Old St. Andrews



Sir Charles Tupper



Sir Charles Tupper in St. Andrews


June 14/1871
The Hon. Mr. Tilley, and the Hon. Dr. Tupper and family are expected here on Friday next from Ottawa, and it is probably that Sir John and Lady McDonald will be guests of the Minister of Customs during the summer. Several other distinguished Canadians will pay St. Andrews a flying visit, as at present there are not accommodations for their families, a difficulty which it is hoped will be removed ere another season comes round. Several families we heard of, who desired to spend the summer here, have been obliged to adopt Digby and other seaports, as they could not obtain lodgings here.


Aug 9, 1871
The Hon. Dr. Tupper, we learn, has purchased Belle Vue Cottage and grounds, from Mr. John Craig. This delightfully situated property was lately owned by Col. Grey. It is said that other purchases are contemplated by Privy Councillors, and other gentlemen from the upper Provinces. We quite agree with our contemporary the “Globe,” that St. Andrews has become the Watering Place for the Dominion.


Jan 3/1872
With the close of the year, came the commencement of another work of great importance to our Town [like European and North American Railway]; we refer to the new Hotel, the foundation walls of which are now nearly finished. When completed the St. Andrews Hotel will be second in size and magnificence only to the famed “Victoria,” and we have no doubt will prove as successful a speculation. The purchase of residences made by the Hon. Messrs. Tilley and Dr. Tupper are also good omens for us. We may be pardoned for using the simile, but our face seems to be our fortune, and our beauty is becoming known and appreciated.


June 26/1872
S. T. Gove places ad to let Dr. Tupper’s residence, called “Bellevue,” for several years.


June 4/1873
Tilley coming for summer. “The family of Sir Sandford Fleming, Esq., will also make St. Andrews their summer residence.” Tupper also coming.


July 21/1875
Tilley and Tupper in town.


June 14, 1876
Tupper and Tilley families in town.


July 18, 1878
Fire. About 7 o’clock, pm, the alarm of fire soon collected a large number of person at the engine house, and the fire companies displayed the enthusiasm usual among firemen to fight the fire-fiend on appearance. It was shortly known that the fire was out on Dr. Tupper’s Farm, and the house was the residence of Hayden C. Guptill. The house was a large stone house, and now only the walls remain. It was with difficulty that the household goods were saved. Mr. Guptill’s wife was in town at the time the fire occurred.


Aug 14/1878
80 guests at Kennedy’s past 10 days, including Dr. Tupper. List almost entirely Charlotte County, couple from Woodstock, Houlton, Boston.


Oct 18, 1879
Tupper and family in town. Praised as true, loyal conservative. Truly dependable.


Jan 5/1881
Blake versus Tupper in Parliament on CPR. Tupper’s speech verbatim. Editorial on subject. Funding much in question. Syndicate identified with St. Paul and Minneapolis, men of wealth if not financiers of the first magnitude. Nothing else known at this point.


May 19/1881
As Others See Us
A New Brunswick Watering Place
--St. John Sun
. . . Sir Leonard Tilley and Sir Charles Tupper had residences in SA, and they have made its attractions known to Ottawa people. We should not be surprised to find it in the near future, the summer home of a great many people from the Upper Provinces who seek for pleasant seashore residences in convenient and not too expensive localities.


Dec 1/1881
Sir Charles Tupper in town, guest of C. Gove. Leaves next day.


May 25/1882
Belleview Cottage for lease. The cottage is that formerly occupied by Colonel Gray, is situated on Hume’s Hill, about one mile from St. Andrews, from which a view of the own, the beautiful Passamaquoddy Bay and the island thereof, together with a large stretch of the coast of Maine is had.


April 24/1884
*Sir Charles Tupper pointed out advantages of St. Andrews as winter port in debate on railway subsidies. See previous issue for transcript.


May 15/1884
Bull from Highland Hill, Tupper’s property, weighs in at 1,150 pounds in town. Tupper arrives in town. Puts up at Kennedy’s. Tilley expected soon. Both men followed closely in paper.


Sept 3/1885
The Hon. Sir Charles Tupper arrived at St. Andrews by special train Saturday evening, and took his departure by train Monday morning, while here he concluded the sale of his farm, Highland Hill, near this town, to this nephew, Mr. Nathan Blakeney, who has had charge of it for the past three years. [is the property later bought by Robert MacKay for Clibrig?]


Sir Charles Tupper in town over weekend to conclude sale of Highland Farm to nephew.


Jan 7/1886
The Short Line contract signed:--Mr. MacIntyre, as President of the International Railway Company, has signed in the presence of Sir Charles Tupper, High Commissioner for Canada, a contract for the construction of the Short Line of Railway to connect Montreal with SA, and Saint John , NB and with Halifax, NS.—London England Canadian Gazette, Dec. 17


Magee in editorial laughs at the doubting Thomases who doubted the government could bring this off. Must be a Tory. Influence of Tupper, Tilley and MacDonald a coincidence?


March 1/1888
Great Movement in Real Estate
“A project initiated some months ago by F. W. Cram, Esq., General Manager of the NB Railway, has now passed the initial stage. C. Veazie Lord, Esq., of Bangor, Me., and Gen. Manager Cram, whose arrival in town last week was reported in the Bay Pilot, acting on behalf of themselves and a syndicate of American capitalists associated with them, negotiated the purchase of the following mentioned properties:--
From Dr. Parker, town lots and three blocks (a block contains two and two-third acres, and there are eight lots in a block) two of the blocks are situated near the Hotel Argyll property, and the other opposite the residence of Rev. Canon Ketchum, D. D. Dr. Parker also sold them forty-five acres of the pasture on the slope of the hill running down to Katy’s Cove. From the Whitlock estate, seventeen town lots and the Dunn farm, so called, at Joe’s Point, containing 137 acres. From g. Durell Grimmer, five lots in the Breackliffe block. From Richardson Haddock, two lots near the residence of C. M. Gove, Esq. From James Haley, three lots near Fort Tipperary. From John McFarlane, twenty-three acres, and from William Rollins thirteen acres. These last mentioned lands front on the road to the cemetery, and run down to the shore of the bay, bounded on either side by Archie McFarlane’s and the cemetery line fences. From Mr. Geo. Mowatt, twenty-five acres of Beech Hill farm, being the plot of land bounded in front by the St. John road, and on either side by the line fence on Highland Hill farm and Mowatt’s lane fence.
            In addition to the lands absolutely bought, the option to purchase lands as follows has been secured under written contract, viz: From Nathan T. Blakeney, the Highland Hill (or Tupper Farm), known to the older residents of St. Andrews as the Walton Farm, about 360 acres. From the Messrs. Andrews’, Minister’s or Chamcook Island, containing 960 acres. From Mr. Lord and G. D. Grimmer and others, their interest in St. Andrews Island, and how much other property we cannot at present state. The properties so far secured are amongst the most eligibly situated in the town and vicinity, and were secured at reasonable rates, although perhaps a little in advance of what property has been held at during the past ten years. We have reason to believe that during the coming summer, a large amount of money will be expended in the erection of buildings and in improvement of the property. The lands so far purchased have been, with his consent, conveyed to Sir Leonard Tilley, Lieut-Governor of NB, in trust, pending the organization of the proposed land company.”


July 6/1893
. . . The former house of Sir Charles Tupper marks the centre of the first amphitheatre of hills running across the peninsula from the St. Croix river to Passamaquoddy Bay. Remodelled and enlarged, it is now the property of Mr. J. Emory Hoar of Brookline, Mass., and is his summer home from Mid-May to the close of October, for those who know St. Andrews best say that September and October are among the most delightful months there. the late Js. G. Blaine, upon the occasion of a visit to St. Andrews in 1888, compared the view from Mr. Hoar’s lawn as in his judgment equalled only by some of the delightful pictures seen among the lakes of Scotland.


June 7/1894
There Should be Another
The St. Andrews Beacon is putting on airs because that popular watering place has three knights on its assessment roll. The distinguished gentlemen who contribute towards keeping up the town, are Sir Leonard Tilley, Sir Donald Smith and Sir W. C. Van Horne, each of whom own extensive properties there—Fredericton Herald. Since the Beacon’s last paragraph on the subject was published, we have been told that another knight, Sir Charles Tupper, owns land in Sa, so that instead of having a claim on but three knights, we should have four on our list.


Feb 6/1896
A Delusion
There are those who profess to believe that the return of the Conservative party to power with Sir Charles Tupper as premier means the realization of the hopes of St. Andrews people, so far as they relate to the utilization of their port. We wish we could see with the same eye of faith, but we feel bound to say that there is nothing in the record of the Conservative party or Sir Charles Tupper to warrant such a hope. With the exception of a brief interregnum, the Conservative party has been in power in Canada every since Confederation, yet during all that time they have not expended single dollar in the way of providing port facilities here, nor have they shown the slightest disposition to do so. They cannot shelter themselves behind the plea that the subject was never brought to their attention. It has been brought to their attention time and again and in such ways that there was no chance for it to escape them. Not only has Mr. Gillmor urged it upon them on the floor of the House of Commons, but with five years they have twice been memorialized by the people of St. Andrews.  The memorials have come to naught, just as Mr. Gillmor’s speeches have. The answer which the Minister of Finance gave to the first memorial was that the could not make an appropriation for wharves at a port not touched by their line of railway, [Intercolonial] even though such an appropriation would have removed the stigma that Canada had no suitable port through which to transact its business.
            This was the stated policy of the government four year ago, and we have seen nothing since then to warrant even the shadow of a belief that that policy has been altered. And what has Sir Charles Tupper done for SA? He has had the ear of the government all these years, and with the exception of the period when the Short Line agitation was in progress, no one every heard him mention the name of St. Andrews in a public place. While speaking of the Short Line it is just as well to bear in mind that Sir Charles Tupper voted down the proposition which required the CPR to utilize NB ports. He was eager that the CPR should secure the contract, but his eagerness ended there. The railway might make their terminal port on Canadian soil, or they might make it on US soil for aught he cared. This was his record on the Short Line, but his record on the Intercolonial railway was even worse, for in that he deliberately sacrificed the interests of NB in favor of Halifax. And what interest has he shown I St. Andrews during the years that he was being stall-fed in the High Commissioner’s office, London? None whatever. During all the talk that he has been making across the Atlantic and on this side the Atlantic with respect to the proposed fast line and the port at which it was proposed to touch, not in a single instance has he made the slightest allusion to St. Andrews. Halifax—and Halifax alone—seems to be the only port that occupies his vision. As we have indicated in previous remarks upon this subject, St. Andrews possesses natural and geographical advantages that entitle it to our recognition, yet it has never obtained such recognition. We cannot see the slightest peg in the attitude of the Conservative party or of Sir Charles Tupper that the people of St. Andrews can hang their hopes upon. It is not through any special regard for any section of Canada that Sir Charles Tupper is in this country today. He is here because he recognizes his party is in deadly peril and that his fat office is likewise in jeopardy, and it is to try to save the party from defeat and himself from being discharged that he is now labouring so zealously. It will be remembered that soon after his arrival he said that “he would not remain in Canada long.” Taken in conjunction with the fact that he refuses to give up the billet of high commissioner, there is only one inference to be drawn from this statement, and that is that if he succeeds in rescuing his party he will return to his well-filled crib in London for another five years. That is what Sir Charles Tupper is laboring for and if there are many in this section who hope for different things from his visit the sooner they dismiss this delusion from their minds the better. If St. Andrews is to be benefited by any government it is abundantly clear that it will not e by the present government.


may 21/1896
Tupper has replaced Bowell as Prime Minister, and an election is in the works, the government having been dissolved. Much election rhetoric from Armstrong over the Conservative’s poor treatment of St. Andrews. Of Tupper Armstrong has no use.


May 28/1896
Sir Charles Tupper knew the port advantages of Charlotte County—knew them sell yet he has betrayed this County and Saint John in favor of Halifax and Portland, Maine. By a single stroke of his pen he has wiped out every claim of gratitude—if ever there was the shadow of a claim—that the Conservatives of this county had upon him. Can you as a MAN vote for a government that has ruined your prospects in life, that has impaired the value of your property, and whose action may render it necessary for you to pull up stakes and go elsewhere to seek a livelihood for yourself and those dependent upon you?


April 7, 1898
Thoughts of Home. Suggested By Glimpse at Home Paper
(Letter to Armstrong by John William James, on memories of SA, last visited 20 years ago. Father sold Highland Hill to Tupper. Various interesting recollections)


April 3/1902
The Busy Hand of Death
J. Emory Hoar
The death occurred At Brookline, Mass., on Saturday last, of Mr. J. Emory Hoar, one of the leading citizens of that city and for seventeen years a summer resident of SA, (1885), occupying the beautiful cottage on the outskirts of the own, formerly the property of Sir Charles Tupper. The deceased had been in failing health for several months pat, yet he looked forward with pleasant anticipations to another summer spent beneath the sunny skies of St. Andrews. He was a man of kindly, refined nature, retiring in his manner, yet possessing a geniality which won for him the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. He was one of the leading educationalists of Massachusetts. He leaves a widow, (his third Wife) and one son, Mr. D. Blakely Hoar, who is a rising young barrister in Boston. Being one of the first of the American colony to discover the summer beauties of SA, he took a great interest in its development as a summer resort. he was an active member of the St. Andrews Land Company. St. Andrews people will regret that his kindly presence will no more be seen on their streets.


Nov 5/1903
One of the promises that Sir Charles Tupper fed the people of St. Andrews was that when the Short Line was completed this port would be utilized as the ocean port of the road. Many years have gone by since then but he happy day that he predicted has not yet come to pass. Indeed it looks now as if Boston might have the first call.


Oct 19/1905
Senator MacKay’s Plans
A Handsome Residence Begun on New Property
Senator Mackay, of Montreal, who recently purchased the Tupper-Bleakney property on the outskirts of the town, is losing no time in the development of his new estate. Already he has begun the erection of what will probably be the larges and most complete summer residence in this locality. He has selected as the site for his new summer abiding place a piece of ground about one hundred yards north of the old Bleakney dwelling place. The outlook from this point is one of the most beautiful imaginable, covering an extensive view of St. Andrews bay with all the country round about. Had he sought the Dominion over he could not have fallen upon a sport which embraces so much that is beautiful, as much that is varied and pleasing to his eye.
            The dwelling house, for which ground has now been broken, will be 93 x 45 feet on the ground, with a forty foot ell. The first story wall will be composed of rough field stone, cemented together. Above this there will be a story and a half of wood, the general design of the building being very handsome as will as comfortable and summer-like. A broad verandah will be constructed around the main dwelling. The contract for the stone work has been awarded to Mr. Charles Horsnell, who has already begun work. The carpenter contract has not been given out. It is Senator MacKay’s intention to have the building completed in time for occupation next season.
            The Senator has in view a comprehensive scheme of development, with a view to enhancing the many natural beauties of his estate. La part of this scheme has already been worked out in the establishment of a pretty little pond or lake to the right of the driveway. Many years ago the late Capt. James, who owned this property, had a skating pond at the same place. Senator has renewed this dam, making the water area much large than before.  A driveway to the railway will also be laid out. It is the intention next season to remove Supt. McQuoid’s dwelling place to another part of the property.


Jan 18, 1906
Senator MacKay’s Property
The transfer of Sir Hibbert Tupper’s property at St. Andrews to Senator Mackay, of Montreal, was made last week and it is now a part of the Senator’s St. Andrews demesne.


St. Croix Courier
Nov 14/1915
Sir Charles Tupper
Last of the Fathers of Confederations has Passed Away