Senator Cairine Wilson
March 4, 1909
Cairine MacKay, daughter of Robert MacKay, married to Norman Wilson. Details.
St. Croix Courier
July 10,1930
SA Gymnasium Opened Under Distinguished Auspices
Lady Willingdon attends ceremony and presents honorary medal of merit to Miss Adaline Van Horne for work in interests of troop
Photo: A view of the Bay Scouts property of St. Andrews valued at more than $10,000. On the right is the club house erected by Miss Adaline Van Horne a few years ago on the left is the fine new Van Horne gymnasium opened under vice-royal auspices yesterday afternoon. The land on which these buildings are located was purchased and donate to the troupe by Miss Van Horne.
Graced by the presence of the First lady of the Lind, the Viscountess Willingdon, wife of the Governor-general of Canada, the formal opening ceremonies of the new Van Horne Boy Scouts gymnasium were held at 2 o’clock this afternoon before a large audience including the most distinguished summer resident of St. Andrews. The ceremonies took place in the gymnasium and admittance was to invitation only. Senator Cairine Wilson acted as chairman, Mayor Elmer Rigby spoke briefly after which Lady Willingdon officially declared the gymnasium open. Refreshments were served on the grounds, following the ceremony.
Telegraph Journal
Aug 5, 1930
New Brunswick Ayrshire Breeders Urged to Expand British Market for Products
St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, Aug 4.
Urging NB agriculturalists to make a concerted effort to capture a large share of the British market for dairy products by reducing costs and increasing the volume of production, Dr. E. S. Archibald, of Ottawa, Director of Experimental Farms for Canada, gave a sitting address before members of the NB Ayrshire Breeders Association attending the annual field day of the organization here today. His subject was “The Livestock Situation in Canada.”
With picturesque Covenhoven on Minister’s Island, the beautiful estate of Miss Adaline Van Horne, daughter of the late Sir William Van Horne, as a setting the field day was attended by upwards of 300 Ayrshire breeders and their families from representative sections of the province, including Saint John, Fredericton Junction, Fredericton, Sussex, Sackville, Welsford, Hoyt Station, Kingston, Aulac, St. Andrews and many other points.
C. F. Bailey, superintendent of the Experimental Farm at Fredericton, acted as chairman and director of the activities, including addressed by Prescott Blanchard, well known Ayrshire breeder, or Truro, NS; William Retson, Ayrshire field man, of Truro, NS; A. E. McLaurin, livestock superintendent of the Provincial Department of Agriculture; G. C. McIntyre, of Sussex, honorary president of the NB Ayrshire Breeders Association; H. W. Atkinson, of Fredericton, a director of the association; R. B. Johnson, of Coldbrook vice-resi9dent, and others.
Miss Van Horne was present and proved a most hospitable hostess. A basket luncheon was served on the beautiful grounds of Covenhoven farm, where tea, coffee, ice-cream, sandwiches and candy were dispensed by Boy Scouts of the 1st and 2nd St. Andrews troops, directed by Scoutmaster Rev. W. Ideson. An orchestra was in attendance at the luncheon hour. Hon. Cairine Wilson, Canada’s only woman senator, was also present, with Mr. Wilson, and was heard in a pleasing expression of gratitude for Miss Van Horne’s sincere interest in provincial agricultural development and for her hospitality.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 13/1936
Chief Justice Charles Evans of US Supreme Court spending remainder of season at Algonquin. Sir Edward Beatty, J. W. Hodds and F. E. Meredith of Montreal spend weekend at Algonquin. Sat. afternoon attend garden party at Cairine Wilson’s.
St. Croix Courier
Feb 4/1937
Shire town Items—Pansy Patch sold. Summer cottage owned by S. F. Houston. Sold to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns. Mrs. Burns Janet Wilson, daughter of Senator Wilson. Noted during Hayter Reed’s time for splendid collection of model ships.
St. Croix Courier
July 14/1938
Shiretown Items—Miss Cairine Wilson wins NB Ladies Golf Championship. “Miss Wilson believes that for her success much credit is due to the excellent tutoring she had here under John Peacock and Archie Skinner. The tournament is to be held in St. Andrews next year over the beautiful Algonquin golf course, and no doubt the youthful champion will be on hand to defend her title. To Miss Wilson the Algonquin course is an open book, as it is on these links that she has done practically all of her playing.”
Hotel Business Better—Business at the Algonquin to date is better than last year. More tickets have been sold at the tennis courts and the golf links and bathing beach are well patronized. The Hotel has a very fine orchestra this season, every man a star with years radio experience. The names are: Samuel Hersenhoren, leader and violinist; Ernest Barnes, piano; Gordon McKay, double bass; Harry Nicholson, drums; Charles Green, saxophone and clarinet; Henry Del-Greco, violin and saxophone Glenn Morley, cello.
Ferry Approach Bad—frequently visitors need a pull over the worst part of the hill which is covered with loose stones. But business increasing steadily regardless; over 22 hundred cars used the Ferry last year and to date this season is better than last.
Instructive and entertaining evening at Casino for dealers and employees of Imperial Oil Charlotte County. A talking picture was shown explaining the manufacture and uses of theirwil and also a travelogue of Africa. After the programmed refreshments were served and a “sing song” enjoyed until midnight, when the party broke up by singing “Good Night Ladies.”
SA Band put on a performance with Harry Nicholson, drummer from the Algonquin sitting in with the boys and pepping things up a lot. Tunes listed.
St. Croix Courier
July 20/1939
Miss Margot Redmond hostess of very pleasant tea on lawn outside golf club house on occasion of award ceremonies of NB-PEI mixed championships. 100 guests present as well as Algonquin orchestra. Miss Cairine Wilson and Watson Stinson, SA, winners.
St. Croix Courier
Jan 11/1940
Shiretown Items
Real Friends Appear
Friends of St. Andrews and patrons of the Arena have begun to express their sympathy in a material way. A cheque for $100 has been received from Senator Cairine Wilson. Senator Wilson not only made a substantial contribution at the time the Arena was built seven years ago, but has also donated generously each year to the funds raised by the Bazaar, and it is gratifying to the promotes to know that her interest, so splendidly expressed, still continues. And another of the owns’ finest boosters, Howard Pillow, has also been heard from. He expressed himself as not only willing to contribute generously himself, but will also undertake to raise some money among his friends. During recent years Mr. Pillow has shown a great interest in the welfare of the town, and has been a great help in many ways. He is now so intimately known among the locals that he is considered “one of the boys,” than which we can pay him no higher compliment. Now that he has put his hand to the plough it can be taken as an assure fact that the Arena will arise in youthful freshness from its own ashes.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 14/1941
Senator Wilson speaks at Benefit Concert
Enjoyable Entertainment in Aid of Bombed-Out Children Given at Algonquin Casino
An enjoyable concert was presented in the Algonquin Casino at St. Andrews on Tuesday evening under the auspices of Passamaquoddy Chapter, I.O.D.E. in aid of the fund for crippled children in the bombed out areas of Britain, and was very well patronized.
In the course of the evening an address on the subject, “Service Behind the Lines,” was given by Senator Cairine Wilson.
St. Croix Courier
Oct 30/1941
Shiretown Items
Donors of books to library this year Mrs. Haney, Warren, Tait, Pillow, Senator Wilson, Finigan, Senna, Smith, McNichol, Henderson. 86 books.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 26/1943
By Earl Caughey
Annual flower show draws over 1000 in St. Andrews. 6th annual sponsored by Kiwanis held in St. Andrews arena. Patronage of following residents: W. D. Clark, Hon. Senator Wilson, Hon. Marguerite Shaughnessy, Lady Allen, Lady Davis, Mrs. F. W. Thompson, Mrs. Pillow, Mrs. Struthers, Mrs. E. Maxwell, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. Timmons, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Alice Wilson, Mrs. Halstead Freeman, Mrs. Prentice, Mrs. S. W. Watson, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Southam, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Shutt, Miss Hosmer, Mrs. Dodge, Miss Clergue, Mrs. Ferney, Mrs. Blair Gordon, Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Mrs. E. MacKay, Mrs. Charles Hope, Mrs. H. P. Ross, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Redmond, Mr. Walsh.
St. Croix Courier
January 27, 1944
Shiretown Items
One for the Old Folks
The meeting of the County Council here last week has recalled to my mnd the first time the xistence and importance of this august body politic was brough tto my notice. It was away back in the gay nineties. St. Andrws was not incorporated at that time and the town’s municipal afairs alogn with those of the parish were entirely in th ehands of two concillor electd annually. There was an agitation at the time for the intstallation of a system of waterworks for the town. Two candidates were moninated in support of the project and two in opposition, and just prior to th eelction a public meeting was held in Stevenson’s hall for the aspirants to air their views and to solicit the patronage of the rate payers. Unfortunately I c annot recall the names of three of the candidates (I remarked in a recent item that we remember only what interests us) but I do distinctly remember Nathan Blakeney, one of the opposition. Mr. Blakeney was a farmer on the outskirts of the town, being at that time the owner and proprietor of what is now known as “Clubrig,” the summer home of Senator Wilson. Now I cannot recall one word that Mr. Blakeney said at that meeting but the picture of his strong and imposing figure on the platform and his earnest and sincer emanner are still as clear as if the incident had happened last week. I do remmember that he opposed high taxes and denounced waterworks and every person connected therewith in no uncertain terms. Mr. Blakeney and his runing mate were elected and the question of waterworks was buried for anotehr thirty years. As a sort of a sequel to these stirring events a forty verse poem, words and music, was composed by a local artist, and rendered with appropriate dance steps at a concerd held during the next Christmas holiday season, by the versaeile and popular comedians of that period Joseph Handy and Charles Kennedy. I remember the tune quite wll but onl one verse with chorus, which proves again that we only remember what interests us. The verse that I recall refrs to the electio of Mr. Blakeney and the coming meeting of the County Council and I give it herewith along with the chorus. I hope that th ememories of the older folks, especially those who ar scattered far and wide, may be stirred by the recolletion of these perhaps trivial incidents of bygone days. Perhaps someone can furnish some more verses of the song. As far as I know it had no name but shall call it
St. Croix Courier
Aug 28/1947
Masquerade Ball at Andraeleo Hall. Rose MacKay as Nelson Eddy wins award for prettiest. Judges Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pillow, Miss Cairine Wilson, Mrs. Roger Merriman. 500 entries. Many categories.
St. Croix Courier
July 28/1949
Shiretown Items: Mrs. Blair Gordon of the Algonquin Golf Club has brought home the ladies Maritime Golf Championship. Cairine Wilson wins ladies NB-PEI tourney. Skinner holds pro and open.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 11/1949
Shiretown items
The operetta “A Guardsman’s Duty,” will be presented in the Andraeleo Hall on August 22 and 23rd. Written by Ian A. Macmillan, a summer employee of the Algonquin, the operetta will be a presentation by a cast chosen from staff at the hotel. The Algonquin Hotel Orchestra, under the leadership of Clarence Sawyer, will provide the music.
Macmillan, who comes originally from Montreal, has been teaching music in the Sherbrooke area. He teaches wind instruments and plays 16 instruments, including the piano. He has been studying and playing for more than 15 years. He has already had several pieces of music published, and in the Fall he plans to attend the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston to continue his studies.
“A Guardsman’s Duty” is laid in Hungary in the late 1790’s and the early 1800’s and the story is built around a troupe of honor guards and their ladies. Macmillan’s music is melodic and tuneful. Some of the choruses are written for 8-part harmony with solo leads, and the whole scene is in keeping with the romantic area of the story.
The presentation will be under the patronage of His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. D. L. McLaren, Sir Montague Allan and lady Allen, and other distinguished summer residents.
The proceeds of the entertainment will be for the joint benefit of the District Nurse Fund and Miss Marilyn Noells, a university student and summer employee who was seriously injured at the Bathing Beach some weeks ago.
A committee consisting of Miss Cairine Wilson and Mrs. William Breeze is assisting the District Nurse Committee in a local arrangements, while matter of production are in the hands of the Algonquin Hotel staff. Tickets are now on sale.
St. Croix Courier
July 20/1950
Shiretown items
Worrell: Mrs. Blair Gordon of Algonquin Golf Club won provincial title for lady golfers in 1950. Also won in 1947 and 1948. Cairine Wilson won in 1949 with record 170 for 4 holes.
St. Croix Courier
July 27/1950
Shiretown items
Mrs. Blair Gordon wins Maritime Ladies Golf Championship, adding to NB Ladies Championship. Opponent in final round Cairine Wilson, also of Algonquin Club. Dramatic description by Worrell.
St. Croix Courier
Oct 5/1950
Shiretown items: Various items on Men’s Club members. Gov. Gen Viscount Alexander, Lt. Gov. McLaren, Senator Wilson, Sir James Dunn and others.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 5/1954
Two NB golfers named to Maritimes team: Mrs. Blair Gordon and Miss Cairine Wilson. Wilson has won NB title 5 times and NS once. Gordon NB title 3 times, and NS in 1952.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 11/ 1955
Directory for 1955. Seaside Resort Summer Homes, Occupants Listed.
Norman and Senator Cairine Wilson, Clibrig, Saint John Road.