Old St. Andrews



Donald McMaster



Donald MacMaster


Aug 3/1893
Donald MacMaster registered at Algonquin.


June 14/1900
Mr. Donald MacMaster, the distinguished Queen’s Counsel of Montreal, will tenant “Rose bank,” this season, with his family. Mr. and Mrs. MacMaster and their little family are no stranger to SA, having spent several summers here. Mr. MacMaster has recently acquired a building lot in SA, and it is possible that one result of his visit this season will be the erection of a summer home thereon.


Nov 22/1900
New Summer Homes
The work of erecting Mr. Donald MacMaster’s summer home at the eastern end of King Street is proceeding apace. The foundation walls are almost finished, and the lumber for the superstructure is being place don the ground. This cottage will also be ready for occupation the coming summer.


Jan 31, 1901
Distinguished Visitors in Town
Sir William Van Horne, Viscount Dunluce (nephew of Lady Minto [Governor General’s wife]), Donald MacMaster, K. D., Mr. William Hope and Mr. Finley, architect, of Montreal, came to St. Andrews on Tuesday in the private car Saskatchewan. The party drove to Minister’s island, where Sir William inspected his property. Afterwards, they looked over the site of Mr. Hope’s summer cottage and examined Mr. MacMaster’s new summer residence. Sir William stated that he had some additions to his present buildings on the island in contemplation. Mr. MacMaster expressed himself well pleased with the appearance of his cottage and with the character of the work being performed by Mr. Robert Stevenson, who has the contract for its erection. The party returned to Montreal the same afternoon.


March 28/1901
Montreal parties are negotiating for the purchase of lots of land near Mr. Donald MacMaster’s new summer cottage.


April 25/1901
Our Summer Cottages
12. Donald MacMaster, K. C., and family, Montreal, new cottage King St. extension


June 6/1901
Canadian Salt Combine
New Summer Cottages
Two Handsome Dwellings to Open This Season
Donald MacMaster, K. C., and Mr. Wm. Hope, of Montreal, Owners
Slowly but none the less surely the cottage population of St. Andrews is increasing. This season will witness the opening of two handsome summer dwellings, both of which belong to Montreal people.
            That of Donald MacMaster, the celebrated King’s Counsel, of Montreal, occupies a position at the eastern extremity of King St. and besides commanding a full view of that pleasant avenue opens out a prospect of the bay and the surrounding country to the eastward that is charming in the extreme.
            The cottage itself is a marvel of beauty and of architectural skill. One of the mot noticeable features about it is its broad verandah, which runs around the greater part of the building. This verandah is ten feet wide for the greater distance, but on the east there is a bay in it which extends out sixteen feet.
            The main entrance is on King St. Passing through a large porch and vestibule with a cloak room on the left of the latter, one enters the hall, 9 x 18 feet. To the right of the hall, on the south-western corner, is the library, a spacious room, 16 x 18 feet, which has an opening out on the verandah. The adjoining room, which will be used as a drawing room, is 16 x 14 feet. It also has an exit on the verandah. At the extremity of the hall is the “ingle nook,” with a massive fireplace.
            On the King St. side, to the left of the entrance, is a bedroom 13 x 12 feet, with a comfortable and thoroughly equipped bath room immediately in its rear. On the opposite side of the house, facing the east, is the dining room, 14 x 19 feet. From the dining room on passes into the serving room 12 x 10 feet, and from there to the kitchen, which is 12 x 17 feet. In the rear of the kitchen is another verandah, with a room on either side for fuel and larder.
            There are two stairways leading to the second floor, the main stair rising from the hall, while the other is further in the rear, with a passageway from the hall 3 feet wide.
            On the second floor, facing the south, are two large bedrooms, the one on the farther side of the building opening out on to a bayed balcony. These rooms are 16 x 15 feet and 16 x 14 feet. There is a large closet attached to each. The upstairs hall is 9 x 16 feet. At its western end there is a charming little boudoir, which has an exit on a balcony facing the town. Besides the bedroom already mentioned, there are three other bedrooms on the second floor, with two sleeping rooms in the rear for the servants. There are also a linen room, closet and bathroom on this floor, conveniently located.
            The building is supplied with fireplaces and means of heating.
            Mr. Robert Findlay, of Montreal, was the architect of the building. Mr. Robert Stevenson, of SS, was the contractor for its erection. He has done his work well and has been ably assisted by the men under him. The plumbing is the work of Maguire, of Toronto, and is of a very complete character. A. A. Laflin, of SS, has done the painting, and Howard Allen, of SG, the plastering. The grading of the grounds around the cottage is being performed by P. J> MacNamara, the well known landscape gardener of St. Stephen.
July 25, 1901
Robert Stevenson gone to Montreal to superintend some building operations for Donald MacMaster.


August 1/1901
There was a dance at the Algonquin, on Tuesday night, in honor of the St. John ladies. They were brilliantly costumed and enjoyed themselves greatly. (The “Hotel Arrival’s” section shows a party of about 20 persons from Saint John.) “King’s Brae,” the summer home of Donald MacMaster, K. C., beautiful externally, is having its interior tastefully adorned with some rare works of art.


Aug 8/1901
Governor-General’s Visit
SA Extends the Glad Hand to King Edward’s Representative
Gentlemen: Sir William Van Horne, The Mayor of Toronto, Rev. Dean Sills (Portland), Dr. William Watson (Utica, NY), Rev. John Allan, Rev. Calvin Currie, Dr. J. Wade, Justice Street (Toronto), High Sheriff Stuart, Mr. George Mowatt, G. Hibbard, John Magee, William Watson, Frank Kennedy, Donald MacMaster, Frank Allen, T. R. Wren, Thomas Armstrong, F. R. Grimmer, T. T. Odell, R. E. Armstrong, P. G. Hanson


Aug 8/1901
Governor-General’s Visit
SA Extends the Glad Hand to King Edward’s Representative
            [Drive about town and sail in Curlew]
On returning to town, the party at once drove to the steamboat wharf, where the Curlew, spick and span, with a rainbow of colors from stem to stern, was in waiting to receive them. The party stepped on board and, accompanied by the reception committee, the town clergymen, Judge Forbes of Saint John , Donald MacMaster, K. C., and a few other invited guests, steamed around the Sand Reef light and over towards Minister’s Island—Sir William Van Horne’s summer home. Of the island pier, the Curlew came to anchor, after which the vice-regal guest and nearly all the other were boated ashore. Sir William Van Horne and Lady Van Horne were on hand to give the party a greeting. A landing having been successfully effected, then Sir William Took charge of the party and showed them about his beautiful grounds. Sir William’s studio, in which there are many artistic products from his brush, was also visited. Carriages were provided and a visit paid to the stock farm on the island. Lady Minto was enchanted with the loveliness of the island and took a number of views with her camera. About an hour was spent in rambling about the lovely island, after which the party bad sir William and family adieu and returned to the Curlew. . . .


Aug 22/1901
Who’s Who and What’s What
Mr. Donald MacMaster, K. C., of Kingsbrae, is recognized as one of the ablest legal minds in Canada. He is interested in politics and literature; a man of an agreeable personality.


Dec 5, 1901
At the St. Andrews ball in Montreal, Mrs. Donald MacMaster was gowned most effectively in blue moiré, trimmed with point lace, and wore diamond ornaments. Miss Alice Shaughnessy wore an extremely dainty gown of white tulle embroidered in silver, and pink rosebuds, which was much admired


March 13/1902
A Witty Lawyer
Mr. Donald MacMaster’s witty address before the Insurance Society of Montreal brings out an amusing story of a visit Mr. MacMaster paid to Sir William Van Horne’s Minister’s Island last summer. When Sir William had shown Montreal famous K. C. his big horses, his belted cattle and his Tamworth pigs he took him over to his poultry house to look at his ducks, his geese, his guinea hens, etc. The lawyer fixed s stony gaze upon a Muscovy duck that was ornamented with a very red and rummy beak and then turning around to Sir William, remarked very seriously. “I wouldn’t have that duck about the place.” “Why?” asked Sir William, in a surprised tone. “Why!” replied the visitor, “the beggar drinks! Just look at his nose.” Sir William’s hearty laugh might have been heard across the bar.


Aug 25/1904
Land Company Improvement
The St. Andrews Land Company have in contemplation a number of improvements in their grounds. Some of these are completed, others well advanced, while others are yet to begin. One of the completed works is in connection with the Algonquin spring. A neat pavilion with the sides open all around has been erected about the well. Within the pavilion seats have been provided. The water of the spring bubbles up from the stone and cement curbing two feet above the floor. The floor of the enclosure around the well has been cemented. A drinking cup has been provided for those who wish to partake of the sparkling waters of the spring. A pipe has been carried from the spring to the road, so that those who wish to obtain water in buckets or in other vessels without visiting the well itself may do so.
            One of the works that is well advanced is the new road system for the proposed residential park overlooking Katy’s Cove. A stretch of road 30 feet wide has been constructed from the head of King Street, alongside Mr. Donald MacMaster’s residence, to the cemetery road, emerging at the corner on the first hill. It is proposed to continue this road system across country to the Bar Road. This extension will be made at once.


Aug 10/1905
Place Names
Here are a few of the place-names about SA, with the names of the owners or present occupants:
Covenhoven—Sir William Van Horne
Dalmeny—William Hope
Rossmount—Rev.. H. P. Ross
Cedar Croft—Rev. A. T. Bowser
Resthaven—F. W. Thompson
Bide-a-Wee—C. R. Hosmer
Lazy Croft—G. B. Hopkins
Park cottage—D. R. Forgan
Tipperary Fort—Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
Top Side—T. R. Wheelock
Kings Brae—D. MacMaster
Chestnut Hall—Mrs. Simpson
Linden Grange—Lady Tilley
Clover Bank—Miss Ottie Smith
Ainslee Villa—F. P. McColl
Maplehurst—C. S. Everett
Red Cliff—A. P. Young
Beech Hill—George Mowat
Elm Corner—Miss Mowatt
Rose Bank—R. A. Stuart
Ifield—Rev. Dean Sills
The Anchorage—Mr. F. G. Andrews
Sea View—Mrs. John Robinson


Oct 3/1907
Donald MacMaster Entertains Kipling
Montreal, Sept 30
Mr. and Mrs. Rudyard Kipling, who have been in the city since Friday, when they arrived from England on a holiday trip, left this morning on their trip across the continent. Their plans are to return to Montreal in three weeks and they will sail for home about the end of October. A party of prominent Montrealers, including Sir William Van Horne, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Principal Petterson, F. D. Monk. M. P., and Lay Hickson, met the distinguished author at luncheon Sunday at the Mount Royal Club, Donald MacMaster being host.


Oct 17/1907
Donald MacMaster Presents British Flag to St. Andrews Schools. Miss Van Horne also present.


Sept 7/1911
Mr. R. L. Borden Calls
He was well received and had a good hearing.
Sir William Van Horne says Canada is so prosperous under Liberals that Reciprocity is not needed.
            Mr. Borden, the leader of the opposition, received a hearty welcome on his first visit to Charlotte County. Upon reaching St. Andrews station on Saturday morning last, he was met by the local reception committee and escorted amid cheers to the automobile of Mr. G. W. Ganong, ex M. P. of St. Stephen.
            Then a procession was formed, composed of the St. Andrews Band, thee auto from SS, the carriages of Sir William Van Horne, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy and a number of local teams, and the distinguished visitor was conveyed to the summer residence of F. W.
Thompson, president of the Ogilvie Milling Company, where a short reception was held. The route of March was decorated with flags, and bunting, and mottoes of various kinds. Quite a number of people attended the reception. The house and grounds were beautifully decorated and looked very attractive.
            Following the reception there was a luncheon, at which, among others, was Sir William Van Horne, and Mr. Donald MacMaster, M. P., for Surrey, England, sat down.


Mr. Donald MacMaster, M. P. for Surrey, England, was the last speaker of the afternoon. He made a rattling good stump speech, without using any very strong arguments. He stated that reciprocity would not give Canadians a 90,000,000 market. They would only have a little fringe along the border line. He quoted Champ. Clark’s speech in which he said that the United States had in view the annexation of Canada. He said that beef was being brought from the Argentine republic and marketed in the United States cheaper than it could be brought from Canada. The fruit industry of Canada would be ruined. We don’t need U. S. fruit. He argued that reciprocity would be a bad thing for Canada. Though he was the elected representative of a constituency in Great Britain he valued his citizenship in St. Andrews as a higher honor!
            At the close of Mr. MacMaster’s address the meeting broke up with a lot of cheering.
            Mr. Borden and party were then conveyed by auto to SS, where the former addressed a large meeting. He also spoke to a large audience at Milltown.


Sept 19/1912
Kingsbrae sold by Donald MacMaster, K. C., M. P. of Surrey, England, to Percy Cowans, of Montreal, who occupied it this year.


Nov 4/1915
Sir William Van Horne’s Recreations.
By Rev. A Wylie Mahon
Someone has said that we never know our great men till we see them at play, till we watch them throw off the vexing cares of business and allow themselves to be themselves. Now that Sir William Van Horne has gone from us, we like to think of him, not so much as phenomenally successful business man, who possessed, as few have done the Midas touch, who saw visions an dreamed dreams of Canada’s future greatness, and who did not a little to realize his own dreams; but we like to think of him as he revealed himself when far from the madding crowd he enjoyed his happy and beautiful home at Covenhoven, St. Andrews.
            Sir William discovered St. Andrews as a summer resort about twenty-five years ago. He was the pioneer of the interesting Montreal colony that followed his lead, that included Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. Charles R. Hosmer, Senator Robert, MacKay, Mr. William Hope, Mr. Donald MacMaster, Mr. Edward Maxwell and many others. Sir William was universally acknowledged as the beloved chief of the Montreal clan, and this distinction gave him a great deal of pleasure. Whenever a member of the Montreal clan built a summer home for himself in that charming resort Sir William showed his appreciation by painting a large picture, usually of a his favorite bare birches, which was placed over the mantel of the new home, and was treasured by the happy recipient as nothing else in the house was.