near the barn during the day, it is believed to have been the work of an incendiary.


It affords us pleasure to state that the Firemen and populace worked splendidly. Where all did so well, it is almost invidious to make particular allusion, but we cannot omit noticing the able efforts of Revds. Messrs. Keay, Partridge and Kitson, Mr. Carnegy, of the bank, and others who worked nobly in removing articles to a place of safety.


The Messrs. O’Neill have purchased the large store at Indian Point, formerly occupied by Mr. Goddard, and intend having it placed on the site of the building destroyed by fire ten days ago, head of the Market Wharf, fronting on Water Street. The work of moving the building is under the superintendence of Mr. George Gilley, which is a sufficient guarantee that it will be expeditiously and well done. The store is a comparatively new one, and in good repair. We congratulate the Messrs. O’Neill on their enterprise and energy, and trust that in their new building their will add to their already large patronage.


Sept 17, 1873
For the Standard
Mr. Editor,
A visit, however, brief, is always interesting, to the stranger in St. Andrews. The streets, free from dust, mud slop, or any such thing, seem like welcome greetings to the pedestrian who has just left such disagreeable walks and interrupters to pleasure behind him. The Market Square, presents a rather gloomy appearance, owing to the recent fire which destroyed a long range of buildings—but, perhaps the purifying agent has but prepared the way for a more substantial row of edifices, ornamental and useful.
            The O’Neil’s, with commendable business activity, have a large building in course of preparation for the prosecution of their trade; not discouraged by being damaged by fire! The town seems unusually quiet today, so many having gone to the “Regatta.”
            It was pleasing to see the Editor of the “St. Croix Courier” in town—and it added to the pleasure to see that gentleman perambulating the good broad streets of your pretty town, in company with the Editor of the “Standard.” It is well to see “Brethren of the press” thus walk together in unity. As I purpose writing a more lengthy article for your journal shortly—please accept this as its introductory.
Sept 16, 1873


July 29/1874
Serious Fire
We regret that St. Andrews hitherto so fortunate in escaping fires, should have recently been visited by the destructive element. Between two and three o’clock on Saturday morning, fire was discovered in the barn attached to Clark’s hotel, between it and the Engine House. The alarm was at once given by Mr. Magee, whose store and residence is within a few yards of the premises. The Engines and hose carts were immediately removed, and the fire companies went to work with a hearty will to save the property, but the fire had made such headway, owing to the hay and straw having caught, that the flames leaped from the barn to the Engine house,, and the old Town Hall, which were in a few minutes on fire, that it was impossible to save the buildings already in flames. Fences and sheds were pulled down and the efforts of the fire companies and populace were directed towards saving the residence of Sheriff Paul, the Record Office and the premises occupied by Mr. Magee, which we are happy to report were successful. Had Mr. Paul’s house caught fire, it is probably that the whole church block of buildings on the eastern side of Water Street as well as the houses on the opposite side would have been destroyed, and no one can calculate the injury which such a calamity would have entailed upon the town, as the houses on King Street would also have been burned, and there is no knowing where the fire would have ended.
            The hotel owned by Mr. Clarke with the barn and sheds were consumed. His loss is certainly large; in addition to the Hotel he lost four horses, all of his sleighs, several setts of harness, hay and oats, a supply of wool and coal. The carriages and horses were saved. Sheriff Temple of Fredericton lost a very fine mare. Mr. Ludgate, of SG, lost a hired horse, and Mr. McMann, of Calais, a horse, all of which were in Clarke’s stable. One of his horses which had been hired returned while his premises were on fire. In the town hall were stored 60 stands of rifles, belonging to the Militia department, which were destroyed. The Hotel was insured for 3,000 pounds. And the Engine house for 100. It is generally believed that the fire was purely accidental. Mr. Clarke informed us that he intended rebuilding without delay.


Sept 30, 1874
A New Engine House. At a meeting of Sessions on Saturday last, it was decided that it was inexpedient at present to erect a large building for the purposes of a Town Hall and Engine House. The Firewards were left to arrange the matter of building an Engine House, and we learn that the contract has been awarded to Messrs. T. A. McCurdy and E. Stinson. The cost not to exceed $250, and the building we learn is to be placed on the site of the old Market House. [must have been destroyed in the Clarke fire]


Oct 21, 1874
New Engine House. The frame of this building has been erected and boarded in, and the shingling of the roof is to be completed this week. The contractors, Messrs. Stinson and McCurdy, are pushing the work on as rapidly as possible, with a view to having the building finished by the middle of November.


Nov 4/1874
Ref. to new fire tank on “Wm Henry Street,” opposite new school.


Nov 25, 1874
Destructive Fire. On Thursday afternoon about 2 pm fire was discovered in Hughes and Whitlock’s stable. The populace and fire Companies were early on the grounds; owing to the stable being attached to the surrounding buildings, and the hay and straw in the loft being on fire, the flames spread with fearful rapidity despite the noble efforts of the firemen and hose companies, aided by the people. The horses and wagons in the stable were got out, as well those in the opposite stable belonging to Mr. Adams of the Central Exchange. The shed and house owned by C. C. Bridges, with his hacks, the house occupied by T. Rooney and others, and the Exchange stable were consumed. Mr. Adams saved his horses, carriages and the rest but lost his sleights, stable furniture and two fine pigs. John Bailey’s small cottage took fire but was torn down to prevent the fire reaching the adjoining buildings on Water Street, W. Sharkey’s house, and Michael Faul’s two houses, all occupied by several families, a barn by Thomas Healy and Hartt and Co., store and remises on the Market Wharf, owned and occupied by Mr. Hicks was several time son fire, but by well directed efforts the building was saved; the large pile of lumber on Robinson and Glenn’s wharf was with great difficulty saved. Another pile of lumber owned by the same firm on the wharf below the old steamboat landing and a pile of railway ties owned by R. Ross were burnt. Several families on Water Street including Mr. Adams of the Exchange removed their furniture. The losses gathered from the most reliable sources are: [here list]


Dec 9/1874
Fire at Central Exchange. Extinguished.


Dec 23/1874
Description of new livery stable at Central exchange. To replace one burned down. New engine house finished.
The new engine house with tower is finished, and the bell recently imported has been rung for the past few days at the usual hours. In common with many others we believe the bell to be too small. Some persons living in the town have not even heard it, and those who have think the sound a dull one. Certainly it is neither loud nor musical, nor has it the sharp and clear sound of the one formerly used.


May 12/1875
“Mr. Clark has removed to his house on Queen Street, in rear of his former Hotel, which was destroyed by fire last July.” Morrison’s has undergone improvements and additions. Details. Central Exchange owner Adams being fitted up. Passamaquoddy House, owner Mrs. McLeod, being prepared for summer. Mr. Kennedy has enlarged and increased his hotel accommodation.


Sept 15/1875
We learn that Mr. Clark, proprietor of the Railway Hotel, destroyed by fire upwards of twelve months ago, purposes erecting a large Hotel on the site of the one destroyed. The demand for accommodation is increasing every successive year, and Mr. Clarke has yielded to the wishes of his former patrons, and we are informed, will erect a handsome and commodious house, finished in modern style, with all the late improvements and conveniences. In connection with the hotel he is to have large stables; and is negotiating for the purchase of a shore property, where he intends building a Bathing House. He will also have pleasure boats for sailing and rowing, and will spare no efforts to make his premises attractive to those who may please to patronize it.


May 9, 1877
Fire. On Monday about 1 am, the house occupied by Capt. Wm. Waycott, known as the “old lighthouse,” owned by the heirs of the later Peter smith at Indian point, was discovered in flames, and such was the rapidity with which they spread, that the inmates had barely time to leave the building,, not saving anything but the clothes they brought out. The engines were promptly at the scene of conflagration, but the building was so dry and the fire had made such headway, that it was consumed. Capt. Waycott lost all his charts, marine instruments, clothing and furniture. It is supposed that the fire originated from a defective chimney.


July 11, 1878
Jottings on the Street, No. 5
We take our stand-point today, for a brief hour or so, at “Happy Corner.” This once Happy Corner may be a happy corner yet, for aught is known—but in the days of the smiling hostess, Mrs. McEleevy, who kept entertainment for man and beast, it was in very truth, a “Happy Corner;” so far as a “good table” was laid to appease the hungry, and the merry jingling of wine cups in unison with the clatter of gravy dishes, tureens, and soup-ladles, the welcomings of the generous hostess, and the familiar comforts of “Bed and Board.” Time rolled on, and graham succeeded the lady at “Happy Corner.”
            Time still passed on, and now the “Bar” is closed, the rattle and jingling have ceased; boarders have departed, bar-room customers have found another favorite resort, and Frank Waddell, the tailor, takes possession of “Happy Corner.” All alone in his work, he made himself as happy as possible, and his customers were happy in “good fits” and neat apparel. Then, a change came!
            Fire, in all its fury, raged over “Happy Corner,” leaving it a heap of ashes; nothing more. Then the enterprising Dennis Bradley stood meditatively one, day, gazing on the corner of ashes; and resolved to erect an edifice of brick upon the spot; he at once commenced operations, and in due process of time the same handsome brick structure which it to be seen there today was completed for Dennis Bradley.
            The “Old Bradford House” so called, was erected by Colonel Weir; afterwards, became the property of a Mr. Bailey; then changed hands, and Mr. John Bradford took possession. It is now known as the Megantic Hotel, kept by Mr. Neill, whose popularity as a genial host runs parallel with that of the deceased John Bradford, who was a general favourite in St. Andrews.
            From “Happy Corner” to the present “Passamaquoddy House,” kept by Mrs. McLeod, the fire swept every building—leaving but one house standing1 It seemed a strange thing, that not a building of any description escaped the fiery scourge save one—the “Old Bradford House.” Why the merciless, devouring element passed it by, is regarded almost singularly mysterious, even to this day—but so it is. And there it is.
            Mr. Thomas Berry built the block on the opposite corner—now occupied by Mr. Jas. McKinney as a tailoring establishment. There is also a drug store in the same building, kept by young Mr. Cockburn, who is polite and attentive to business. Mr. Ingram keeps a neat variety shop next door; and the old established watch store of Major Stickney is also to be found in this block.
            A shoe making establishment is also here, dept by Mr. Chas. Johnson; and on the adjoining corner, Mr. J. F. Mulligan keeps a fresh supply of many articles for body and mind. Then, Mr. Snodgrass shows to the public a large stock of fancy boots, shoes, slippers, and everything in the line of affording support to the under-standing. He delights in handsome buckles, and yet he has never buckled himself. The genial Saunders, always pleasant, next appears surrounded with “Yankee Notions,” and fruits, and candies, and jewelery, and many attractions for young and old.
            A young lady keeps a neat little store next door, and we learn is well patronised. Now, Capt. Polleys, in the old Wm. Whitlock store, exhibits a large stock of goods, in hard and soft ware, and by his assiduity to business, his accommodating disposition, and the whole “make-up” of the man, generally, is doing a good trade.
            On the opposite side, Mr. Fred Campbell commands a large and extensive patronage—he drives a fast horse on the street, and fast business in the store.
            It would appear, he has had some Yankee drilling,
            He seems so smart to catch the “nimble shilling.”
            Post Office, and other buildings, to come under review next week.


July 18, 1878
Fire. About 7 o’clock, pm, the alarm of fire soon collected a large number of person at the engine house, and the fire companies displayed the enthusiasm usual among firemen to fight the fire-fiend on appearance. It was shortly known that the fire was out on Dr. Tupper’s Farm, and the house was the residence of Hayden C. Guptill. The house was a large stone house, and now only the walls remain. It was with difficulty that the household goods were saved. Mr. Guptill’s wife was in town at the time the fire occurred.


Jan 22/1879
Kennedy’s burns. See photocopy.
One of those unwelcome occurrences from which St. Andrews has been happily exempt, took place on Wednesday afternoon, 15th inst., after the Standard was issued. The weather was intensely cold, and the ringing of the fire bell caused a thrill of terror, as its tones were distinctly heard at half past four o’clock in the afternoon. The engines were quickly brought to the fire, which was discovered in the attic of Kennedy’s Hotel, near the Railway depot, lower end of Water Street. The engines were early at work and the populace were busily engaged removing the furniture and supplies, but the flames had made such headway that it was plain the fine building and large L would be burnt to the ground as there was a strong wind blowing from the north-west. The firemen, noble fellows that they are, labored with a will, and displayed great endurance, for the water froze on them while working at the fire, notwithstanding the intense heat from the burning building. The old Watson house, within a few feet of the hotel, was with difficulty saved, its being so near the burning building made it difficult for the firemen to get at the side and rear. Mr. Donahue’s house in rear of the hotel was also in danger, and narrowly escaped; had the Watson House caught the Foundry adjoining and other buildings would have been destroyed; indeed there is no telling to what extent the fire would have spread, had it not been for the excellent management and labours of the firemen.
            During the fire, several had their hands and feet frost bitten, and two persons Joseph Shaw who fell from a ladder, and James Henan, were slightly injured by the bricks from a falling chimney. Mr. Kennedy must have suffered a great loss, as but a short time since he made an addition to the hotel by the erection of a well finished L, and put in new furniture, and made other improvements, all of which cost him a large sum of money; he also had a valuable stock of liquors. The house was largely patronized and well kept, as has been admitted by the travelling public. Mr. Kennedy and his family have the sympathy of the people in their great loss. We are informed that the establishment and furniture was insured for $6,500, which will not cover the loss, as much of the furniture was damaged, and the business temporarily destroyed. We learn that Mr. Kennedy has been looking up a new site, with the intention of erecting a large hotel. The building was burning for upwards of four hours. (The old Watson house may have been on the site of the Kent home. Like Ladd’s house was the Donahue house.)


Jan 23/1879
Kennedy’s Hotel burns to the ground.
On Wednesday afternoon, 15th inst. the Town Bell rang out the exciting peal of Fire! It was only the work of a few minutes before the Fire Companies, Nos. 1 and 2, were at the Engine House, and away on the run down along Water Street toward Kennedy’s Hotel. Capt. McKinney of No. 1 and Capt. Magee of No. 2, with their men, were now on the scene of action. Kennedy’s Hotel was on fire! That was enough. Officers and men of both companies worked as firemen do. The firemen of St. Andrews are determined, zealous, and full of pluck—that is the record. As evening closed around them the intense cold of the day increased in intensity; and notwithstanding all was done that human effort could do under the circumstances—the Hotel succumbed to the fiery conqueror; and heaps of ashes and smoking debris were all that remained to tell the story of the conflagration. Capt. Magee with a few others remained with his engine, until the Morning Star shone out like a bright diamond among its firmamental sisters—when weary and cold, the gallant fellows retired to their homes. In connection with the burning of the Hotel, the following accidents occurred. Joseph Shaw, fireman, No. 1 Company, fell from a ladder and was so seriously injured that he and to be taken home. James Heenan, Mariner, received so much injury from a falling chimney that he was taken to the Marine Hospital, and Capt. John S. Magee had both feet so badly frozen that Dr. Gove had to be sent for the render medical aid. The Hotel was insured for $5,000 and the furniture for $1500—but no money consideration can compensate for all the inconvenience, expense, trouble and distress consequent of being burned out of house and home in mid-winter, especially with a large family. It is expected that Mr. Kennedy will be encourage to re-build a new and bigger hotel on the Clark lot opposite the Market Square, as such an establishment would prove an acquisition to the town and profitable to the proprietor.


June 3/1880
Fire at railway yard. Two Indians, John Nicholas and Newell Soctoma, especially helpful in combating the blaze.


Dec 2, 1880
An outrageous act, and one that must meet with the unqualified reprobation of every right thinking individual in this town, was recently perpetrated by some villain, who is atrocious enough to commit any vile act, provided he could only escape detection. We refer to the tampering with No. 2 Fire engine, by stuffing canvas into the suction pipe, which in case a fire had taken place before its discovery, might have led to the most disastrous results, perhaps even the destruction of the greater portion of the town. The effect of this dastardly act, would have been the prevention of the engine working had necessity required it. The discovery was made by one of the members of No. 2 company, who casually dropped into the engine house, and as his custom on such occasions, critically examined the engine, to see if in working order. The ire wards if not wholly recreant to their duty, should institute a searching investigation, and if necessary offer a liberal reward for the discovery of the perpetrator of the foul act.
            The town of St. Andrews has got two fire companies who would be a credit to any town, the men as a rule turn out promptly to the call of duty, and work willingly to subdue any fire that unfortunately occurs, and this without fee or reward, other than remission of road tax that does not average a dollar per man per year. It is not therefore unreasonable to ask that through no cheese-paring economy, hey be left without the means to work when required to do so, through the act of some scoundrel as in the case in point. That such false economy is being practised cannot be denied in the face of the fact that to save the expense of proper locks to replace those broken on the engine house doors some months since, the doors were left open, so that evil designing persons can have access to their engines and apparatus at pleasure. The locks originally on the doors were totally unsuited for the purpose, not being strong enough, but because these locks were broken no reason exists why new and efficient locks should not be procured. For the protection of such valuable property as are our fire engines. There is no necessity at any time for any individual to force the engine house doors open, as keys could be left at half a dozen of houses within a stones throw of the engine house, where they could be got by night or day., with keys thus left, and others in the hands of the officers of the respective companies, no delay in getting access to the fire apparatus need ever occur, such arrangements being made any person found forcing the doors should be severally punished. In order that all persons may be fully warned, a notice board should be securely placed between he engine house doors, on which should be painted a standing offer of a reward for such information as would lead to the conviction of any person maliciously forcing open the doors, or tampering with the locks, or in any way injuring the property of the fire dept. also stating where keys of the engine houses may be found.


St. Croix Courier
Dec 15/1881
Details of fire at NB and C shops in St. Andrews.


Dec 15/1881
Disastrous Fire
Destruction of the Railway Machine Shop with its Contents
Monday evening about a quarter past eight o’clock the cry of fire resounded through our streets, almost simultaneously with the cry the heavens were lit up with the lurid glare, clearly indicating where the greedy flames were working havoc and ruin. The railway machine shop is in flames resounded from a hundred throats, a grand rush was made for the fire engine station and in less time than it takes us to write the statement the fire apparatus were being hauled down the street at a lively pace in the direction of the point of danger. On arrival at the scene of the conflagration the building was found enveloped in flames, so complete a grip had they that it was useless to attempt to check their progress, men were forced to stand helplessly by and witness the destruction of this valuable property. It was a grand but awful sight, the tongues of flame shot from beam to rafter, and in their hellish glee soon reduced the building to a heap of smouldering ruins amid which, with the flames wrapped round them like a golden winding sheet, stood four locomotives and tenders, one of them with steam escaping; only requiring the hand of the driver upon the throttle and lever to enable her to escape, but the hand of man could not reach her through the overwhelming flames. The air was filled with sparks and flying embers that presented the appearance of a golden shower, many of them were carried in the direction of the Manager’s residence which stands about four hundred feet east of the machine shop, they lit in and set fire to trees, the grass in the fields adjoining took fire and burnt as briskly as though it were a dry summer night. Number One fire engine was stationed alongside Manager Osburn’s house and from it a stream was occasionally played, which extinguished the threatening sparks that poured in a continuous shower upon the roof. Fortunately, for the safety of that own the wind was blowing west south west, and the only building endangered, was the residence of the Manager. The Argyll Hotel loomed up grandly, the windows presenting the appearance of sheets of burnished gold. About ten o’clock a drenching rain storm set in, which removed any cause for alarm of the fire spreading in any direction. It is supposed the fire caught in or about the stationary engine room which was situated on the west side of the building, but how, is now and must ever remain an unsolved problem. The engine cleaner, Mr. Thomas Richardson, was all through the works about half an hour before the fire was discovered. When the first discoverers of the fire reached the building, it seemed to be all ablaze inside. The only thing saved was the tool chest of Mr. Wm. McLeod, carpenter, which a couple of lads succeeded in dragging out.
            In addition to the buildings which covered about three quarters of an acres of ground, There was destroyed all the valuable machinery in it, consisting of 5 lathes, 2 planers, 2 drilling machines, 2 bold lathes, 1 hydraulic press, 1 stationary engine, 1 new punch and shears, 1 wood planer and circular saw, in addition to which the tools belonging to the men, amounting in value to about 300. the Machinery was all first-class of its kind.
            Also, five locomotives, the “Earl Fitzwilliam,” “Shamrock,” “Houlton” and St. Stephen,” all standing in the shop and the “Rose,” which was dismantled, preparatory to rebuilding a new boiler for her was amongst the articles destroyed by the fire. In addition to the above was the old hand fire engine Faugh-a-gallagh, which many of the men of the present day, when they were boys, manned and worked at fires. Some years ago the Firewards gave her to the Railway Company with the understanding that she should be kept in working order, and manned by a company of railroad employees for the protection of the railway buildings; and for use in the town should her services be required, but owing to the press of work at the machine shop, the needed repairs were not completed, and the poor old engine, relic of a by gone day and fashion of engines, perished by the element she had in many a hard fought fight helped to subdue.
            So rapid was the progress of the flames that Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Mechanical foreman, although on the ground almost at the first was unable to get into his office, situated in a wing attached to the eastern side of the workshop, which with all the books, paper and other property therein was destroyed.
            The property destroyed is roughly estimated at $75,000, which was only covered by insurance to the extent of eleven thousand six hundred dollars, so that the Railway Company are heavy losers.
            An erection of a temporary character will be put up immediately as a shelter for locomotives. Arrangements have been made with Mr. Andrew Lamb for the use of the blacksmith shop at the foundry, together with the stationary engine and the wareroom, adjoining which will be fitted up as a repair shop. Two of the damaged locomotives will be sent to e Portland Locomotive Works to be refitted and repaired. The destruction of the N. B. and Canada Railway Co.’s machine shop, is the greatest calamity that has occurred in St. Andrews in recent times.


June 1, 1883
Destruction by fire of the American House. Hugh Waddell arrested on a charge of having fired the building.


Aug 2, 1883
Escape from the County Jail of Waddell, the American House incendiary and Three Others.
A great general jail delivery, without the interposition of Court or Jury, took place here on Saturday evening under the following circumstances. It will be remembered that Hugh Waddell, bar keeper of the late American House, in this town was arrested here on the morning of Saturday the 16th of June, charged on the information of William H. Whitlock, livery stable keeper of the SS, with having set fire to the American House, which with its contents was burned down on the morning of Friday 1the 15th of June, and that Waddell, on the 18th of June, after an investigation held before Justice C. E. O. Hatheway, was committed to take his trial at the County Court to be holden here in October next. Besides Waddell, there were four other persons confined in the jai;: Charles McCarty, James Stevens and Gilbert Lauchlan, hailing here from Saint John , NB, who were committed on the 10th inst.. from St. Stephen on a charge of drunkenness and vagrancy, the two former for sixty days and Lauchlan for thirty days, and James McCardy of SA, committed for safe keeping.
            Mrs. Murchie, Proprietress of the American House, has at intervals, since Waddell’s commitment, visited him at the jail. On Saturday evening hast about a quarter past eight o’clock, she applied at the jail for admission to see Waddell, saying she had heard he was sick. Mrs. Paul, daughter of Mr. Mark Hall, the jailor, who had gone down street on business, answered the call, and admitted her. While Mrs. Murchie was standing talking to Waddell, through the grating, Mrs. Paul ran upstairs to see why her child was crying. She almost immediately came down again, and while coming down the stairs, heard a noise, like what would be made by tapping the stick of an umbrella or cane on the flags. She quickened her pace, and just as she turned the foot of the stairs, into the hall, she met Mrs. Murchie going in the direction of the outer door. She was looking very pale, and said as she passed: They have opened the door, or the door is open. Mrs. Paul ran and laid hold of the solid iron door, which is used to cover the grated door, and is hung outside of it, and tried to close it and nearly succeeded in doing so but the prisoners inside pushed against it; forced it open again, stepped out into the hall, and passed through the outer door to liberty. They ran into the street and round the corner of the Court house. Mrs. Paul immediately went down town, and meeting Mr. Charles O’Neil, told him what had occurred, and requested him to find Mr. Hall.
            Upon examination it was discovered that by some means, probably the lever in the hand of Mrs. Murchie, the large padlock attached to the grated door had been wrench off, the link of the lock was broken, the hinge pin was forced out and the keeper end of the link broken off. The dropping of the lock on the floor was doubtless the noise heard by Mrs. Paul. If Mrs. Murchie was not a party to the escape, it seems a strange coincidence that she should be on hand at the moment that it took place, and why she should display so much sympathy for Waddell, who beyond the shadow of a doubt, set fire to her house, requires explanation. The plan of escape was well matured and effectively carried out, both as regard the method and time. The night was dark, the Telegraph office was closed, and no doubt Mr. Hall’s movements were carefully watched, and his temporary absence taken advantage of to carry out the scheme.
            On being informed of the escape Sheriff Stuart immediately placed officers in motion, and had a watch kept during the night, and at daybreak on Sunday morning started in pursuit of the fugitives. Their footprints were discovered in the mud on the road leading from Edward’s corner on the St. John road across to the above road, and up to Johnson’s cove about three and a half miles from town. Enquiry at Mr. Thomas Johnson’s elicited the fact, that his boat, when was at anchor in the cove Saturday evening had disappeared during the night. The boat has since been found at Red Beach, on the United States side of the river, and it has been ascertained that Waddell and his comrades landed from her, having paddled the boat over with a pair of paddles, which they found in a punt which laid near the boat in the cove.
            The escape of Waddell created a sensation in town; on Monday it was the general topic of conversation on the street. Public opinion demands that a strict investigation into the circumstances connected with the escape be made.


Sept 13, 1883
More Water Tanks Required
It must be admitted that the supply of water tanks for fire purposes in this town is totally inadequate, and that the sooner steps are taken to add to the number already existing, the better for the interest of all. What is the use of keeping up fire engines for the extinguishing of fire unless water is available. This was forcibly impressed on our mind, at the fire in the O’Neill barn last Saturday night. Had that fire spread to Water Street, where was water to be found with which to protect the buildings on that street, in the block between Swift’s and Mallory’s corner on the one side, or Swifts’ and Wren’s corner on the other. Then it must be remembered, that while it is practicable to force water through long lengths of hose, in mild or warm weather, it is not so when the thermometer registers below zero. No whining cries of economy, should prevent the immediate inauguration of the policy of sinking tanks at points where most required. We look to W.D. Forster; and other live members of the Board of Fire Wards to move in this matter, and promptly to.


It was discovered Monday last that the large salt water tank on the Market square, had sprang a leak, and most of the water had ran off. Material was at once ordered for its repair. It might be worth while for the fire Wards to consider whether or not it would be in the interest of the town to abandon this tank, which is held under lease from the Madras Board, and build a new one on the town property. It is only a few years since a large sum was expended on repairs to this tank, and the probabilities are, that the repairs on the recent occasion, if put on, will cost equally as large, if not a larger amount. Now if the lease from the Madras Board were surrendered the saving of rent for five years, together with the amount that will now be required to repair the tank, would enable the Fire Wards to build anew and better tank.


May 14/1885
No. 2 Fire Engine Company is called “Faugh-a-ballagh.”


July 22/1886
List of public water tanks located throughout town for fire extinguishing--22 of them!


March 1/1888
Fire at Slabtown
The house on the Commons occupied by Moses Stewart, Mrs. Brixon and C. H. Norris (colored) was with its contents destroyed by fire last Tuesday evening. The fire probably originated in a defective flue. No insurance.


March 22/1888
“A public meeting of the ratepayers of the town and parish of St. Andrews having been called for the purpose of considering and discussing the terms and provisions of certain bills now before the Legislature of this province, for Acts to incorporate “The Saint Andrews Land Company” and “The Chamcook Water Company.” About forty of the resident ratepayers of said town and parish met at the office of M. N. Cockburn on the afternoon of Tuesday the 20th inst.
Geo. F. Stickney, Esq., being called to the chair announced the object for which the meeting was called and requested a full and careful examination and discussion of the Bills. F. H. Grimmer, Esq., was requested to act as secretary.
            The Land Company Bill was read and criticized by Henry Osburn, Esq., and was further criticized by Messrs. R. Glenn and M. N. Cockburn.
            Moved by M. N. Cockburn sec’d by r. Glenn, and unanimously resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting the clause of the first section on Land Co.’s Incorporation Bill, exempting their lands from taxation is decidedly objectionable and unfair to the ratepayer of this parish and ought in fairness to be struck out. Section two and three were approved of.
            It was moved by J. S. Magee sec’d by D. F. Campbell, and carried by a unanimous vote, That this meeting recommends as an addition to section 4 of the Bill the following: Provided that this section shall not be construed or interpreted as in any way conferring an exclusive right upon said company.
            The Chamcook Water Company Bill was read in part by Mr. Osburn and in part by Mr. F. H. Grimmer. Section 1st was agreed to as it stood.
Moved by M. N. Cockburn sec’d by G. Durell Grimmer and carried unanimously, That section two of the Bill should be amended also as to provide that the company shall for the purpose of obtaining water supply, have the right to select on either side of the front of the first Chamcook lake only, a parcel of land one quarter of a mile in extent, which they may purchase, acquire and hold, for the purposes mentioned in the Bill, and extending into the lake not more than one quarter of a mile, but not to interfere with the use of the lake for a winter road, nor with the natural out of said lake.
Sections 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were approved.
            It was moved by G. H. Grimmer sec’d by R. Glenn, That in view of the fact that an exclusive right is to be conferred on the company by the Act, of supplying water under the terms thereof, the fees or charges to be paid for public water supply for fire and other purposes, should at all times be liable to be fixed and determined by the fire wards and the company, and in case of disagreement the same should be settled and adjusting claims for water or lands to be taken by the company. An amendment as follows was moved by Mr. J. H. Hanson, That the price charged the private consumers of water should also be regulated in arbitration. The amendment was negatived and the original motion carried.
            Moved by R. Glenn sec’d by . . . and unanimously carried, that the company should be by the Act required to commence operations inside two years from incorporation and should have pipes laid and water thereby brought to the Town of St. Andrews within four years from incorporation, otherwise said company to forfeit their charter.
            Moved by M. N. Cockburn sec’d by R. Glenn, and carried unanimously, that Henry Osburn, Esq., be authorized to represent this meeting before the Legislature, and that the minutes of this meeting be transcribed by the Secretary and placed in his hands.”


Sept 6/1888
Gardiner and Cram catch 48 specked trout at Horse lake
            No action from Chamcook Water Co. Contract published to provoke discussion. See photocopy and below.


“We publish in this issue a copy of the pamphlet submitted to the Fire wards of this town for the consideration by the Chamcook Water Co. What action, or if any, has been taken by that body in respect thereto, up to the present time of writing, has not transpired. Considerable talk has been made regarding the action of the Co. in not commencing the work as was intimated would be done the present summer. We feel that by publishing the foregoing it will give the public some tangible ground for discussion, and perhaps in some way lead to a solution. The Co. are, in a spirit of fair play, entitled to some answer for or against the plan. We do not propose at the present time to make any reference as to the merits of the case but would be pleased to throw open our columns for a public discussion of the matter.”


A Copy of the Contract the Chamcook Water Company proposes to make with the fire wardens of SA, NB.
See photocopy—basically 30 hydrants at 70 dollars per year, 50 dollars per additional hydrant.
            This indenture . . . between the Chamcook Water Company, a corporation duly and legally organized under the laws of NB, party of the first part, and the Fire Wardens of Sa, in the Province of NB, party of the second part,
            Witnesseth, That whereas the said party of the first part proposes to build, maintain and operate a system of Water Works in the parish of Sa, for the purpose of supplying he inhabitants with an adequate supply of pure water, for domestic, manufacturing, and other purposes, including the extinguishment of fires.
            Now therefore, by and in consideration of the premises, covenants, and agreements hereunto written, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the said patties shall enter into and be bound, each with the other, by the following agreement, for a period of ten years, from and after the date of eh completion of said Water Works by said party of the fist part.
            First, The said party of the first part agrees to furnish an ample supply of pure water for all purposes hereafter specified.
            Second, The said party of the first part agrees to furnish, lay, set, and maintain a thorough and complete system of cast iron street-main and distribution pipes, including necessary valves, gates, and other appurtenances of every kind necessary for the proper working of the system, to be laid in and through the streets and highways of the said town, in order to obtain in the best possible distribution of water for protection against fire, manufacturing purposes, domestic services, and all other purposes required within the said town. the said pipes, ranging from eight inches in diameter t four inches in diameter, all properly coated and thoroughly tested before leaving the foundry to a hydraulic test pressure of three hundred pounds to the square inch of inside surface, and to be properly laid to a depth of not less than five feet below the surface of the streets in which they are intended to be laid.
            Third, The Said party of the first part agrees to furnish, set and maintain thirty improved fire hydrants at points to be designated by the said party of the second part on the said lien of pipes before laying the same, and the said party of the first part shall agree to keep and maintain said fire hydrants in good repair and ready for active service at all times during the period of ten year, and for such further time as the same may be rented by the said party of the second part. during such period the said party of the first part agrees to furnish through each of said hydrants an efficient supply of water, for fire protection, under a pressure sufficient to throw at least two steams, through not less than two hundred and fifty feet of hose, over the highest building within the piles district, or that may hereafter be piped under the terms of this contract, and the party of the second part hereby agrees to pay the said party of the first part, during the said term of ten years, the sum of seventy dollars per annum for each of said thirty hydrants, payment for same to be made semi-annually, on the first days of January and July of each and every year during the said term of ten year, the amount due on the first payment to be estimated pro rata from the time the water is turned on for effective service and thereafter as above
            Fourth, The said party of the first part agrees to furnish , set, maintain, and keep in repair under the same regulations as agreed relative to said thirty hydrants, all additional hydrants required during the said period of ten year. the annual rental of each of said additional hydrants to be sixty-five dollars a year, for the remainder of the period of ten years, provided same are located on the line of pipes already laid.
            Should, however, the whole number of hydrants located and used by said party of the second part reach the number of fifty hydrants, then the price of reach of said hydrants to be paid by the party of the second part shall be sixty dollars per annum. In like manner, should the number reach 75 hydrants, the payment shall be fifty dollars per annum, and for 100 hydrants, forty-five dollars per annum. In either case for he unexpired portion of said to year’ term.
            Fifth, The said party of the second part shall, on all necessary occasions, have the right to use said hydrants for the purpose of testing the same, or the fire apparatus, without extra charge therefore, and the said party of the second part shall have the right to have the location of any hydrants changed upon the line of the pipe agreed upon, by paying the actual expense of the same.
            Sixth, The said party of the first part agrees to furnish water at its street mains free (in lieu of any taxation which may be levied upon any of the said Water Works property), for the following purposes, Viz: for display fountain, in “Indian Point Park,” for one public school house along eh line of pipe, for all churches situated along the line of pipe, for one improved watering trough or drinking fountain, for man and best. the said water company guarantees that such supply shall be full and adequate at all times.
            Seventh, It is mutually agreed that no charge for said hydrant rental hereinbefore referred to shall begin until the water is turned on for effective fire service, and thereafter as above. Evidence of such completion, so far as applies to this contract, shall be an effective flow of water from any and all of said thirty fire hydrants.


Schedule of Rates for Water Company
See photocopy
Dwelling Houses:


private dwelling house occupied by one family for one faucet, $8 dollars. for each additional faucet, to be used by same family, four dollars.
For first water closet, six dollars.
For each additional water closet, three dollars.
for each hopper water closet, without self-regulating faucet, twenty-five dollars.
When a house is occupied by four or more families, and but one faucet is used for all, for each family, six dollars.
When a house is occupied by more than one family, each family having water carried into their part, the following rates shall be charged:
for one faucet, eight dollars
for each additional faucet, not heretofore specially rated, four dollars,
For first bath tub, six dollars,
for each additional bath tub, four dollars,
for first water closet, six dollars,
For each additional water closet, four dollars,
When bath tubs and water closet are used by more than one family, for each bath tub and each water closet, each family, five dollars
For first self-closing urinal, four dollars
for each additional self closing urinal, two dollars
When two faucets are used, one for hot, and one for cold water, both emptying into one bowl or sink, but one charge will be made for both.
Whenever the rate for a dwelling house and stale shall exceed $40 per annum, a special rate will be made by the company.


Boarding Houses.
When the average number of boarders in each family exceeds four, it shall be rated as a boarding house.
For first faucet, twelve dollars,
For each additional faucet, five dollars,
for first water closet, ten dollars,
for each additional water closet, six dollars,
For first bath tub, ten dollars,
for each additional bath tub, five dollars


For each bed for boarders and lodgers, (not including water for bath tubs, water closet or urinal) four dollars
For each bath tub, twelve dollars,
for each water closet, twelve dollar
for each self-closing urinal six dollars


Stores, Warehouses, and Offices, not including manufactories and workshops
for first faucet, eight dollars,
for each additional faucet, five dollars
When two or more tenants are supplied from same faucet, each tenant, six dollars,
For water closet when used by more than one tenant, each tenant, five dollars,
for each additional faucet or water closet, half the above rates additional will be charged.
For each self-closing urinal six dollars


For first faucet, fourteen dollars
For each additional faucet, eight dollars


Bakeries will be charged according to the aver age daily use of flour, viz:
for each barrel of flour, per day, the sum per annum, five dollars
Provided in no case shall a bakery be charge less than ten dollars


Saloons and Restaurants
for first faucet, eight dollars,
for each additional faucet, five dollars
for first water closet, eight dollars,
For each additional water closet, five dollars,
for each self-closing urinal, five dollars


for first faucet, ten dollars
For each additional faucet, five dollars
for first water closet, eight dollars
for each additional water closet, five dollars
for each self-closing urinal, five dollars


For private stables, including water for washing carriages, ten dollars,
for each additional horse over two, three dollars,
for first cow, four dollars,
for each additional cow, two dollars


Livery, Club and Boarding Stables
Livery stables, for each horse or other animal, including water for washing carriages per day, two cents


Truckmen’s Stables
For first horse, five dollars
for each additional horse, three dollars,
for hose, first horse, ten dollars,
For hose for each additional horse, five dollars
full rates will be charge for water closet run by waste water form sinks


For hose, not over three-eighths inch orifice, for sprinkling streets, washing windows, and similar uses, to be used on premises and street opposite one hour each day, five dollars
For one sixteenth inch jet or less, ten dollars
for one-eighth inch yet, twenty dollars,
for three-sixteenth inch jet, thirty dollars,
large fountain sill be charged special rates.


Steam Engines
for each stationary engine working not more than ten hours per day, for each horse-power, ten dollars,
For manufacturing purposes, with daily use of over 10,000 gallons per day, per 10,000 gallons, twenty five cents,
Very large amounts subject to special contract.


Aug. 29/1889
Water system needed. See photocopy and below.
"The most pressing need that St. Andrews has at the present moment is an improved water system. The time has arrived we think when such should be provided, no matter what it costs. The present old-fashioned system of obtaining the supply from wells is dangerous to health, and offers but a very limited protection in the case of fire. Besides, it seriously retards the progress of the place. We may boast of the healthfulness of our town, but while its inhabitants are compelled to obtain their water for domestic purposes from wells that have been in use for one hundred years almost, the boat appears an empty one. The adoption of a system of water works would remove, to a very material extent, danger form fire and danger from epidemics. It would tend to the development of the place, by encouraging outsiders to come in and build; it would enhance the value of property and reduce insurance premiums, without adding much to our present taxes. The fire wardens, on whose shoulders, we believe, rests the responsibility, should proceed in this matter at once. The coming winter will probably be a quiet one, so that if the work was entered upon now, it would furnish remunerative employment to many men who would otherwise be idle."


Sept 19/1889
The water problem is no nearer a solution this week than it was last. The fire Wardens do not appear to have taken any action on the Chamcook Company’s latest offer, and no advance has been made by their own committee in the direction of water. They have corresponded with several artesian well operators, but their figures are away beyond what the committee had anticipated. It looks now as if the experiment of boring will be done by hand. Whatever is to be done should be done quickly


An Improved Water System
The discussion of this important topic in the Beacon, leads me to offer a few remarks upon the subject. While publishing the Standard for nearly half a century, and since my retirement from that office, I have endeavoured to promote the welfare and prosperity of St. Andrews to the best of my ability, and believe, that in some measure, those efforts were productive of benefit; I still feel anxious to do all in my humble way to forward its interests. I thoroughly agree with the Beacon in its advocacy for having a pure and abundant supply of water; and read with attention the clear, concise and to my view reasonable proposition of Mr. R. S. Gardiner, V. P. of the Chamcook Water Co. on the matter.
            It has been admitted that a purer or better spring of water is not within the limits of the town than on my own premises; but I am not so selfish as not to be willing to be taxed for abundant supply of that element for my fellow townsmen, and believe that a majority of its inhabitants will cheerfully submit to a moderate increase of taxation for that purpose. There is not a community in the province with so moderate a rate of tax as SA, and it behoves its property holders to foster any movement on the part of the Land Co. or others to improve the town. The large expenditure of capital by the Land Company, and the success which has crowned their efforts, are a guarantee of their desire to make this vicinity widely known and appreciated. That there are some impure wells in their own, located in low ground and not over tidy back yards, will not be denied, which in some cases have been productive of fatal consequences, and which should be filled dup.
            It matters not who furnished a supply of water for house ore or fire purposes, whether the townspeople or the Chamcook Water Co. An ample supply can be had within the town plot from the ridge commonly known as the Barrack hill, by boring through the rock, in other words artesian wells not much over one hundred feet in depth, and at a moderate coast, as the piping for conveyance to all parts of the town would be on an inclined plant, steep enough not be require pumping apparatus. The wells on the hillside are seldom ten feet in depth, and furnish a supply of water even in the driest months; this I know from actual experience of forty years.
            Like other communities, it has men of brains, enterprise and pluck but unfortunately do not possess the necessary funds to carry out the good work whole those who have means, lack public spirit and will not invest. The fact is as I recently expressed it, we require an infusion of new blood and capital; a quantum of American push, speculative a progressive spirit, a whole souled interest in the town. The bugbear of taxation is worn out; every city and town in the Dominion tax themselves for improvements, and they must do so, or remain in the cold shades of neglect and decay, which its people I believe will not permit. I comply with your request, and have written over my own signature, as I am neither “ashamed or afraid to discuss the subject in public point.’—A. W. Smith


Oct 3/1889
Interest in a water system has flagged since the rainy season has filled up all the wells.
Algonquin bears now occupy a shed on the public wharf.


Nov 14/1889
The Water Question
Boston, Sept 16
W. D. Forster, Esq.
My dear Sir, Just before leaving SA, I promised to send you for your own information, figures and facts upon the cost, etc., of a water system. My time has so largely been occupied in my legitimate business, that until now I have had no opportunity of complying with that promise.
            Based upon the estimates of hydraulic engineers, the cost of construction of water works for SA—by a system of bored wells—would be $43,000.  This covers cost of boring four wells to an average depth of 120 feet. Stand pipe to contain 150,000 gallons, 30 fire hydrants, steam pump and fixtures, an 8 inch supply pipe on one of the streets running from NW to SE, six inch pipes on the other streets laterally, and four inch pipes upon certain of the streets transversely. Bonds issued to the amounts of the cost at 5 percent would amount to an annual expense of $2,150, to which add the annual cost of maintenance, such as superintendence, Engineer, labor, fuel, would be $2,500 more, making a total of annual expense $4650, which the tax-payers must pay. On the other hand the Chamcook Water Co. stands ready to put in the water system, upon the town through its Fire Wardens, making a contract with the Co. for 30 hydrants at a total annual cost of $1500.
            It may, in answer to this, be asserted that under a water system owned by the town, the cost of water to private users would be much less than under the Water Company ownership. Reference to “Whipples” Water Supply for 1888-9, which gives the figures for over 500 water systems in Canada and the United States, does not bear out such an assertion. Fredericton, NB, for instance: with a population of 7000, expended $109,000, has a bonded water debt of $100,000 at 5 percent interest, has 9 miles of piping (SA would have about 6 ½), ye the average charge to users for water is about the same as the Chamcook Water Co. proposes. New Glasgow, NS, 5000 population, with 8 ½ miles of piping, expended $65,000 and has a bonded debt of $68,000 at 4 ½ percent, and charges much above Chamcook Water Co. figures. Truro, NS, with 6 miles of pipe, has expended $43,000, has a bonded debt of like amount at 5 ½ percent, and charges private users a fraction less than Water Co. proposition. The same general condition prevails in nearly all small places where the municipality has put in the works; the exceptions being those towns so situated that the water supply is brought from lakes, ponds or streams, at an elevation above the town, rendering unnecessary the steam pump, stand pipe or reservoir; but as such a condition does not exist at SA, comparison with these exceptional cases is valueless.
            It may be said by those representing the town: “We don’t propose to put in the complete system; therefore the cost, bonded debt or interest, will not be as great as the figures above given.” Very well; the proposed contract of the Water Co. only compels the fire-board to immediately locate 12 hydrants at a cost of $50.00 each per annum, equal to $600.00, and in any event the rental of fire hydrants only commences when each hydrant is ready for service. Besides, the suggested answer is unfair to the taxpayers. A partial system may give Mr. Odell, Mr. Magee and yourself a water supply, while Mr. Lamb or Mr. Smith, by reason of living on the hill, will be without it. Yet all rive gentlemen would be taxed pro rata to provide a water system. If the own put sin the water, it will at the same time put a bonded debt upon the tax payers, that will be a lasting burden and unless the whole system at an approximate cost of $43,000 will be provided, the town’s needs will only be partially me for the time being and the further expenditure must come sooner or later, while it must not be forgotten that the principal amount which the bonds would represent finally becomes due, and must be paid. I understand that it has been suggested to bore several artesian wells, from which though people may carry their drinking water. Such an idea is merely throwing money away, because it does not in an effective way, meet the needs of the future which I believe St. Andrews has.
            Furthermore, I cannot see how St. Andrews can undertake the raising of money for the purpose, upon bonds, until incorporation of the town can be had, and it is not necessary for me to dwell upon that as an event of the near future. The whole situation summed up seems to me to be this: a corporation stands ready to put in the water system upon the basis of a contract with the town, whereby the maximum cost to the town when completed will be $1500 per year. Rather than accept this it is proposed by citizens, that the town shall bond itself for say $43,000, bind itself to pay annual interest upon that debt of say $2150, together with such further as long as may be a deficit between water sold and expenses of operation. If the gentlemen interested in the latter plan, proposed investing their own money as a business operation, that would be one thing, but to place upon the town a large interest bearing debt, when it is not necessary, should be opposed by very tax-payer, upon grounds of self-protection.
Yours truly,
Robert S. Gardiner.


April 24, 1890
Gone to Blazes
St. Andrews Sardine Factory Disappears in Smoke
A fire with a very mysterious origin
The St. Andrews sardine factory, which started last summer with fair prospects of success, disappeared about four o’clock on Monday morning in a huge pillar of fire. The factory was located in the shed on the steamboat wharf. This building was erected about ten years ago by Messr. Merrit and Sons, of Houlton, Maine, who used it for three or four years as a warehouse for the storage of potatoes. Their lease expired in a month or two, and the building would have then become the property of Mr. Robert Ross, upon whose land it stood. How did the fire originate? That is one of the things “no fellow can understand,” for there had been no fire in the building for several months. Landlord Herbert, of the Argyll hotel, says that he looked outside of the window of his house about three o’clock, and there as then no sign of fire. Brakeman Stinson, who lives about midway between the Argyll and the wharf, was aroused a few minutes after 3 o’clock by the shouting of Mr. Wm. Storr, who had turned out early to make some repairs on the NBR locomotive, and his attention was attracted by the fire, as he was about passing Mr. Stinson’s house. Looking out, Mr. Stinson saw columns of flame pouring out of he windows of the factory. He hurried out, and in company with Mr. M McMonagle, who had also been awakened by the noise, hastened to the engine room. Mr. Stinson rang the alarm, while Mr. McMonagle endeavoured to get into the room where the hand engines were. The firemen quickly responded to the summons, and reached the engine to the fire. No 1 engine, Capt. Wm. Burton, arrived first, No 2. Capt Wm Whitlock, reaching the fire shortly afterwards.
            Tide was pretty low, and the flames were rising in massive sheets from the burning structure, scattering clouds of sparks for many yards around. Seeing that there was no chance of saving he building or its contents, the firemen turned their attention to saving the wharf from destruction. In this they were successful, although the fabric was pretty badly scorched. Fire Wardens Burton and Stickney were on hand and directed the movements of the firemen.          
            In addition to the Sardine Company’s plant, they had a large quantity of manufactured sardines in cases, as well as a great many empty cases. Stetson, Cutler and Co, also had their ice tools stored in the building. Everything was burned up. The Sardine Company had $2500 insurance in the Western office, but they estimate that their loss will exceed this sum by several hundred dollars. There was no insurance on the ice tools. They were worth probably $120. It is not known whether the building was insured or not.
            The firemen left the scene of the fire about 8 o’clock, but were called out again at one o’clock, the wind having fanned some of the smouldering sparks into life, thus endangering the safety of the wharf.
            Mr. James L. Thompson, of the Frontier St. Stephen Company, came down from Calais on Tuesday to repair the damaged wharf. Schr. Lugano, which loaded ice alongside the building that was burned, only moved away on Sunday. She was riding anchor in the harbor when the building was . . .
Oct 30/1890
Water Works
The Water Company, in August 1889, made a proposition to the town on which to base the commencement of the work; which proposition, stated briefly, required a pledge from St. Andrews to pay $600 per year for ten years, for twelve fire hydrants on Water street, between the railway station and Harriet street, and the addition of $50 per year for each hydrant up to 18 additional, elsewhere than on Water Street, no charge against the town to begin until water for use is turned on to each hydrant. Not only has this proposition never been considered by the board of Fire Wardens, but it is stated that the official to whom it was delivered has never placed it before the board. We believe it to be the duty of the Fire Wardens to take this matter up, and it need, be, submit it to the vote of the rate-payers. . . . The fear of additional taxation seems to be the greatest obstacle in the way of water works, but it should be remembered that it will increase the amount of taxable property, and there light ten burden on the town.


Nov 13/1890
Fires Last Week
Two Mysterious Fires occur within a few hours of each other.
“It never rains but it pours” is an adage that has once again been verified. On Friday night about five o’clock, consternation was caused in town by the sudden appearance of flame in the outskirts. At first it was thought that it has the Alms House that had caught fire, but in a few minutes all doubts on this point were set at rest, as the fire was found to be in John Doherty’s barn on the Bar Road. The building contained about three tons of hay, a mowing machine and some other articles. Everything was burned. it is not known how the fire occurred. The barn and contents were insured in the Lancashire office for $400.
            Between 12 and 1 o’clock the next morning the townspeople were alarmed by the wild clanging of the fire bell. As no blaze could be seen many thought it was a false alarm, but as it continued to peal they turned out to find the firemen industriously at work trying to smother a fire in the one-storey wooden building on King St., owned by Capt. Green, and occupied by W. D. McKay as a photograph saloon. As the ire had made little headway, and was easily reached, it was soon subdued. Mr. McKay got out the most of his furniture and effects before they were destroyed. There was no insurance on the building. There is a belief that the fire was of an incendiary origin.


July 30/1891
An inmate of the Alms House, named McCann, let fall a spark from his pipe the other day and set fire to his bedclothes. The fire was noticed before it had done any serious damage. Steps have been taken by the Commissioners to prevent the recurrence of such an accident.


March 24/1892
The Lessons of the late Fire
In the present depressed state of business in St. Andrews [tourism not felt to have done a whole lot for business] the destruction of the Argyll hotel cannot be regarded by sensible people in any other light than as a serious loss to the town. Yet the people of the town have nobody to blame for the disaster but themselves. A little water, judiciously applied, cold easily have subdued the flames before they had obtained control of the building, but hat waster was not be had, and so the building was destroyed. Even had there been an abundance of water at hand, at is extremely doubtful if it could have been used to advantage by the antiquated fire extinguishing apparatus which the town possesses. The fault does not lie wit the firemen. They did all that was possible for men to do to get the heavy machines to the fire promptly., but the task was almost exhausting one, and they were not to blame if they had to stop for a minute or two for rest. The time that was thus consumed decided the fate of the building. The lessons to be taken from this fire are obvious, first, that ht own needs a better water service, secondly that it needs a better apparatus for the extinguishment of fire than it now possesses. We have pointed this out before, and the disaster of Sunday but emphasizes our former arguments. Of course, if the people of St. Andrews have made up their minds that they will let their own drift out of existence, then there is no necessity for such changes as we suggest, but if the have not lost faith completely, and are anxious that the place should grow and prosper, then the sooner they abandon their penny wise, pound foolish policy for a more progressive one the better.


Argyll Hotel Burned. St. Andrews Pioneer Summer Hotel Reduced to Ashes
A Defective Flue the Cause. Water Gives Out and the Crowd Watches the Building Burn. Most of Furniture Saved. Insurance. Brief History of the Argyll.
The Argyll Hotel—The Pioneer summer hotel of SA—was reduced from a stately structure to a pile of smouldering ashes, on Sunday evening last.
            After the closing of the hotel season, last year, Mrs. Herbert, widow of the former proprietor, went to the United States for the winter months, leaving the house in charge of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson. They were careful people, and everything went well about the house until Sunday last.
            About 1 o’clock on that day a fire was lighted in the gentlemen’s parlor, a large room on the ground floor to the right of the main entrance. The fire was kept alive in the fireplace all the afternoon, without anything occurring to arouse the suspicions of the inmates of the house. As Mrs. Williamson sat down to tea, in one of the rooms a short distance from where the fire was burning, she heard a noise as if two doors had slammed together. Going out to ascertain the cause she smelt a strong smell of smoke. There was a little smoke visible in the gentlemen’s parlor, but nothing of any consequence. Going upstairs to the second floor, she threw open the doors of the ladies parlor, (which was located just over the other parlor) and a thick cloud of smoke thrust itself in her face. Thoroughly alarmed,, she seized a dinner bell, and ran to the residence of MR. Thomas Armstrong, about 200 yards distant. As quickly as possible, a general alarm was given.
            After alarming the neighbors, Mrs. Williamson flew back to the hotel, and running upstairs again, groped her way through the blinding smoke in the ladies’ parlor to obtain possession of a box belonging to her which contained some valuable papers. She found the box, and when she was coming out of the room, the flames were making themselves manifest through the hall floor on the second flat.
            Although the firemen made a quick response to the alarm, it took them almost twenty minutes to drag the lumbering old machines honored by the name of fire engines, to the scene of the fire. When they got there, there was no water to be had nearer than in a well across the track, alongside the railway tank, and in another in the rear of the Company’s cottage. what seemed an hour was consumed in getting connections made. By this time, the fire,--which might have been stayed if water had been got on it in reasonable time,--was burning fiercely, alongside the chimney on the three floors, and the blinding smoke made it almost impossible for the men to live inside. They stayed and fought the flames for about half an hour, when the water gave out, and they were reluctantly compelled to give up the struggle.
            In the meantime, scores of willing hands in various parts of the house were engaged in removing the furniture. All the furniture on the lower floor was taken out. On the second floor, with the exception of two or three rooms, which were so full of smoke that nobody could stay in them a minute, nearly all the rooms were emptied of their contents. Some furniture was also taken out of the fourth floor, the men working in the rooms until the approaching fire compelled them to lower themselves to the ground by means of ropes. there were fourteen rooms in the second floor of the ell, over the dining hall and billiard room, and they were all divested of their contents before the flames took possession. The upper floor of the ell did not fare so well, very few things being rescued. An organ belonging to one of the last season’s guests, was taken out in a slightly damaged state, but the hotel piano was almost ruined before a rescue was effected.
            When the firemen deserted the building, the southern portion of it was a mass of fiercely burning flames. There was a strong north west wind blowing, which, while helping to feed the fire, also retarded its progress in the northern half of the building. But inch-by-inch, it increased its fiery grasp, until at eight o’clock the entire building was in a seething roaring flame. It was a magnificent sight, but the majority of the spectators were too full of regret at the destruction of the house to appreciate the grandeur of the scene before them. the front chimney, which had no doubt been the cause of the conflagration fell about 8:30 o’clock, the bricks being scattered far out amongst the crowed. No one was injured, though some people had very narrow escapes. All the other chimneys, with the exception of one leading from the dining room, fell as the woodwork was burned away from them. The latter maintained its erect attitude until the following morning, when it was thrown down to prevent its descending on the heads of those standing about.
            It was after midnight before the fire had exhausted itself. After that time all that was standing of the once handsome Argyle hotel were the chimney above mentioned, two or three other pieces of brick-work, and an outhouse, which had been attached to the main building by a covered passage-way, familiarly termed “the bridge of sighs.” This bridge was burned, but the small building was unscathed. The barn and its contents escaped.
            There was very little insurance on building or contents. The Western and British America had policies on the building for $6,000, which just covered outstanding mortgages. On the furniture, most of which was saved in a damaged state, there was an insurance of $1,000 in the North British and Mercantile office. The total lost is estimated at about $15,000.
            The furniture, which was removed from the hotel, was left out all night in the fields, a guard being placed over it by the insurance agents. The Land Company’s cottage in the Park was in imminent danger of destruction, but by careful watching its destruction was prevented. John Rooney had his head injured by a chair being thrown upon it from a third storey.
            History of the Argyll. It is over twenty years since the erection of the Argyll hotel was first mooted in St. Andrews. A bonus of $10,000 to assist in its erection was granted by the town, and only last year was the last assessment on that amount made. In March, 1872, the erection of the building was entered upon. When almost completed, work was suspended, and for several years nothing was done to it. Then it was put up at a Sheriff’s sale, and was bid in by the late Hon. B. R. Stevenson, the Late Hon. Robert Robinson and Harris Hatch, Esq. These gentlemen placed the building in condition for occupation, and a lease of it was taken by Capt. W. H. Herbert, who had been running the Grand Falls Hotel. On the 24th of May, 1881, the hotel was first thrown open of the public. Capt Herbert was lessee of the building up to within a few years ago, when he purchased the property. he ran the hotel up to the date of his death last year, (1891), and since then it has been in his wife’s name, she being assisted by Mr. Robert S. Gardiner, vice-president of the St. Andrews Land Company. The house was open all last season and would have been opened this season, had it not been destroyed.
            Of the 399 ratepayers on property and income, in the town of SA, who, on August the 10th, 1871, voted to assess the town for a bonus of $10,000 in aid of the St. Andrews hotel Co., 194 are dead, 81 have moved away, and 124 are still residents in the town. The vote was taken by Justice J. S. Magee and George F. Stickney.
            The illustration of the hotel, which is shown in this paper, is not a truthful one. this shows the hotel as it would have been if the original plans had been carried out, but they never were. The right wing, over which the American flag floats so gaily in the cut, was never built, though the wall was erected. The ell, which extended back from the central part of the house a distance of 150 feet or more, cannot, of course be seen in picture, though it was the most important part of the hotel. The building was substantially built, and was one of the largest summer hotels in the lower provinces.  It had a capacity for 150 guests. The dining hall was a magnificent room, and had no equal in New Brunswick. (this would include the Algonquin)


March 31/1892
The Argyll Fire
Mrs. Herbert, who came here last week to look after her interests in connection with the last fire, finished up her business and returned to Boston by Saturday’s train. She has no plans formed for the future. To the Beacon she stated that she would like to resume hotel keeping in Sa, but there was no building suited to her requirements. She has stored her furniture and effects that were saved from the fire, and will await the return of Mr. Robert S. Gardiner, from Japan, before deciding what future course to adopt. Hrs. Herbert has requested the Beacon to extend her hearty thanks to the people of St. Andrews for the exertions which they made to save her property during her absence. She feels under a deep debt of gratitude to them.


Aug 16/1894
Was it Incendiarism?
Mrs. Brixton, (is this a mis-spelling of Brickson, mother of Caddy Norris? in 1903 the CPR purchased the Brixton property to enlarge the golf course) the colored woman who resides on the outskirts of town, is without her barn. She also mourns its contents, consisting of about fourteen tons of hay, a calf, several geese and hens, a wagon belonging to a neighbor, Mr. Ray, a number of agricultural implements, two stoves, a trunk containing her winter clothing and a variety of other things that she could ill afford to lose. All these disappeared, when her barn disappeared in smoke on Thursday morning last.
            She stated to the Beacon that she believed the barn was set on fire, because she smelled paraffin very strong when the fire was burning. She said no fire was apparent when she first got up in the morning. About eight o’clock, she had occasion to going to the rear of the barn when she noticed several boards off and fire burning inside. She alarmed the lads around the house and then made an effort to save the contents of the building. The horse and cow had previously been let out. She threw open the barn door, and seized hold of Mr. Ray’s wagon to pull it out, but a great wave of fire swept over her, and the wheel catching on a projecting piece of woods, she was obliged to abandon it and flee for her life. Her hair was singed in the effort and her hands and shoulder also burned.
            Help came from a neighboring farm, but the barn could not be saved. The house caught fire, and one end of it was badly charred before the flames could be extinguished. Mrs. Brixon’s loss is a very heavy one. She did not have a cent of insurance. She say she has no reason to suspect any one.


March 26/1903
The question of town incorporation has been forcing itself to the front in St. Andrews for some time. The present system of municipal government by means of the county council meeting once in annual session is altogether too slow for a community that haw any pretensions. If we hope to make any progress as a community, or it we are at all eager to assist the CPR in its plans to advance the interest of the place, we must put ourselves in a position to do business and do it promptly. There may not at the present moment be any commercial movement in sight to justify the acceptance of incorporation, but it is not the part of business prudence to wait for such movement. They must be anticipated, so that when they do come people will be in a position to grapple with them intelligently and expeditiously.  The medieval system of government that has prevailed in St. Andrews since it was ca community must give place to something more modern, if we would be regarded as in the race of progress. We are fond of boasting of our town, but outside of what our forefathers and Nature have done for us, what have we to boast about? We are utter stranger to the ordinary comforts of modern existence. We have no lights, no water system, no police, our sewerage system, if it can be called a system, is very inadequate. So also is our fire system. Our forefathers bequeathed us a splendid street system. They likewise bequeathed us some excellent wharves. What have we done to improve the talent that have been left in tour care? The wharves that were left to us as a legacy have been allowed to fall into disrepair; some of them have disappeared altogether. Had it not been for governmental assistance from time to time there would not now be a public wharf at the port. Our streets are in a fair state of preservation, yet they are not what they should be. This is the condition that prevails. And surely it is a condition that w should seek by all legitimate means to get away from. Incorporation seems to furnish us with the only means by which we can improve our situation. It does not follow that incorporation will add to the expense of the own, though public improvements, if they are entered into, will cost money; incorporation will enable the people of the town to do their own business. If they see an opportunity for expansion they can take advantage of it. Composed as it would be of men interested in the welfare of the place, the town corporation could be trusted not to don anything hastily or rashly, or anything that would involve expenditure beyond that means of the town to pay. Their meetings would be open to the public, and hey would be in close ouch with public sentiment at all times. They could not move along an inch beyond what public sentiment would support them in; so that the body of increased taxation is one that need not be feared very much. Beside, sunder our present system there are financial leaks that might be stopped if we were incorporated.


Dec 31/1903
Santa Claus In Danger
Santa Claus had a hot time in the Baptist church on Saturday evening last. The children of the Sunday school, with their teachers and parents had gathered together for a little Christmas entertainment. A pleasing programme of song and recitations was carried out. Then Santa Claus (Mr. Theodore Holmes) with fur coat and trailing beard made his appearance, and proceeded to distribute gifts from a Christmas tree. He was assisted by some of the older children. Suddenly one of the candles on the Christmas tree brushed up against the tissue paper ornaments. At once there was a blaze. Santa Claus made a dash for the burning paper and his beard caught fire. Others rushed in and the burning ornaments were quickly pulled down. Little damage was done, but for a moment here was some excitement.


Feb 4/1904
Angus Kennedy Dead
Well-Known Hotel-Keeper Dies after a Few Days Illness
The death of Angus Kennedy, proprietor of Kennedy’s hotel, which occurred on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, after an illness of a few days, was a great shock to his family and fellow townsfolk. Though showing the weight of his years of late yet his general health was excellent up until about a week ago when he contracted a cold. Pneumonia was threatened but by securing prompt medical attention the attack was averted. He returned to his duties and on Saturday night last again took to his bed with what appeared to be an attack of indigestion. On Sunday, his heart became affected; on Monday morning syncope followed, which continued, with the exception of a brief interval, up to his death.
            Mr. Kennedy was born in Glengarry, Ontario, in 1832, his direct line of parentage coming from the colonists of the late Bishop McDonald, who was a cousin of his mother’s and who settled in that part some years previous. The late John Sanfield McDonald’s mother was a sister to deceased’s father and their nearly life in Canada was closely linked together. Mr. Kennedy came to the lower provinces in the capacity of a railroad contractor about 47 years ago. He took a sub-contract for the construction of a section of the NB and C Railway and it was then that he was first introduce to St. Andrews. Subsequently he engaged in the sleeper business out of this port. His first experience as an inn-keeper was in the location now occupied by Miss O’Neill’s millinery store. From there he removed to larger premises near the railway station. After several years occupancy of that site his hotel was destroyed by fire. He then removed up town to the American House, which stood on the vacant lot opposite the post office. While there he purchased the site upon which the present hotel stands and began the work of building. Before removing his family to the new premises he lived for a time in the brick dwelling now occupied by Registrar Hibbard. For over twenty years Kennedy’s Hotel has stood on its present site, the enterprising proprietor year by year enlarging and improving his building and hotel equipment until it is now one of the best appointed hotels in the lower provinces. He was never content to stand still. Forward was his motto as a hotel proprietor all through life. IN 1856 he married Miss Margaret MacDougall, of Glengarry County. Their wedded life was a happy one. Eleven children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. Six daughter and three sons are still living. His eldest daughter, Catherine, is wife of Mr. James Dalton, of the journal staff of the House of Commons, Ottawa; Annie is the wife of Mr. J. E. Cunningham, of Boston; Amelia is a professional nurse in Philadelphia; Jennie as at home; Mamie is the wife of Mr. John Twohey, of Pearcefield, New York,, and the youngest, Julia, has entered upon the life of a religious in Montreal. His sons are Dr. Charles E. Kennedy, of the dental firm of Maloney and Kennedy; Archie of Medford, Mass., and frank who was partner with his father in the hotel business. He is also survived by hone brother, Daniel Kennedy, and one sister, Mrs. Buchan, of Owen Sound, Ontario. Physically Mr. Kennedy was a man of powerful build and in his younger days won renown in feats of strength. He was person ally very popular as a hotel man. Kind of heart, genial of manner, and particularly fond of a joke, he had many warm friends. He had a great fund of anecdote at his disposal, chiefly relating to humorous incidents that occurred during his life in St. Andrews. He was delightful story-teller and while his stories were seasoned with pungent twit and biting sarcasm at times, they were never unclean. He had no sympathy with those who used unclean language or who failed in their respect to womankind. He was a devout Catholic and was always attentive to his religious duties. He was one of the most progressive businessmen of the place and his death will create a void in the business life of the town that it will be hard to fill.


Nov 26, 1908
Town Home In Danger
Saved From Burning by Aged Inmate
But for the prompt action of Siah Craig, an aged inmate of the Town Home, Saint Andrews might have been deprived of this very valuable institution on Friday morning last. About 8 o’clock, when Mrs. McCullough, wife of the care-taker, was in the barn feeding her poultry, she was surprised to hear lusty cries of “fire” proceeding from the dwelling. She hastened inside and found the mess-room filled with smoke and flames. Several articles of clothing belonging to Angelo, one of the inmates, were burning fiercely and a new quilt which Mrs. McCullough had about finished for the Home, was also burning briskly. She seized the burning clothing and thrust it into the stove before it had a chance to set fire to the wood-work. The fire sis supposed to have originated from a pipe that the aged Angelo had been smoking. He was unable to give a connected account of the affair himself. Mr. Craig discovered the faire and lost no time in making an outcry.
[looks like the Poor House has had a name change]


May 19/1910
Water System
In the boring of the test well at Hume’s Hill the people of St. Andrews have made the beginning of a water system for the town. The flow secured, it is true, is scarcely sufficient for town purposes, but there can be little doubt that an ample supply can be obtained by drilling a little deeper. This will be a subject for the new council to take up.
            The town needs a water system, as does every town with any pretensions toward progress. There are but two sources of supply available to us. One is at Chamcook Lake, the other is from an artesian well. The C. P. R. having abandoned consideration of Chamcook connection, because of an ample supply of artesian water for their hotel and cottages, the town is likewise compelled to drop the consideration of a supply from this quarter. Of itself the Town cannot afford to bring water from Chamcook and it is even doubtful whether it could afford to pay the two-thirds cost of construction which the C. P. R. people thought was a fair proportion for them to pay. But at all events, the Chamcook connection is out of the question. The only other alternative is a supply from an artesian source. This is the reason why a majority of the people of the town and of the town council voted in favor of having an experimental test well. One great advantage of the well at Hume’s Hill is that the water can be brought in by gravitation to any part of the town.
            Now that a beginning has been made, the matter will have to be pushed through to a determination of one kind or another. We believe that the Council would be justified in appropriating a sufficient sum to sink the present well to a depth of at least 500 feet. Then, if the supply was appreciably increased, the council might proceed to enquire as to the cheapest method of conveying the water to the town. The engineer’s estimate of piping the town and providing hydrants [40] was $60,000. This contemplated pipes on several of the cross streets as well as on all the other streets. There might be a saving made in this particular. The subject is one that requires careful and cautious consideration, having in view the necessities of the town and the capabilities of the people to bear further financial obligations.
            In this connection, we have been told by one who is in a position to know that it will not be long, unless a water system is procured, before the town will be called upon to expend a lot of money in repairing or renewing the fire tanks. This would furnish a reason why the subject of a public water system should be kept to the front.


May 19/1910
Editorial on water question: CPR has abandoned Chamcook plans. Town would have had to pay 2/3rds of cost of construction anyway. Yet Hume well at present scarcely sufficient for town needs. See photocopy. Town cannot afford Chamcook line on its own.


May 25/1911
Chamcook Lake Water
Now connected with Algonquin Hotel
A very important event in the history of St. Andrews occurred on /Saturday last, when the last pipe in the water works system was laid at Chamcook Lake and the waters of this beautiful lake were of for the first time brought within immediate reach of the town.
            The construction of this water works system was begun last Fall by the CPR, the contract with Messrs. Joseph McVay and Son, of SS, requiring it to be completed during the present month. Mr. Hugh Lumsden, an engineer of large experience, planned and carried out the work. The primary object of this system was to provide an abundant supply of good, pure, water for the Algonquin hotel and cottages, and to give connection with the town, in case a satisfactory arrangement can be entered into. It is hoped and expected that this will be done.
            An analysis of the water, which was made before the work was begun, shows it to be of remarkable purity and softness. It is absolutely free from bacteria and is about as perfect a drinking water as can be procured anywhere.
            The pipe enters Chamcook Lake at his south-western extremity, a few rods north of the track. An eight inch pipe follows the course of the track for 8,500 feet, and then by the aid of a 40 h. p. gasoline engine is forced up the hill, a distance of something like 7,900 feet, through Senator MacKay’s woods (crossing the Saint John road a few rods north of the Catholic cemetery) to a concrete reservoir on the top of the hill overlooking the town. This reservoir has a capacity of 250,000 gallons. Provision has been made for its enlargement should the Town make a permanent contract with the Company. From the reservoir the water is brought in by gravitation in a 12 inch main, following the highway almost the entire distance. A 10 inch pipe, 1100 feet long, carried the water to the hotel. The entire distance traversed by the pipes is about 23,250 feet.


Fire in American house. James McDowell’s house adjoining.


June 22/1911
Hydrants for fire protection will be erected in front of the Algonquin hotel.


St. Croix Courier
July 25/1912
An accident occurred on Sunday night to the lighting plant on Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s grounds. The explosions were very heavy, causing 14 windows in Tipperary to be destroyed. None of the family were injured except in the way of fright. A number of bell boys from the Algonquin, who assisted in staying the flames, were more or less burned and bruised. Sir Thomas was not here at the time and the family are now at the hotel, comfortably quartered. The gas house was soon reduced to ashes and a merciful rain, helped prevent the fire from spreading to the home or adjacent cottages.


July 25/1912
“Tipperary” in Eruption
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s gas House Takes Fire
Old Fort Tipperary which has been silent for many, many years, broke loose on Sunday night and for a few minutes started the townsfolk and summer visitors with the rumpus it made. It happened this way. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, whose beautiful summer home is within the ramparts of the old fort, has a gasp-house located about 60 feet from his house. On Sunday night, the supply of gas in the house running short, the butler went out to the gas-house to turn on a little more of the illuminant. He lit a match upon entering and then turned what he thought was the proper valve. Evidently it was the wrong one, for in an instant the place was a sheet of flame. As quickly as possible an alarm was sent in. Then the explosion of the gas-tanks began, their thunderous detonations waking the still echoes of the night for miles around. The noise of the explosions caused great commotion. Those who did no know where the fire was though the some dynamite store-house was burning.
Fortunately, a sprinkle of rain was falling at the time, other wise the shower of sparks which fell on the roof of the dwelling house would soon have brought about its destruction. The gas house was totally destroyed before water connection could be obtained with the hydrant at the hotel.
            During the early part of the fire, Mr. Gidman, Sir Thomas’s coachman, had one arm injured by the fire. Mr. William Allerton, the Algonquin hotel steward, was also slightly injured. Laurence Cluff, a bell-boy at the Algonquin had his face and hands burned by the explosion. Carl Leonard another bell-boy, belonging to Boston, was thrown down and severely injured about the shoulder. Messrs. Struther and Fisher, two other members of the Algonquin staff, sustained slight burns. Neither Sir Thomas nor his sons were at home, but the lady members of the house, though a little started at first by the deafening explosions bore up bravely. Mrs. Fred. Shaughnessy succumbed after reaching the Algonquin, but she soon recovered.


Sept 26/1912
Reminiscences of Old St. Andrews
(Written by the late R. Melville Jack and Read Before the Canadian Literature Club, St. Andrews)
. . . Then there was a broom factory, where Joe Handy’s place is, opposite Kennedy’s hotel and aback of that a racquet court. In those days the market wharf had shops and stores its entire length, but a great fire carried them off.

Sept 11/1913
The experience of last Wednesday night, when a large portion of the town was threatened with sparks from a fire on the hill in the rear of the town, has abundantly demonstrated the necessity for a better water service than we now possess. St. Andrews has so far been singularly fortunate in the matter of fires but no one can tell when a situation will arise that will produce direful disaster. We want to get busy on the water question and at once.


April 16/1914
Algonquin Hotel burned to the Ground
Property Valued at Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. Made Spectacular Blaze at St. Andrews on Saturday
If it had not been for the concrete additions which were made in recent years there would be nothing left of the stately Algonquin Hotel today but a heap of smouldering ruins. Every atom of wood work about the great building, including the central section, the roofs of the concrete wings, the wooden stairways and partitions, etc., was completely destroyed in the fire which began at noon on Saturday and raged throughout the afternoon.
            The fire originated from a charcoal spark which had gone beneath the shingles on the northeast concrete wing, whilst some repairs were being made by workmen. Smouldering on the tarred paper it worked its way to the woodwork while the men were at dinner, and a great conflagration was the result.
            The water supply which had been turned off for the winter had not been restored, so that there was little to fight the fire with except buckets. In less than an hour after the fire started, fanned by a westerly gale, the flames had eaten through to the four story central section of wood. Being highly inflammable it burned with great fierceness, the sparks being carried miles away. Some of them even set fire to the grass alongside Sir William Van Horne's summer home on Minister's Island. George Chase's farm building a mile away were fired by these wind blown sparks, but the fire was speedily extinguished. Half an hour after the flames had taken hold of the wooden section it was completely destroyed together with the board verandas in front.
            Then the fire penetrated the western concrete wing which was built two years ago. Everything of an inflammable nature in its five storeys was burned. It was feared that the explosion of the ammonia tanks near the refrigerator would result in possible accident to human life, but happily this did not occur. The fire burned in this section like a great furnace for several hours. It was a spectacular conflagration, and had it occurred at night would have been seen for many miles.
            Construction men say that the concrete wings have suffered little damage, and that they can be used again when the hotel is being restored. There were many beautiful summer cottages within the fire zone, but with the exception of No. 1 Algonquin cottage, which stood immediately the north of the hotel, all the cottages were saved. The summer cottage of George B. Hopkins of New York, which was separated from the hotel by only the width of the street, was on fire several times, but the firemen by desperate efforts succeeded in saving it. Had it burned, the summer houses of Mr. Gill, of Ottawa, Mr. Southam, of Ottawa, Mr. Douglas Seeley, of Montreal, Prof. Smith, of Cambridge, and possibly the summer residence of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy would have been destroyed.
            Nearly all the interior furnishings on the lower floor of the hotel were taken out before the fire reached it and were safely removed to the casino, but with this exception little of the contents of the hotel were saved. Manager Allerton was away at the time having gone to Boston on Friday night to engage his help for the season. It is the prevailing belief that while the destruction of the hotel has been a great loss to the town, it will lead to the construction of a more modern and more beautiful hotel.
            The Algonquin hotel was opened in 1889 with Mr. F. A. Jones, of St. John, as its first manager. Since then it has been enlarged and improved, the C. P .R. having spent nearly a quarter of a million upon it in making additions and in supplying it with modern equipment. The entire value of the hotel and furnishings was about three quarters of a million. It had accommodations for over 400 guests. Many enquiries for rooms had been received this year and a successful season was anticipated. It is understood that the property was well insured.


St. Andrews, N.B. April 13
            The Algonquin, a large summer hotel here, owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway, was destroyed with contents by fore [sic] Saturday at a loss of $500,000. The structure had been renovated recently, and was nearly ready for the opening in June. It contained 275 rooms with elaborate fittings.
            Starting on the shingle roof of the old part of the building, from a spark from a charcoal fire used in repairing the roof, and flames were quickly fanned beyond control by a high wind. There was practically no firefighting apparatus available, and in a short time all that remained standing was the concrete walls. A nearby cottage, also owned by the railroad company, was burned.
            The portion of the building which represented the original hotel was composed entirely of wood. It was five storeys in height with a wooden tower and lookout in the centre. This section burned with great fierceness, the sparks being carried miles away. Some of them even set fire to the grass alongside Sir William Van Horne's summer home on Ministers Island.
            The hotel first opened in 1889, with Mr. F. A. Jones of St. John, as manager. A few years later it passed into the hands of the C. P. R., who have spent at least a quarter of a million dollars improving it.
            The two new concrete wings had been built within the last couple of years, and the furnishings throughout were unusually elaborate for a seaside hotel, and was a favorite resort from the New England States and New York. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C. P. R., Sir William Van Horne, Mr. C. R. Hosmer and Mr. Percy Cowans, of Montreal, beside several others, have private summer cottages here.
            Manager Allerton was in Boston engaging help for the coming season when the fire occurred. Mr. N. S. Dunlop, head of the C. P. R. insurance department, has arrived here to look into the loss.


Beacon (f9822)
March 18/1916
Ratepayers and the Water Question
Being deeply interested in the question of a water supply for the town of SA, I most respectfully submit the following arguments, thinking that the publication of the same might to a slight degree assist in the campaign which you have been so ably carrying on in your valuable paper during the past months in reference to this vital issue.
            Along with the majority of ratepayers I have at times criticized the Town Council for their apparent negligence in this matter. Of course any man accepting an election as counsellor must expect a certain amount of adverse criticism, and such criticism if intelligent is no doubt not only valuable but necessary in order that the business of the town be carried on with the best results. However, the trouble is that we as ratepayers do not know what the Council is doing because we do not attend its meetings. I myself attended their last meeting and must confess that I learned more of the water question than I had learned during the past two years by hearing it discussed on the street, and by reading the reports (necessarily brief) of the work of the Council which have been published in your paper from month to month. The Council invited questions from the ratepayers present; such were asked and gladly and satisfactorily answered.
            Now, if we as ratepayers could be brought to feel that the councillors are doing their best in this matter, and to realize how little thanks they get for the work they do, surely we would arouse ourselves to the necessity of action. The present Council are, I think unanimously in favor of the installation of a water system. Let us return them to office that they may “finish their work.” And let us start such an agitation on this question that every man, woman and child in the old town will be heard discussing it, and awaken such an interest that when the day of voting comes every man will be found at the poll ready to express his opinion.
            Now for some arguments for and against. Out of all the discussion that I have heard on this question the only argument that I have heard against it, is that our taxes would be increased to such an extent that we would be unable to meet them. This idea however is far from right. The taxes of necessity would for a few years be higher but not to such an extent as some would suppose. If the system were installed and the water supply paid for by the year, and not one house in town took water, all the extra annual expenditure could be borne by an increase in the taxes of only about two-thirds. That is, if a man’s tax at present is $12.00 per annum, under these extreme conditions it would only be increased to $20.00. But if the system were put in, it would only be a few years till comparatively every house in town would take water. A man would be ashamed to be seen on the street carrying a pail of water. When the telephone system was installed only a very few homes felt that they could afford the luxury, but now nearly every house is supplied. It is regarded as a necessity. So would it be with water. Thus this direct revenue would greatly minimize the additional tax. In fact after we should get some industries, which are sure to come as soon as water comes, and are sure not to come until water does come, to help bear the assessment of the town, this added assistance together with the revenue above referred to would probably do away with any additional tax whatsoever. Therefore in a few years we would reap all the benefits of the water system without it being the slightest burden.
            Now as to some of the benefits or arguments in favour of installing a water system. In the first place it is bound to bring industries as already stated. The natural conditions and advantages of this location for almost any industry could not be beaten the world over. Industries would mean steady employment for the young men and women now constantly growing up and leaving the town in search of a means of livelihood. Industries would mean greater population, more money in circulation, more business for the stores, the hotels, the private boarding houses; better salaries for the clerks, better salaries for the school teachers and ministers, and more money in the pockets of every enterprising citizen directly or indirectly.
            A water supply would guard the health of the townspeople. We never have had any serious outbreak of an epidemic here, but we must not fool ourselves with the thought that such a calamity might never come. Cleanliness is the foe of disease, and to have cleanliness we need water and water in abundance. When we pause to think of the cesspools that have been put in during the past ten years, and of the closets that have been connected with the old sewers which open above high water mark and poison the surrounding neighborhood with their filth, and which even cause discomfort in cellars and at street corners come distance from their mouth, do we not marvel that the community has not been overrun with typhoid or some such epidemic?
            Then there is the protection from fire that a water system would afford; and this protection would greatly reduce insurance rates. When the Algonquin Hotel burned about two years ago, had the wind been blowing as strongly from the north as it did blow from the south-west, there would have now been no need of any discussion of the present water question. The town would have been burned to the last house. But shall we simply thank Providence and depend entirely on Him for future protection? “God helps them who help themselves;” let us rather therefore make use of the talent (natural conditions) that He has given us, and make our town not one of the loveliest, but the loveliest, the healthiest, and the happiest spot on earth.
            And again we must understand that a great part of the $60,000 or whatever the system might cost for installation, would be spent right here in town. Our own working people would have a fine season’s work at good wages, and all the outside help would of necessity spend a great part of their earnings here for board, clothing, recreation, etc.
            Did space permit we might elaborate on many other although perhaps less important advantages to be derived from the installation of a water system. Just to mention a few: we should have no twenty minutes pumping first thing after breakfast, no inconvenience to suffer of being without soft water two or three times a year, no breaking of ice in the hogshead down cellar in the winter time, no difficulty in keeping our streets free from dust, and our lawn and garden in fine shape, no trouble in having a skating rink or a curling rink. By purchasing a small water motor we could run small machinery such as washing machines, sewing machines, lathes, etc. etc.
            In conclusion, Mr. Editor, I would respectfully suggest that you open your columns for general discussion, and invite other ratepayers to publish their ideas. I personally feel such an interest in the matter that I should like to be one of ten (or more) ratepayers to guarantee to pay a water tax of $100 per year for five years, if by so doing it would increase the probability of our having the system installed.
            We have at length after all these years come to the point where it is possible to get a water system installed, opportunity now knocks, shall we vote “yes” and invite prosperity and beauty, health and happiness? Or shall we vote “no” and invite disease and sorrow, retrogression and poverty?
            Thanking you in advance Mr. Editor for the space of which I fear I have occupied too much, I am
            Most respectfully,
            SA, NB
            March 11th, 1916.


St. Croix Courier
March 30/1933
Do You Recall these Names in SA?
Memories of Person and Events Familiar to Shiretown Residents 75 Years Ago Revived
. . . I recall the fire of 1856, which destroyed the row of buildings on the south side of the market square, an some 14 years later, the burning of the old Town Hall and the Pheasant Hotel stables.


St. Croix Courier
Sept 3/1936
Shire town Items
Town Buys Historic Bill
A three-day auction sale was held last week at the residence of the late David Clark. There was a fine collection of old mahogany furniture and old-fashioned dishes, most of which brought good prices. The original copy of a memorandum of the sale and removal of the old Coffee House from Penobscot to St. Andrews in 1783 was bid on by the Mayor for the town. This interesting old building was unfortunately destroyed in the disastrous fire of 1930.


St. Croix Courier
Sept 21/1939
Shiretown Items—The Old Town Bell. What a kitchen is without a clock, St. Andrews is without the told town bell. Citizens have become so accustomed to its regular ringing that the day passes very unsatisfactorily without it. it is not that one any longer depends upon it for calls to labour or refreshment, but just because it is an old custom one certainly does miss it. The wooden wheel to which the bell-rope was attached had rotted out after many years of service and broke down one day lat week. A new wheel is being made by Nelson Pye, who also made the one which is being replaced. The present bell is the second one of the town, and was made by the McShane Bell Foundry of Baltimore, Md. It was bought by Mr. Foster for $144.50 and was hung on the 17th of December, 1879. It weighs 426 lb s. The bell-ringers from that time on were Michael Cloney, King Coole, Sandy Donald, David Keezer, William Campbell, Daniel Byrne, John S. Magee, Fred Craig, and Herbert Greenlaw, the present ringer who has rung the old bell for twenty-nine years. The minutes of the Town Council show that for two or three weeks during the summer of 1904 the ringing of the town bell was discontinued owing to the serious illness of a guest at Kennedy’s Hotel. The bell of the Anglican Church rang out the customary calls and was to serve as a fire-alarm as well, but fortunately was not needed in that capacity. In the old days the bell was rung at 6 o’clock to end the days’ work, instead of at 5 o’clock as now. One of the ringers of those old but not forgotten days caused quite a commotion one bleak November night. He rang the bell as usual at six o’clock after which he went home to lie down for a nap. He awoke at 5 to 7, and because of the darkness thought he had slept the night through. He rushed down and rang the bell again for 7 o’clock, but before he got away from the premises had the whole fire department there inquiring where the fire was!


St. Croix Courier
October 19, 1939
Shiretown Items
Principal Makes Discovery
Last week being fire prevention week, appropriate talks and exercises were held at the schools. For the benefit of visiting officials a fire drill, in which the schools by constant practice have become proficient, was carried out. The principal also thought it would be nice to demonstrate the quickest methods of for extinguishing a blaze. A bon-fire was built in the yard, and when burning briskly one of the extinguishers was brought out and found to be empty. A second was tried with like result. The third one appeared to be empty also but on being given a vigorous shake it exploded, fortunately without any serious casualties. Next a can of never fail, sure death powder was dumped on the blaze. It had the effect which might be expected from a wet log. The fire sputtered momentarily then for a few minutes hissed in a sing-song meditative sort of way. Directly however it was burning as briskly and merrily as ever, but could not withstand the final and good old-fashioned treatment of two or three buckets of water. A story is told of a man caught on a camping trip with matches that would not light. Preparing for a similar trip on the following year he was determined that the unfortunate experience should not be repeated. Consequently before packing his box of matches he scratched each one to make sure it was a good one. Perhaps some similar expedient might be adopted in regard to he apparatus for fire prevention at the schools!


Dec 28/1939
SA Community Arena Destroyed by Fire On Christmas Night. Photo. Erected 1932. Debt only just paid off. Origin of fire unknown. Bill O’Neill conceived the project and carried it through to completion.


St. Croix Courier
March 13/1941
Shiretown Items
Old Firm Keeps Modern
The H. O’Neill grocery store and meat market has just completed 118 years of public service, having been established here early in 1823. The store was first located in the building now occupied by George McKay. It was later moved to a building at the head of market wharf, situated on the site of the present post office. This building was destroyed by fire about 1875 and the store moved temporarily to the Lorimer building. In 1877 the buildings now occupied were moved from the Gove lot near the depot. The following paragraphs are copied from the “Canadian Grocer:” “The basic merchandising factor at the H. O’Neill grocery store in SA, NB, is the 118 years of activity of the store. It was established in 1823. Although one of the oldest grocery stores in the world, this business is not living wholly in the past, as illustrated by installation of a modernly equipped fountain and offering a special service in soft drinks, sodas, ice cream, light lunches. The installation was made to capitalize on the annual influx of people each summer season from various parts of Canada and United States. St. Andrews is a leading summer resort and located right on the US border, the Bay of Fundy junction with the mother Atlantic, and the St. Croix River mouth, the latter being the international boundary line. For farmers, livestock raisers, poultrymen, there is feed service. All types of foods, tonics, disinfectants and remedies for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry, foxes, are carried here. The higher priced items are offered for the wealthy summer residents from Montreal, ‘Toronto, Boston, New York, Washington, Chicago, etc. These prevail not only for human beings but for domestic animals and birds. Some of the families have occupied their own estates in the St. Andrews area for over half a century, and have stock farms as a hobby. An effort is made to blend modernity with antiquity at this general food store, and without sacrificing the atmosphere of old age. Three and four generations have continued in rotation as customers of this store and this involved not only the wealthy summer rusticator, but the fishing and agricultural families of the mainland as well as the near-by island of Deer Island and Campobello.”


St. Croix Courier
Jan 8/1942
Old County Grammar School Has Graduate in Hundreds
[this would be a Worrell item, cf. the photos from Bob Clarke above]
St. Andrews, Jan 5.
Pictured above is the old Charlotte County Grammar School, whose hundreds of graduates or their descendants are scattered all over the North American continent and may even be found in lesser numbers in far-away parts of the world. It was erected in 1818 and was originally a square building with hip roof. Because of an increasing enrolment it became necessary at a later period to enlarge the building. An addition was built and the roof changed to the form shown in the picture.
            To make way for the present modern cement structure known as the Prince Arthur School, the old building was removed in 1910 to a nearby lot. It was later purchased and removed to the waterfront to be used as a warehouse where it was destroyed in the disastrous fire of 1930. With its interesting history and all its fond memories and associations, it surely deserved a better fate.


St. Croix Courier
March 12, 1942
Shiretown Items
Some Local History
When a reader writes a long letter—twenty closely written pages of ordinary sized “notepaper—and begins it “Just as soon as the Courier comes I turn to the Shiretown Items”, when he states that he is old enough to clearly remember the Saxby Gale (1869), when he tells of many interesting personal experiences during his boyhood and youth spent here; and when he says that although he has covered a lot of ground since leaving St. Andrews he has never found a place that he liked as well as the old home town, it seems that his letter should have public recognition. The wrier was W. F. McStay, now living in Moncton. I have never known nor met this old friend of St. Andrews as he left here before I came in 1889, but if he ever visits here I hope he will look me up. He says he had a letter recently from William Brown, another native son probably remembered by the older folks before my time. Mr. Brown’s father was Collector of Customs here and Thomas Stinson whom we younger fellows can well remember as a customs officer began work with him. Mr. McStay was living at the corner of Princess Royal and Carleton streets at the time of the big gale. He says every shade tree in town was uprooted and flattened to the ground. He was much interested in the picture of Fort Tipperary, appearing recently in the Courier, and remembers the band that used to practise there. He says there were 400 soldiers stationed there at one time and his grandfather Dr. McStay was the army doctor. He as a vivid recollection of wonderful coasting on Kirk Hill, of wharves lined with ships, loading or unloading; of sham fights the solders used to have; of marching to the cemetery and back on a soft day in winter with a new pair of shoes which were ruined. He remembers Harold Stickney’s father, who also just have been musician as the writers claims he could swear by note. The old armoury, destroyed by fire, had a wonderful bell. It could be heard, in St. Stephen when the wind was blowing upriver. After the fire the bell was melted down and everybody in town had a ring made from it, cast by Mike McMonagle at his foundry. (I wonder if anybody in town has one of those old rings!) Mr. McStay speaks of Jim Handy, organizer of fox hunts on Minister’s Island; of the launching of the Annie P. Odell; of single scull races between Bob Brown and Harry Jones in their fifty-foot racing shells. Mr. McStay worked in the machine shop here and recalls the names of some more of the old wood-burner locomotives, the “Shamrock,” the “thistle,” the “Rose” and the “Manners Sutton.” He remembers the old river boats including the Belle Brown. When the weather was thick Eber Polleys was engaged to stand on the wharf and blow bugle-calls in answer to the steamer’s whistle so she could find her way in. . . . Mr. McStay tells of an interesting local incident connected with the so-called “Trent Affair,” of 1861 as told to him by his father who was an eyewitness. The people of St. Andrews had known nothing of this affair which nearly caused war between United States and Great Britain and were much surprised when a British troop ship steamed in to the harbour. Several hundred soldiers were put ashore and formed on at Gove’s hall near the depot headed by a military band. They marched to the head of the town, then down again with fixed bayonets, the band playing and the soldiers singing, “We’ll grease our bayonets on the Rebels ‘way down in Dixie.” Then they boarded the train with the local inhabitants none the wiser,; but after a few days they were back again, boarded their ship and sailed away never to return. The Trent affair, thanks to wise heads, had been settled amicably.


St. Croix Courier
May 28/1942
St. Andrews Scene About 1860
(By J. F. W.)
The above is a copy made by A. Shirley of an old photo taken in St. Andrews about 1860. The building in the centre was used for various purposes and was referred to under various names. The whole of the first floor was used as a market house, while the upper story did service as a town hall, court-house and armoury. Two unfortunates, negro brother and sister, were hanged from the beam connecting the pillars, somewhere about 1870, for the crime of infanticide. The large square building to the left will be recognized as Paul’s hall, which is still standing. The smaller building to the right, probably burned along with the centre building, was used as a fire engine house. The gaol, I am told, was directly behind the centre building.
            Unfortunately I cannot name in order the brave men and true who posed for this photo in their snappy uniforms, but following is a list of names copied from the pay-roll of this Militia in 1866 which probably includes all in the picture:
            Henry Whitlock, John J. Jones, Andrew Lamb, James McDonald, John McMullin, John Breen, John K. Stinson, E. A. Street, Gregory Burns, William Mills, Albert Day, Arthur Baxter, F. Boyd, Charles Butler, Robert Clark, James Dougherty, Robert Coe, David Eggleton, Edward Elliott, Edward Flewelling, Allan Gow, Rueben Haddock, J. O’Hare, Robert Lawson, Hugh McMullin, Jason Haddock, Thomas McGrath, Michael McDonald, Pat McVay, Douglas Pelton, Reuben McCurdy,, J. I. Street, Joseph Shaw, Angus Stinson, George Stinson, James Stinson, John McCurdy, George Williams, William Wiley, John Wren, William Wren, K. Campbell, Samuel Barber, William Gibson, William Sharkey, James Gibson, Ben Johnson, Robert Elliott, George Gibson, James McGill, John Dolley.


St. Croix Courier
July 16, 1942
Shiretown Items
Our Pet Peeve
An unadvertised air-raid warning last Friday evening about 9:30 took everybody unawares and of course they all did exactly the wrong thing. Everyone who was not already on the street got there as quickly as possible and made for the business section to find out where the fire was. One bomb would have been sufficient to destroy practically the entire population. The error was due to the fact that the signal adopted for air-raids is exactly the same as has been used for bad fires. A change should be made so people will not again be misled. Why not return to the old town bell for fire alarms for the duration?


St. Croix Courier
October 22/1942
Shiretown Items
Hockey Prospects Poor
Ten years ago this month work was begun on the first covered rink here. Every fine day tha Fall from fifty to a hundred men and boys worked there, with such enthusiasm that, as one small boys expressed it, “a fellow dare not sit down for a minute or somebody would nail his pants to the seat.” The first great arch was completed, slowly and painstakingly raised and anchored in place. As the second arch was being raised by pulleys attached to the first the anchoring stays parted and down came both arches with a crash. The veteran Frank Gilman, who was in charge, only smiled and said we must start over again. The huge building was completed and ready for skating during he Christmas holidays. It furnished recreation and pleasure for young and old for exactly seven years and was burned down by a fire of mysterious origin on Christmas night, 1939. The present structure, with a steel roof, was started early the next spring but the war has interfered with its intended purpose. It is now used as a barracks and training room for the local reserves and in all probability will see no skating or hockey till the war is over.


St. Croix Courier
Jan 14/1943
Shiretown Items
Another Improvement
A very generous and much appreciated gift has recently been received from Miss Olive Hosmer, a smooth-running a commodious Lincoln automobile which Miss Hosmer has used during the past few summers here, has been turned over to the fire department to be converted into an A. R. P. service wagon.  A body is being constructed with angle iron and Douglas fir plywood, the work being done in a serviceable and attractive manner by Joseph Meers, caretaker at the fire hall.  In the center is a place to carry the small pumpers; an attachment at the rear to trail the large pumper; neat enclosed compartments at the side to carry 3500 feet of hose.  It is a job of which both the town and the donor may well be proud.


St. Croix Courier
May 11, 1944
Shiretown Items
At the regular meeting of Kowanis Club last week the speaker was F. L. Mallory, a member of the club, who gave an interesting sketch of town affairs from the time of incorporation in 1903 till the year 1907. Prior to the holding of a plebiscite othe boundaries of the town were fized by Sheriff R. A. Stuart. As laid out at that time they cincluded Minister’s Island and the Van Horne estate. However at the request of Sir William the island was left outside except for school purposes. Of the first board of aldermen elected A. B. O’Neill is the only one still living. When the first s chool board was appointed A. B. O’Neill was one fo the members and has served cotinually every since, a fine record of over forty years of public service. I his inaugural address Mayor snodgreass expressed the hope that sewers might e installed in th town. It was not until 1912 however that after nine years of discussion for an against, bonds were issued and a partial system of sewers laid. The first town clerk, E. B. Polleys, was paid $50 a year. The first marshal, Robert Worrell, [probably father of Fred Worrell, I know his name was Robert] received $200 per annum, providing that he collected that much in fines under the Scott Act—no fines, no salary! First boar dof assessors were J. A. Shirley, T. A. Hartt, D. C. Rollins, J. S. Magee bell ringer, and F. H. Grimmer, town treasurer at $00 a year. In the summer of 1904 the ringin fo the town bell was discontinued for three weeks owing to the illness of a guest at Kennedy’s hotel. During this period the bell of the Anglical church was substituted and four tiems each day its soft musical tones could be heard calling the workmen to labour and refreshment, and from refreshment to labour again. The question of field rivers, pound and pound-keeper was always a live one in those days and occupied much of the time fo the council. The grass along the street sides was more succulent at that time, being uncontaninated by the dust from passing cars. It was permited nd was customary to tether cows along the stret to kee the herbage cropped short, but frequently cattle which had been insecurely tied would be found wandering about the streets or regaling themsvles in someone’s garden. Off to the pound they were taken and $1.00 paid for their release. Part of this fine went to the field river and part to the pound keeper and it has been said that cows securely tied on the street side at night were often found in the pound next morning! (who could blame those poorly paid town officials if they did raise the odd dollar surreptitiously when a full quart of the finest Holland gin, good for an all night session, could be purchased for 60 cents?) On Sept 4th, 1904, one of the hand fire engines, manned by two dozen of the ablest men in town, was taken to Calais to compete in the firemen’s sports and made afine showing against the more modern equipment of the border towns. A young Chinaman, who had been taken along as mascot, caused some stir when the immigration officer got wind of it. He was smuggled safely across the river in a small boat and spent a lonesome and unhappy day in St. Stephenm, where he was later picke dup by the returning firemen. In January, 1905, a public meeting was held to discuss the possibility of establishing an Electric Light Plant bu tnothing came of it. In 1905 the assessemnt for school purpose was $2500. The question of rent from “the Commons”, a knotty problem since the towns’ incorporation was at length adjusted to the satisfaction of both town and parish. A proposal to extend the town limites to include the whole prish was discussed but turned donw. In 1906 a granite concern made overtures to the town with regard to establishing a plant here, but their conditions, a free site, a cash bonus of $3000 and exemption from taxation for a period of years wer not acceptalbe to the council. In 1907 the CPR made a proposal for an Electric Light plant but nothing came of it. The question of a deep sea wharf came up almost annually. In a word the recrods show that those former councils had the best interests of St. Andrews at heart and the seeds that they sowed in those infertile years have since produced tanglble results.


St. Croix Courier
July 20/1944
Shiretown Items—Other Fires and Other Matters (History of St. Andrews fires)
The recent, disastrous fire at the ship yard has started old-times discussing other bad fires we have had here. A mistake we all make is our failure during our youth to keep a record of all important local events. it is so satisfying in later years to be able to produce day and ate with accompanying evidence sufficient to settle all arguments. All group pictures, especially school pictures, should have the date and the names of the pupils written on the back. I saw a school picture recently, taken about forty years ago, and the only person I could definitely identify was Caddie Norris. In a recent discussion of the date of the Argyle hotel fire one man who was born in 1894 said he remembered quite definitely seeing the fire. Personally I was sure it occurred in the spring of 1891 or ’92. But Bert Rigby could recall the exact date, March 25, 1892, as he started for Boston next day, a lad of nineteen, leaving home for the first time to make his own way in the world—an important event to him and easily remembered. There was a sardine factory burned at the head of the steamboat wharf about 1892, and another on what is now called Doon’s wharf, sometimes in the nineties. Does any reader recall the dates of those fires? And to go back still farther there was a bad fire near the site of the recently destroyed ship yard about 1850. Could any old-timer furnish the date of that one? Ship building was booming here at the time and there was also a nice industry in making ropes. The “Rope-walk”,” as it was called, was a long low building extending from the head of what is now known as the DeWolfe wharf, diagonally across the lot where the present office of the Vaughn Co. is located up to Water street, where afterwards was erected the large building known as the “Gove” building, built at the time the railway was started here, in 1852. A ship was being built at about the same place from which the recent ones have been launched and caught fire from a ot of tar which boiled over near at hand. Very little fire fighting equipment was available in those days and the ship, almost ready for launching, was completely destroyed. The “Rope-Walk” also caught and was burned to the ground, and as the last burning embers were extinguished, so perished another thriving industry. It just seems that SA, though ideally located with he best of water and rail connections to all points, was not intended to be an industrial centre. The Railway Machine Shop, located at the site of the present Y was burned once and rebuilt. it was afterwards torn down and removed to McAdam, a more central location. Anyone remember the dates of those events? As to our recent loss, it is understood that unless further contracts are arranged beyond the three ships in view, the company will not rebuild. Her is an opportunity for our county member to prove that he has some influence at Ottawa. St. Andrews is a lovely spot in which to live—ideal climate and beautiful scenery. But these may be considered our luxuries. For the bare necessities of life, food, fuel and clothing, we need some hard cash and this indispensable requirement, the “sine qua non” of our existence, Nature fails to provide. Shall we be like Mr. Micawber, just sit back and wait for “something to turn up,” or shall we through our Town Councils and County Board of Trade exert some pressure on the power that be and try to restore this industry which for a few years has brought prosperity to this small community and has been of definite benefit in our county as a whole?


St. Croix Courier
May 3/1945
Shiretown Items
The Aqueduct (Details of old aqueduct discovered.)
A reader has furnished me with the following interesting information about the water system which existed here a hundred or more years ago. Appended here is a copy of the Act pass on march 8, 1830, which my good friend copied from “Acts of the General Assembly, 1786-1838,” one of the interesting old books in her library. She also states that an aqueduct of wood, which evidently was installed at a later period when the machine shop was built here, extended from a well on the Andrew Lamb property at the head of King and Princess Royal streets to the railway machine shop which was located just south or south-east of the station. This wooden pipeline crossed Augustus street near Montague and the wood was still sound when the street was opened there about 20 years ago. The John Aymar who is mentioned in the Act, was a block and spar maker who had a shop at the corner of Water and Frederick streets (SA Directory 1865-66), and who lived in the house now occupied by Robert Stinson and family at the corner of Princess Royal and Montague Streets. Many the evening I spent as a youngster coasting on what we called “Marr’s” (or Meagher’s) hill without knowing or caring the origin of the name. The first, and unaccented syllable of the name “Aymar” had been dropped by the boys of that period and the name thus abbreviated or corrupted, although perhaps Mr. Aymar had not been dead for more than 20 years.
            “Cap. XVIII Acts General Assembly 1786-1838
            “An Act to grant John Aymar the privilege of supplying the Town of St. Andrews with water by pipes. Passed March 1830.
            “Whereas the conveyance of water by pipes to the several houses in the town plot of St. Andrews would be highly beneficial to the public, and is a measure universally desired; and John Aymar, an inhabitant of the said Town, is desirous to obtain the privilege of supplying the same by pipes as aforesaid:
            “Be it enacted by the President, Council and Assembly, that the privilege of carrying water ot the houses of the inhabitants of St. Andrews in pipes, through the several streets thereof, be and the same is herby granted to John Aymar, so long as he shall keep the same in operation and good repair. Provided always tha the said John Aymar, shall at his own coasts and charge, and without unnecessary delay, repair and make good any and every injury or damage thereby one to said streets or any part thereof.
            “And be it further enacted that the said John Aymar shall make and keep in good repair proper openings and (plugs to be used only in case of fire) in all such places where his pipes extend, as the Firewards of the Town of St. Andrews may direct or approve. the said Firewards to be accountable for the actual expense thereof.
            “And be it further enacted that if the said John Aymar should neglect so to make and adjust proper plugs on the requisition of the said Firewards, that it should be lawful for them, the said Firewards, to cause the same to be done and completed accordingly.
            “And be it further enacted that this Act shall continue and be in force for the term of fifteen years, and no longer.”


St. Croix Courier
May 1/1947
Shiretown Items—Old Fire-Engine (When gin flowed as fast as water from the old hand pumpers in St. Andrews.)
One of the old hand pumper fire engines has been sitting on the square in front of the town hall for a week or two. One day I asked an old fellow who I am sure has attended hundred of fires to tell me which engine it was, No. 1 or No. 2. “I don’t know” said he, “there was always so much gin at the fires in those days that I never knew which engine I belonged to or which one I was pumping on. I generally picked the one where the bottles seemed to be circulating the fastest.” Where that liquor came from at any hour of the night, and in such quantities, was always a mystery to the younger men of the company. there was always a race and a money prize between the two engines for first water but before the hose could be run out the gin would have circulated a couple of time and every man on the pumper would be feeling as if he, single-handed, could pump that water over the moon. The old engine is quite a curio now and will be greater in years to come. It is to be cleaned, sand-papered and varnished and kept under cover for future generations to marvel at. It is made from mahogany inlaid with walnut and is really a fine piece of work.


St. Croix Courier
March 18/1948
Shiretown Items: Lobster Factory
Sure enough, as I had hoped, Owen Rigby remembered when lobsters were packed here and says that the plant was situated about where Fraser Keay’s warehouse now stands. It was near the head of Clinch’s wharf, long since disappeared. An extension of the railroad ran up along the shore-line as far as this wharf, and although the rails had been taken up,, many of the buttresses were still standing in 1889. I got some further information from Herb Greenlaw on this subject. He says that the lobster plant at the head of Clinch’s wharf was run by George Young, a Saint John man who boarded with William Little in a house, no longer there, situated next to that in which Mr. Atkinson now lives. I can remember the house well and also Mr. Little who was a railway engineer in the wood burning days. I have his copy of “Rules of Railroading.” Mr. Greenlaw says that W. D. Hartt also packed lobsters in the factory, originally built to pack sardines, and located on what was then called the “Long Wharf.” River steamboats landed at this wharf in those days. Many now living can remember this old factory. It was burned one day about noon, a bright sunny day, around 65 years ago [1883]. The wharf was then bought by Gardner and Doon who put up buildings and handled fresh fish there for many years. The last remains of it went out to sea in a bad storm just a few years ago. W. D. Hartt also packed clams in the old building. The factory at the head of Clinch’s wharf was destroyed by fire about 1880 along with Whitlock’s livery stable situated back of the “American House” now the St. Andrews bakery. Wm. Little was the father of Mrs. Wm. Burton, matron of Chipman hospital for many years and who was buried here last week.


St. Croix Courier
June 15/1950
Shiretown Items: Narrow Escape (description of fire of 1930 and buildings destroyed)
On June 4, 1930 occurred one of the worst fires in the history of St. Andrews when several building were destroyed including the historic Charlotte Country Grammar School, which at time was being used as a warehouse near the waterfront; the old Coffee House, which was brought here from Castine, Maine, during the American revolution; and the Edwin Odell dry goods store which was built of brick. The N. B. Liquor Control store was badly gutted and the stock of fine liquors sadly depleted. One June 10, 1950, almost 20 years later, a similar or worse disaster was narrowly avoided. In the late afternoon a faint odor of wood smoke was noticed by persons around the public square.  They were curious but not alarmed. Suddenly, during the early evening, while Harold Greenlaw and Mrs. Greenlaw were sitting on their balcony overlooking the harbor, they noticed the north-west wall on Keay’s smaller warehouse burst into flame. Two or three minutes later, when the siren sounded a huge volume of black smoke was reaching skyward and drifting over the town. There was a strong south-west wind a the time, making conditions perilous. The three saving factors of the situation were that the disaster occurred at a time when plenty of help was immediately available, the tide was high to provide plenty of water, and the larger adjoining warehouse was clad with steel. In less than an hour the fire was total extinguished and the hundreds of apprehensive citizens returned to their homes feeling that the Fates are not always unkind. The supposed causes of the fire are mere speculation, theories and conjectures without sufficient evidence. It seemed to have started under the building near the wall to burn through the floor and get into a stock of tar-paper and like combustibles.


St. Croix Courier
Aug 24/1950
Shiretown Items: Water Situation Serious
The water supply system of St. Andrews is no longer adequate at the peak of the summer season. Last year during the month of August it was difficult to keep the reservoir filled above the danger point and at time during the present month the danger point has been reached. Several time, had a fire occurred, there was little water except what was in the pipes. In order to build up a supply it has been necessary at times to shut off the town. This contingency has given us a jolt and made us realize the value of this commodity which we have learned to use so freely. Having heard the Town Council criticized for not having taken some action before the situation became serious, I went to the town office and read over the contract between the Town and the Hotel Company, suppliers of the water. there is a clause in the contract which gives the company authority, without consulting the town, to increase their equipment at any time the daily supply to the town has passed 80,000 gallons and to increase the rates to a figure that will give them 8 percent on their required outlay. Even in winter the town is now using over 80,000 gallons daily and much more during summer months. The daily average for last December was 87,000 gallons. When the system was installed the water flowed by gravity from Chamcook Lake to the pumping station. Later the Company installed a force pump at the lake and also added an electric motor at the pumping station, absorbing the costs themselves without raising the rates to the Town as they were entitled to do. I have been told on good authority that several methods of improving the supply system are being considered by the Company and that the plan which appears most feasible will be adopted and carried out this Fall. One plan which we head and which we hope has been abandoned was to drill a number of artesian wells on the hill where the reservoir is located. The water from such source, even if adequate in supply, would probably be hard and brackish and would ruin the fine water we now have if the two were mixed. About 40 years ago, before the present system was installed, a test well was sunk on this hill with the plan for a town water system in view. The results proved unfavorable and the idea was abandoned. The plan likely to be adopted to remedy the present situation is to lay a larger main from the lake to the pumping station and install more powerful pumps. This will mean a considerable expense to the Company and a substantial increase in water rates to the Town but present conditions seem to warrant the measure.


St. Croix Courier
Nov 15/1951
News Notes: Tannery Fire. Pottery shop, well known St. Andrews business, in old tannery building on Pagan St. destroyed by fire. Owned by George Jervis of Hartford, Conn.


St. Croix Courier
April 24/1952
News Notes: Fire at Chamcook, which used to be called St. Andrews North or Norway.
Old ell at rear of brick building formerly owned by Edwin Conley razed; likewise ice house belonging to Commodore. “This old frame of a building was a landmark and a certain amount of tradition has been connected with it. Situated only 3 feet away from another building of similar size at the rear of the Ross property, the two buildings formed a narrow corridor known to the old timers as “The Dardanelles.” It was through this friendly sheltering passage that many an old-timer would go when he felt the need of a stimulant from a dispensary located at the far end of the passage. Those were the horse and buggy days that are no more. Nearly all those old-timers have disappeared, and now “The Dardanelles” has disappeared too.”
            Quoddy Coal enlarging office on Water Street and installing new plate glass window and entrance. “The old plate glass frame which has been removed is probably the last of its kind on the front street. IT was the type which could be cornered with shutters in days gone by.”


Aug 11, 1960
County Landmark Flattened by Flames in Chamcook area. Rossmount Inn charred as Hundreds see Fire. Details


St. Croix Courier
April 13/1961
New Combined Town Hall / Fire Station Studied for St. Andrews.


St. Croix Courier
June 13/1963
Lady Dunn Trade School St. Andrews to open Sept. Photo. 325 students. 1 million dollars, of which 75 percent federal, 25 percent provincial. Lady Dunn gives annually 1,000 Lady Dunn Scholarship, has given new fire truck and made possible new sewage system.


St. Croix Courier
July 7/1966
SA Vetoes Town Hall Proposal (combination town hall fire department)


St. Croix Courier
Aug 24/1967
Fire Station at St. Andrews opened by Lady Beaverbrook. Donates second fire engine.


St. Croix Courier
Oct 15/1993
Blockhouse, gutted by fire in August, to be restored. Earl Caughey dies Sept 27. 87 years old. Provincial court judge 1963; County court judge 1971. Queen’s Bench 1979, retired 1981.