Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
Aug 14, 1890
General Manager Van Horne and Assistant Manager Shaughnessy, of the CPR, are taking a run over their newly acquired road, and are expected here before returning to Montreal.
Jan 22, 1891
Mr. Van Horne’s Visit to Saint John
SJ has been favored with a visit from the CPR managers, Messrs. Van Horne and Shaughnessy. They had a conference with the directors of the Bridge Company, with a view, it is said, of securing some better arrangement for traffic over the bridge. Several public and private delegations waited up the railway magnates with respect to trade matters but little beyond promises were received. When asked about an elevator Mr. Van Horne replied, says the Globe, that Canada at the present time was shipping very little wheat, as the consumption was becoming greater every year, and continuing he said the railway company were not at present considering the shipment of grain from the Maritime Provinces. Both gentlemen referred to the great stake their railway had in this province, saying they had 481 miles of road which they are compelled to operate, and they promised to make arrangements and provide facilities for all classes of trade as fast as it offered. A committee from the Board of Trade made a very strong request that as low a rate be given to St. John from the west for lour and meal for Bay of Fundy ports as is now given from Boston. Mr. Van Horne promised to bring the mater before the freight managers of the road. The subject of bringing tea from china by the CPR was next discussed, and Mr. Van Horne said their rate have been greatly lowered, and he thought that now the Saint John merchants could import cheaper than via London and Suez Canal. The committee also asked Mr. Van Horne to have the local freight rate from Saint John to the up river counties made the same as for St. Stephen. Mr. Van Horne promised to look into this matter. It is rumoured that the Leary people are tying to sell out their interest in Carleton to the railway.
April 9/1891
SA as a summer Resort
Manager Van Horne of the CPR to erect a palatial residence on Minister’s Island. Sir Donald Smith and others to build elegant summer home.
Mr. Robert S. Gardiner, vice-president of the St. Andrews Land Company, and Mr. F. W. Cram made a flying trip to St. Andrews this week to look after their interests here. During their stay, Mr. Cram exercised the option on Minister’s Island, made by the Messrs. Andrews some time ago, by purchasing 150 acres on the south end of the island. This property is purchased for W. C. Van Horne, Esq., and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, whose plans for the erection of an extensive and elegant summer residence thereon are completed. Mr. Van Horne expects to have it ready for occupancy this summer. A right for a carriage way from the end of the bar to Mr. Van Horne’s property has also been secured from Messrs. Andrews. It is Mr. Van Horne’s intention to keep a private steam yacht at the Island during the summer, and a floating dock for that purpose will be erected on the S. W. side of the island. It is part of the agreement with the owners of the island that the sand beach at the north-east end of the island, facing Hardwood Island, shall be included in the property purchased to be used for bathing purposes.
In addition to the purchase for Mr. Van Horne of the Minister’s Island property, several other important sales of land have been made. Sir Donald A. Smith has bought and paid for five acres of the Mowatt farm, opposite Mr. Hoar’s residence. It is Sir Donald’s intention to build a dwelling house either this spring or summer.
Mr. Thomas Shaughnessy, assistant president of the CPR has bought a lot of about 14,000 feet in “Acadia,” (formerly the Parker property), near the Algonquin. Mr. Jas. Burnett, of Montreal, has purchased similar-sized lot opposite Mr. Shaughnessy’s in “Acadia.”
Mr. E. A. Taft, of Boston, president of the New York and Boston Despatch Express Company, has become the owner of a 9600 feet lot in “Acadia” as well.
It is the intention of the Land Company to proceed with the construction of the dam across the mouth of Katy’s cove (in order to better fit the Cove for bathing purposes), immediately on their obtaining the necessary permits from the land owners adjacent thereto. Mr. S. H. Richardson, of Bangor, who has had a wide experience as a mill and dam builder, having built them all the way from Saint John to Wisconsin, has been here and inspected the propose dam site. The thinks that dam can be easily built, and that it will prove very effective when it is built.
Dec 17/1891
Reciprocity in Summer Homes.
The recent purchase of real estate in SA, for the location of summer houses, by a number of well-known Canadian and American gentlemen, among whom are Sir Donald A. Smith, president of the Bank of Montreal and president of the Hudson Bay Co., President W. C. Van Horne of the Canadian pacific; Thomas G. Shaughnessy, vice president of the same company, and James Burnett, the banker and broker, gives evidence of the present estimation in which St. Andrews is held as a healthful and naturally beautiful place and conveys in some degree the importance of its future.
. . . Within 500 yards of the Algonquin, 150 feet above salt water and overlooking it on every side, Mr. Shaughnessy has bought a moderate sized piece of land upon which he will locate a unique, comfortable summer home. Directly opposite Mr. Shaughnessy’s property is that of James Burnett, and further along on the same crest, Boston gentlemen have purchased locations and well-known residents of other American cities are considering the purchase of property, with the view of building.
June 8/1893
Summer Chat
A Beautiful Town.--Something About the new Summer Cottages
The summer homes now in the course of erection in St. Andrews will all be ready for occupation next month. That of Mr. Robert S. Gardiner, of Boston, is about completed. It is a charming little cottage, with a wide verandah facing the eastward, and looking down upon Katy's Cove and all the country which lies beyond. The interior of the cottage is very comfortably arranged. On the ground floor there is a broad hall, with an elegant mantel and fire-place finished in cherry coloring. To the left of this hall is Mr. Gardiner's private den. The parlor is on the right. In the rear are the dining room, pantries and kitchen. All the mantels are finished in cherry, and the hard wood floors, finished as smooth as glass, make the rooms look very attractive. The upper floor is divided off into sleeping rooms. The grounds about the cottage are now being graded and put in shape.
The summer residence of Mr. George Innes, jr., of Montclair, N. J., is well advanced toward completion. All the outer walls are shingled. The verandas are yet to complete, and the rooms remain to be sheathed. But this work will not take long to accomplish, so that Mr. Innes can safely figure on being able to occupy his house during the first week of July. J. H. Doody, of Saint John , is doing the plumbing on this building.
Over on Minister's Island, a great change for the better has been made in and around the palatial summer home of W. C. Van Horne, president of the C. P. R. Probably ten days' work remain to be done inside. Outside, under the superintendence of P. J. MacNamara, romantic little avenues are being laid out and the grounds graded in an artistic manner.
It is reported that Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, manager of the C. P. R., will soon begin the erection of a summer residence here.
The Algonquin is being painted and renovated for opening day--July 1. Manager Miller and staff are expected to arrive next week. All the indications point to a successful season.
July 6/1893
Summer Homes by the Sounding Sea
. . . Almost adjoining the property of Mr. Inness are the lots owned by Mr. Jas. Burnett and Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy of Montreal, and a little further to the south, the block owned by Mr. E. A Taft, of Boston, on all of which summer houses worthy of such commanding positions, will soon be built.
Jan 4, 1894
Concerning SA
Saint Andrews is the Shiretown of Charlotte County, in the Province of New Brunswick, delightfully situated on a peninsula in Passamaquoddy Bay. It is s a terminal point for the CPR, and is utilized by them largely as a coal port, and as a shipping point for Aroostook and Northern Maine. It has a splendid harbour—the finest con the Atlantic coast—almost completely land-locked, and affording shelter for the whole British navy. Can be entered by two channels from the Bay of Fundy—via Head Harbor and St. Croix river, or via Latete Passage. Nearest Canadian port to Montreal; open all the year round. Has prompt connection with Boston and New York steamers at Eastport, twelve miles distant, and whit the island of Deer, Campobello and Grand Manan; daily rail connection, with all points East and West. Lies contiguous to the finest fishing grounds on the Atlantic—cod, haddock, Pollock, mackerel and herring being he principal sea fish. Landlocked salmon and trout abound in the lakes and steams adjacent to the town,. Such game as deer, partridges, black duck and snipe may be shop in proper season. There is a fine agricultural district surrounding. The town is laid out in squares, with broad, tree-bordered avenues, charming driveways, romantic beaches, etc. Has first class schools, five churches, (Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and roman Catholic); also, Mason, Knights of Pythias, Forester, A. O. U. W. and temperance societies. Fast developing as a Summer resort, largely on account of its absolute immunity from Hay Fever, its picturesque location, and healthy, salt-laden atmosphere. It is a Paradise for artists. The famous Algonquin Hotel is located At St. Andrews. It is also the summer home of W. C. Van Horne, President of the CPR; Sir Leonard Tilley, ex-Lt. Governor, George, Innes, Jr., the famous artists of Montclair, NJ; Robert S. Gardiner, of Boston; J. Emory Hoar, of Brookline, Mass, and many others. Sir Donald Smith, General Manager Shaughnessy of the CPR, and a number of other capitalists of Canada and the US, have purchased land with the intention of building summer cottages thereon in the near future. Nearest NB town: SS, 20 miles distant, and enterprising town of 5000 inhabitants, reached by land or water; SG, 22 miles distant, a red granite manufacturing own, located alongside the romantic Magaguadavic Falls, delightful scenery intervening.
Oct 4, 1894
All the financial arrangements for the proposed extension to the Algonquin hotel being completed, we may expect the work of construction to begin during the next few weeks. The erection of this annex, coupled with the promised building of Mr. Shaughnessy’s summer cottage, should be regarded as a hopeful sign of the advances St. Andrews is making as summer resort. Now, if the CPR could only be prevailed upon to erect their long-contemplated family hotel, St. Andrews would take on a boom that would send her ahead at a rattling gait. What do you say, Sir William?
June 14/1900
. . . Lazycroft, the summer home of Mr. George F. Innes, the celebrated American artist, will not be tenanted by him this year, because he proposes spending the season in Paris, but in Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, the general manager of the CPR system, it will have a tenant who will be a very welcome one. Mr. Shaughnessy has been a property owner and a tax-payer in St. Andrews for several years, but he has never yet spent a summer here. It is to be hoped that the will find life so pleasant in St. Andrews this summer that he will be seized with an unconquerable desire to permanently establish himself.
June 28/1900
Some very flashy turnouts will be seen on the streets of St. Andrews this summer. On Saturday, six horses and three ponies with carriages arrived from Montreal; five of these belonged to Sir William Van Horne. Two to Mr. A. R. MacDonnell and two to Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy. The latter are very diminutive chestnut stallions. They are both stylish and speedy.
July 5/1900
Shaughnessy's occupying Innes cottage.
Aug 9, 1900
General Manger Shaughnessy, of the CPR, came to St. Andrews on Saturday in his new private car “Manitoba.” The coach is just fresh from the maker’s hands, and is a remarkably elegant vehicle.
July 11/1901
President Shaughnessy’s handsome little ponies are again to be seen around the streets of St. Andrews.
Aug 22/1901
Who’s Who and What’s What
. . . Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, whom we seldom see as often as we would like, but whose family occupies rooms for the season at the Algonquin, is President of the CPR, and as well is a very busy man. He owns a building lot in St. Andrews and proposes someday erecting a beautiful summer home here.
Sept 26/1901
It is rumoured that Sir T. G. Shaughnessy has acquired a 99 year lease of the government property near the Algonquin hotel and that he proposes shortly to erect a luxurious summer home for himself. (
Feb 27/1902
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s Summer Residence
Mr. John P. O’Leary, contractor, of Montreal, was in St. Andrews last week with plans of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s new summer residence, which is to be erected on Fort Tipperary, on the site now occupied by the old guard house.
The plans disclose a very handsome two story structure of colonial renaissance order. It will be of wood with solid stone foundations. A verandah twelve feet wide will run around the entire building with the exception of the north-east corner, where the kitchen is located.
The building, with verandah, will cover an area of 80 x 74 feet. On the ground floor, the front door, facing on Princes of Wales street, will open into an entrance hall 17 x 29 feet, 6 inches. To the left will be reception room 17 x 18 feet 6 inches. In the rear of the entrance hall will be the library, 12 d 19 feet. Facing Minister’s Island the dining room (22 x 16 feet) will be placed. A bedroom (16 x 16 feet) with a bathroom attached will be located on the south-east corner. On the north-east corner the kitchen and pantry are located. there will be an open space on the ground between the kitchen and main house, so that the savory odors from the former may not enter the dwelling apartments. there will also be a water closet on this floor, under the servants’ stairway.
The second float will contain seven bedrooms, and two bath room sin the main house, besides four servants’ sleeping rooms over the kitchen and servants’ bathroom. Though work will be begun this spring, it is not intended to have the building ready for occupation until 1903.
Mr. O’Leary, who has the work in hand, is a man of large experience, and a very agreeable gentleman withal. he superintended the construction of the Hotel Frontenac, Quebec, the Viger Place station, Montreal, the Star Building, Montreal and other imposing structures.
March 27, 1902
Mr. William Hope as an artist.
The 23rd exhibit of the Royal Canadian Academy opened at the Art Gallery Montreal last week. The Star remarks—“In style and subject there is great diversification in the oils, indeed it would be hard to say which painting attracted the most attention last evening. In a prominent place hangs Mr. William Hope’s Eastport, Maine. This landscape, no. 94, showing Eastport from the water, aims at a light effect which is worked out in an excellent, clever manner. It is to all intents and purposes a picture of sky and water, in effect sombre and subdued. Mr. Hope has four oils on exhibit, but no, 94 which by the way has been sold to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, is unquestionably the best.”
Montreal Herald—“The positions of honor this year are given to the works of Mr. William Hope, Mr. Blair Bruce, and Mr. Harris, president RCA. The large picture, 94, Eastport, Maine, W. Hope, is attracting much attention, and deservedly so. Mr. Hope has come to the front this year with the stride of giant, leaving much of the dilettante behind him. He also exhibits some good work in smaller editions.”
Saturday’s Star:--At the meeting of the Royal Canadian Academy at the Art Gallery yesterday, Mr. William Hope, R. C. A. was elected an academician. Mr. W. Hope, R. C. A., is a Montrealer, and is well known as a landscape painter. He studied in Paris, and has been for some time an A. R. C. A. His most important work at present in the gallery is large picture of Eastport, Maine, which has already been specially referred to. Mr. Hope replaces as a member of the academy the late Mr. C E. Moss.
April 17/1902
Wednesday’s train was delayed for nearly three hours, waiting for Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who came down from Montreal with Contractor O’Leary to arrange for beginning work on his proposed summer residence, Fort Tipperary.
May 22/1902
Sir William Van Horne is building a large extension to his summer residence at St. Andrews. He is also making additions to his stock houses, and is going in more extensively for breeding both horses and cattle. It is understood that Mr Charles R. Hosmer has decided to erect a residence there somewhat similar to that of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s, and that Mr. John O’Leary will be the contractor.—Montreal Star.
May 29/1902
The work of framing Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s cottage has begun.
June 19/1902
Ancient Landmark Removed
The old fort building at Fort Tipperary, which has “braved the battle and the breeze” for eighty and more years, has been obliged to succumb to the advancing hosts of civilization. Finding that it stood in the way of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s new cottage, the contractor is having the old building removed. It was a staunchly built structure, its walls being composed of hewn pine legs 11 inches thick, piled one on top of the other. The wood in these timbers is still as good as when it was first erected. The timbers near the ceiling were provided with port-holes to fire upon the enemy at close range.
Exactly when the building was erected is not known. It has been generally supposed that it was built during the trouble so 1812 but the fact that the deed of exchange for the property between the Imperial government and the Church of England corporation of SA, was not executed until 1815 disposes of that belief. The building was probably erected in 1815 or very soon afterwards. So far as known it was only occupied as a military station during the Fenian invasion.
July 10/1902
Shaughnessy’s residence being connected by telegraph wire to the Algonquin.
Sept 18/1902
Old Tipperary and New Tipperary
Old Fort Tipperary, around which so many fond and stirring memories cluster, is gone and a new and more imposing Tipperary has sprung up in its stead. the new Tipperary is to be the summer home of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Four months ago the ground within the old ramparts was broken for the new building. Now it is completed in every detail. By degrees, as the new work expanded, it became necessary to remove the old buildings which stood upon the site. first, the barrack building proper, with its immense pine timbers, port-holed for resisting invaders, was razed. then the officers’ quarters were swept out of existence; afterwards the guard-house and sergeant-cottage. The last of the old buildings—which has been used as an ice-house by the Algonquin hotel—was torn down on Saturday.
In the architectural design of the new building medievalism and modernism have booth been drawn upon, but the first consideration has been comfort. As one visitor expressed it, “it is a common sense house.” Its broad, covered verandahs, encircling almost the entire building, suggest comfort at first glance. this suggestion becomes a fixed reality when the interior arrangements are examined.
the visitor enters upon the verandah from beneath an ample porte-cochere on the western side. three or four steps, 17 feet in length, lead to the verandah. Entering the oaken doorway, one finds himself in a large living room, the entire size of the front of the house, its width being 18 feet. At the upper end of this room is a large stone fireplace, with high-backed seats built into the wall on either side. This is the ingle-nook and a comfortable nook it ought to prove. Next the living room on the lower side of the central hallway is the library, with circular seats at the windows. On the south-east corner is the guest chamber, a comfortable room, with a doorway opening on to the verandah. Attached to this room is a well arranged bathroom, with mirrored door. A large clothes press is also in connection. In the rear of the house, with doors opening on to the verandah, it’s the dining room, a magnificent apartment, with side board at one end. the verandah at this point is semi-circular in form, extending out 20 feet, so that it may be used for dining purposes or evening parties during warm weather. Being in the rear, the fullest privacy is ensured. Alongside the diningroom, with an air space between, is the kitchen, fitted up with a large prowse range, and supplied with shelves and cupboard, and other necessaries. the pantry adjoins this. It is also furnished with shelves and closets. On this floor, beneath the stairway, there is a cloakroom and nearby is a conveniently arranged lavatory. The floors on the first flat are all polished hardwood. The walls are plaster, in white, and the sideboards and closets are also painted in white.
an easy stairway, with birchen balustrade leads to the second floor, which contains the sleeping apartments. there are seven bedrooms, all with beautiful outlooks, for the family, and four comfortable sleeping rooms for the servants. there are three bathrooms on this floor, one of which will be used by the servants. the mirrored doors of these rooms are a distinctive feature of the house appointments. the basement contains laundry appliances, refrigerator store-house, fuel room and water closet. it can be entered from the first floor or from the outside.
The servants’ entrance is on the northern side of the house. there is also a soft water tank on the same side. the outer walls of the building, also the pillars of the verandah, are shingled in rough shingles. At the upper end of the verandah the shingles used are the old ones taken from the fort buildings. they are supposed to be 80 or more years old, yet they are in a splendid state of preservation. they are 22 inches long. One peculiarity about them is that where the chalk line struck them a ridge had been produced, showing that whatever was used for marking (some suggest that burnt alder was employed) it had served as a complete preservative against the weather. the exterior of the house I painted in green on the first floor and a dark shade of yellow above.
the house will be lighted by acetylene gas, the generator occupying a small building apart from the main house. the grounds have been so arranged as to preserve the formation of the old ramparts. In the front of the house with nozzle pointed towards Uncle Sam’s territory, one of the old fort guns has been placed. A tennis court is being laid out on the southern side.
The architects of Tipperary were Messrs. Hutchinson and Wood, of Montreal. Mr. John P. O’Leary was the contractor. that he has done his work well is generally conceded. Mr. Harry J. Pratt, of Saint John, was foreman for Mr. O’Leary. The plumbing was the work of Mr. W. H. Donovan, SS, and it is very creditable to him. In the construction of the building and in the carrying out of the landscape effects, Mr. O’Leary has employed local men as far as possible. he has also had a number of men from Saint John and Montreal.
Jan 22/1903
SA and the CPR
The authoritative announcement by Sir Thomas Shaughnessy that the CPR has acquired the property interests of the St. Andrews Land Company removes whatever doubt may have existed in the public mind with regard to the position of these negations. They have become an accomplished fact. St. Andrews and the CPR are now indissolubly linked together. This consummation is one that has been devoutly wished by the people of St. Andrews for some time and ought to give general satisfaction. It ought also to inspire them with renewed hope in the future and with renewed courage to work out their destiny. No incident that has occurred in the history of the town in the last quarter of a century is fraught with greater possibilities than this. That it means the dawning of a new era for SA, if not for the Province at large, is recognized by the outside press and must be recognized as such by the people of the place. With its splendid system of management, its world-wide connections, its powerful influence and its ultimate capital, all things within human reason are possible faith the CPR. Whatever it has put its hand to has succeeded, for the reason doubtless that it has never put its hand to anything that it did not see as a reasonable chance for success. In taking hold of St. Andrews to develop it as a summer resort,--and mayhap a winter port—it is fair to assume that the Company recognizes its capabilities and possibilities as such, and with the past record of the Company before as it is likewise a fair assumption that it will do all in its power to make a success of it.
Sept 3/1903
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy who was in town last week, manifest in a very practical way a lively interest in the movement for better accommodation for the St. Andrews yachting fleet.
A new yachting float or pier is to be built upon Mr. Howard Rigby’s property, he having agreed to lease the privilege to a committee of yachtsmen. Mr. Rigby will have the building of it. Among those who are interested in the project are Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. George B. Hopkins, Mr. J. Howe Allen, Mr. McColl, Mr. T. R. Wheelock and Judge Street. Mr. Rigby went down to Campobello from Tuesday in Mr. Hopkins yacht to look over the Tyn-y-coed pier. While the new pier will e private property it is the intention to invite all yachtsmen to make use of it.
May 25/1905
Shaughnessy and Hoar properties’ wells not getting good flows, though drillers down several hundred feet.
June 29/1905
Monday’s Montreal Pullman had as passenger lady Van Horne, Lady Shaughnessy and family and Mr. F. W. Thompson and family. They are here for the season, occupying their respective summer residences.
Aug 10/1905
Place Names
Here are a few of the place-names about SA, with the names of the owners or present occupants:
Covenhoven—Sir William Van Horne
Dalmeny—William Hope
Rossmount—Rev.. H. P. Ross
Cedar Croft—Rev. A. T. Bowser
Resthaven—F. W. Thompson
Bide-a-Wee—C. R. Hosmer
Lazy Croft—G. B. Hopkins
Park cottage—D. R. Forgan
Tipperary Fort—Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
Top Side—T. R. Wheelock
Kings Brae—D. MacMaster
Chestnut Hall—Mrs. Simpson
Linden Grange—Lady Tilley
Clover Bank—Miss Ottie Smith
Ainslee Villa—F. P. McColl
Maplehurst—C. S. Everett
Red Cliff—A. P. Young
Beech Hill—George Mowat
Elm Corner—Miss Mowatt
Rose Bank—R. A. Stuart
Ifield—Rev. Dean Sills
The Anchorage—Mr. F. G. Andrews
Sea View—Mrs. John Robinson
Aug 31/1905
Approaching and putting competition: Wm. Shaughnessy wins men’s prize, Miss Mackay ladies prize, and Robert Bowser boy’s.
One-club match won by F. P. McColl.
Nov 30/1905
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy is determined that St. Andrews shall become a leading summer resort, if money can make it. In furtherance of that idea he has given instructions to proceed with the erection of a dam across the mouth of Katy’s Cove, so as to imprison the tidal water and make of the cove a comfortable swimming area. [Contracted to D. C. Clark, Saint John wharf builder] . . . . Work will begin at once and will be pushed through without delay. The dam will be erected outside the line of track. It will be made of a strong cribwork and will give ample opportunity for the imprisoning of the tide and for its release when required. This will be the third attempt to enclose Katy’s Cove with a dam. The old Land Company, in which F. W. Cram was one of the leading spirits, had two dams constructed, but the tides forced their way through the shifting sand and the company did not feel warranted in expending a larger sum of money thereon.
March 8/1906
Algonquin roof to be shingled. Shaughnessy cottage to be expanded.
June 28/1906
CPR has two wharves in town.
Shaughnessy’s, Wheelock’s and Thompson’s in town to open cottages.
July 5/1906
Stylish Turnouts
Some very stylish horses and handsome equipages may be seen about St. Andrews streets now. Mr. George B. Hopkins, of New York, has a handsome pair of high-stepping American hackneys. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has sent three horses from Montreal; C. R. Hosmer, three; F. W. Thompson, three; Clarence McCuaig, two; Mortimer Davis, three; Morris Davis, two; Mr. Evens, two. The greater number of these horses are at Mr. Russell’s new stable. Two are quartered in the Cummings barn.
July 11/1907
The well at the Algonquin, which was sunk by Thomas R. Kent, got a good flow of water at 242 feet [must be fifth well]. 300 feet away Sir Thomas Shaughnessy went down 823 feet and got a very scanty supply.
Aug 22/1907
Governor-General of Canada Visits SA
In the dawning of the morning of Saturday last, Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, and party steamed in to St. Andrews from St. John remained in their private car well until 9:20 o’clock when by appointment his Excellency received Mayor Snodgrass and the members of the town council. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who was present, also introduced a few citizens to the governor –general.
His Excellency was in good humor and chatted pleasantly for a few minutes with his visitors. During the brief reception a magnificent big Newfoundland dog persisted in leaping about the Earl, showing affection that was honestly genuine. After breakfast the party entered the carriages of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. C. R. Hosmer and Mr. F. W. Thompson, of Montreal, and were driven to the Algonquin hotel. The forenoon was quietly spent, a run out to the Algonquin golf links being the chief feature. The party partook of luncheon at Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s residence, returning to the hotel afterwards. A large tent was erected on the bowling green for the informal reception at 4 o’clock, but the rain beginning to fall, the tend idea was abandoned, and the reception was held in the drawing room of the hotel. It was of a very informal character. Almost all the hotel guest attended. Among others were Sir William Van Horne, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, G. W. Ganong, M. P. George, J. Clarke, M. P. P. W. C. H. Grimmer, M. P. P Mayor Teed of SS; Mayor Snodgrass, Aldermen Cockburn, Hanson, Cummings, Doon, Rigby, Horsnell, McDowell, and Greenlaw, Sheriff Stuart, Mrs. Stuart, Miss Stuart, Judge Cockburn, Mrs. Cockburn, F. H. Grimmer, Miss Grimmer, R. E. Armstrong, Miss Armstrong, Mrs. Very Whitman, Misses Maloney, Miss Gordon, R. Walter Clarke, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs N M. Clarke, T. R. Wren, Miss Freda Wren and W. F. Kennedy. A feature of the reception was the presentation of a handsome bouquet to her Excellency by Master Whitman, on behalf of the American visitors, and also one by little Miss Farmer.
Saturday evening after the shower was over the governor-general and his aide strolled about town. On Sunday morning their Excellencies worshipped in All Saints’ church and listened to a good sermon by the Rev. R. R. J. Langford. As they passed out of the church, the choir sang the national anthem. After church they were driven to Minister’s Island, where they lunched with Sir William Van Horne. The party entered their car at 9 o’clock Sunday night and retired. On Monday morning, the car was attached to the regular express and proceeded to Point du Chene. After a trip through PEI Earl Grey will return to the capital.
Aug 29/1907
F. W. Thompson has own tennis courtyard and tournaments--Shaughnessy’s, etc.
Aug 6/1908
Who’s Who
What Some of our Summer Residents Do at Home
. . . Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, K.C.V.O., is President of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, which ought to be glory enough for one man. In looking after the multitudinous interests of this great corporation his time is so fully occupied that St. Andrews sees all too little of him.
Feb 4/1909
Among the “ten greatest Canadians,” two of them, Sir William Van Horne and Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, have their summer abiding places in St. Andrews. Thus we represent one fifth of the greatness of Canada. That is something, even if we haven’t got the winter port.
St. Croix Courier
June 17/1909
Rise of Rail Chief. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy rules Great Transportation Affair. (Longish article on Career from Milwaukee paper. Never anything but an office clerk.)
Dec 2/1909
Senator MacKay Leads
Pointing out that the control of Canadian companies is in very few hands, Moody’s Magazine shows the directors who are at the elm in the big enterprise. Of the important concerns, Senator Mackay leads, for he is a director of 14 concerns, having total assets of $765,000,000. The list in part is as follows:
Mackay, R. 14 $765,000,000
Hosmer, C. R. 10 $667,000,000
Strathcona, Lord 9 $662,000,000
Shaughnessy, Sir T. 6 $620,000,000
Van Horne, Sir W. 12 $594,000,000
Meighen, R. 5 $481,000,000
Jan 27/1910
Artesian well tests at Algonquin. One yielded 144,000 on 24-hour test. Shaughnessy’s 16,000. “The new well at the power station has been pronounced a failure, but good results are expected from the well on the site of the hill overlooking Katy’s Cove.”
July 21/1910
Sir Thomas in New Role
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has played many parts—and played them well—but it is doubtful whether he ever acted the role of a Boniface until the 12th of July. He was seated on his broad verandah at “Tipperary,” enjoying the warm sea breezes which waft across the peninsula, when one of the excursionists from up country meandered in and took a seat alongside him, remarking that he felt pretty tired. Sir Thomas was sympathetic and the stranger prattled on. Presently he discovered that he had a thirst. “Can I get something to drink?” asked the stranger. “Why yes,” was Sir Thomas’ courteous reply. “Will you have a glass of water; or perhaps you would like some cool lemonade?” “Guess I’ll have the lemonade,” replied the thirsty one. The lemonade was brought and speedily disappeared. The stranger smacked his lips with great gusto, then plunged his hand into his pocket and offered to pay for the drink. Sir Thomas, who saw that the man was under the impression that he had struck a hotel, smiled affably and courteously refused the proffered dime.
Sept 29/1910
New Buildings
A double dwelling house and a large stable for Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s coachmen and horses are to be built during the next few months on the lot of land immediately to the north of the old R. C. burial ground. The work is being done by Wright McLaren.
May 4/1911
The double cottage, which Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has had built at the head of town for his coachmen, is a model of neatness and comfort, and a most creditable addition to the town’s homes. A commodious barn, fitted up in the most complete fashion, even to a pair of roosters on the weather vanes, adorns the rear of the lot. The grounds are being nicely graded. (future St. Andrews dairy).
May 18/1911
SA is on the tip toes of excitement over the announcement made by Sir Thomas Shaughnessy on Monday that he wedding of his eldest daughter, Miss Alice, and Mr. Beauclerc, of Montreal, would take place here on June 3. Sir Thomas was accompanied her by his prospective son-in-law, a handsome looking young man. Sir Thomas, as usual, paid his respects to The Beacon. He is looking in fine form after his European trip. He stated that Lady Shaughnessy would arrive at the end of the month to get “Tipperary” ready for the important event. Forty rooms will be got in readiness at the Algonquin for the wedding guests.
June 8/1911
Description of wedding at Tipperary for Alice Shaughnessy, now Mrs. H. Wyndham Beauclerc. “The special train which brought Sir Thomas and party from Montreal to SA is said to have been the finest special ever assembled in Canada. The train was composed of one of the newest types of baggage cars and four of the company’s most palatial private cars, all of them being divided into state rooms with solid brass bedsteads and every luxury of an up-to-date private dwelling. They were the ‘Killarney,’ Sir Thomas’ own car, the ‘Cascapedia,’ the ‘Canada,’ built on the occasion of the visit of the present King and Queen to the Dominion as Duke and Duchess of Cornwell and York; and the ‘Qu’Appelle.’
June 29/1911
Coronation Day festivities--MacKay, Shaughnessy, Hosmer, Hope, McColl and Ross loan their teams and horsemen, and participate in the hurdle-jumping and other horse-racing events in the town.
Sept 7/1911
Mr. R. L. Borden Calls
He was well received and had a good hearing.
Sir William Van Horne says Canada is so prosperous under Liberals that Reciprocity is not needed.
Mr. Borden, the leader of the opposition, received a hearty welcome on his first visit to Charlotte County. Upon reaching St. Andrews station on Saturday morning last, he was met by the local reception committee and escorted amid cheers to the automobile of Mr. G. W. Ganong, ex M. P. of St. Stephen.
Then a procession was formed, composed of the St. Andrews Band, thee auto from SS, the carriages of Sir William Van Horne, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy and a number of local teams, and the distinguished visitor was conveyed to the summer residence of F. W.
Thompson, president of the Ogilvie Milling Company, where a short reception was held. The route of March was decorated with flags, and bunting, and mottoes of various kinds. Quite a number of people attended the reception. The house and grounds were beautifully decorated and looked very attractive.
St. Croix Courier
July 25/1912
An accident occurred on Sunday night to the lighting plant on Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s grounds. The explosions were very heavy, causing 14 windows in Tipperary to be destroyed. None of the family were injured except in the way of fright. A number of bell boys from the Algonquin, who assisted in staying the flames, were more or less burned and bruised. Sir Thomas was not here at the time and the family are now at the hotel, comfortably quartered. The gas house was soon reduced to ashes and a merciful rain, helped prevent the fire from spreading to the home or adjacent cottages.
July 25/1912
“Tipperary” in Eruption
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy’s gas House Takes Fire
Old Fort Tipperary which has been silent for many, many years, broke loose on Sunday night and for a few minutes started the townsfolk and summer visitors with the rumpus it made. It happened this way. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, whose beautiful summer home is within the ramparts of the old fort, has a gasp-house located about 60 feet from his house. On Sunday night, the supply of gas in the house running short, the butler went out to the gas-house to turn on a little more of the illuminant. He lit a match upon entering and then turned what he thought was the proper valve. Evidently it was the wrong one, for in an instant the place was a sheet of flame. As quickly as possible an alarm was sent in. Then the explosion of the gas-tanks began, their thunderous detonations waking the still echoes of the night for miles around. The noise of the explosions caused great commotion. Those who did no know where the fire was though the some dynamite store-house was burning.
Fortunately, a sprinkle of rain was falling at the time, other wise the shower of sparks which fell on the roof of the dwelling house would soon have brought about its destruction. The gas house was totally destroyed before water connection could be obtained with the hydrant at the hotel.
During the early part of the fire, Mr. Gidman, Sir Thomas’s coachman, had one arm injured by the fire. Mr. William Allerton, the Algonquin hotel steward, was also slightly injured. Laurence Cluff, a bell-boy at the Algonquin had his face and hands burned by the explosion. Carl Leonard another bell-boy, belonging to Boston, was thrown down and severely injured about the shoulder. Messrs. Struther and Fisher, two other members of the Algonquin staff, sustained slight burns. Neither Sir Thomas nor his sons were at home, but the lady members of the house, though a little started at first by the deafening explosions bore up bravely. Mrs. Fred. Shaughnessy succumbed after reaching the Algonquin, but she soon recovered.
Aug 15/1912
Algonquin Tennis Club.
T. Shaughnessy Hon. Pres.
Thomas Tait Pres. etc.
The club newly formed. “There is more interest in tennis this season than ever before.”
St. Croix Courier
April 6/1916
The flag is floating today, April 3rd, from the Algonquin. Captain, the Hon. Alfred Thomas (Fred), Shaughnessy, second son of Lord Shaughnessy, president of the CPR, was killed in action in France, Saturday, April 1st, by a shrapnel shell. Captain Shaughnessy was very well known here, and the sincere sympathy of many friends goes out to the grief stricken family.
St. Croix Courier
June 29/1916
Among the distinguished guests from Montreal arriving or soon to arrive here for the summer are Sir Thomas And Lady Tait, Miss Winnifred Tait, Lord and Lady Shaughnessy, Hon. Marguerite Shaughnessy, Hon. Mrs. W. J. Shaughnessy and Hon. Mrs. H. W. Beauclerk
There are now about 900 soldiers in camp here.
Sept 9, 1916
Lady Shaughnessy, the Hon. Miss Shaughnessy, Capt. And Mrs. Rene Redmond and daughter [Margot?], Mrs. William Shaughnessy and family left on Wednesday night for Montreal.
St. Croix Courier
Aug 9/1917
The funeral of the late Hugh McQuoid, Jr., who was accidentally drowned in crossing Minister’s Island Bar on Thursday evening of last week, took place on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hicks conducting the services at the Methodist church and the grave. In company with Hugh McQuoid was a maid at “Covenhoven” who was also drowned, her name was Miss Annie Murphy, and up to this time, Monday, her body has not been found. it is needless to say that the whole community was sadly shocked when the facts became known on Friday morning, and the sincere sympathy of all goes out to the bereaved ones.
Lady Maud Cavendish, Lady Blanch Cavendish, Lord Charles Cavendish, arrived on Saturday’s night train and are guests of Hon. Marguerite Shaughnessy, Tipperary.
Aug 25/1917
Sir Mortimer Davis, of Montreal, is visiting Baron and Lady Shaughnessy at fort Tipperary.
St. Croix Courier
Sept 7/1922
G. W. V. A. Bridge at St. Andrews. Sir Thomas Tait, Lady Shaughnessy, Lady Allen, Mrs. Hosmer, Mrs. F. W. Thompson patrons and patronesses. At casino, courtesy Algonquin. Raise $375 for Great War Veterans Association.
**St. Croix Courier
Dec 13/1923
Sudden Death of Baron Shaughnessy.
Campobello Island Preserves History of First Owner, Photos, Shingle Style buildings. St. Anne’s Rectory looks like the Roosevelt Cottage. Among prominent visitors are Mrs. James Roosevelt of NY and her son Franklin D. and Family. (check this for references to hotels)
St. Croix Courier
Sept 24/1925
Lady Shaughnessy and family occupied cottage five for summer.
St. Croix Courier
April 5/1926
Charlotte County--The Tourists’ Opening Door. R. E. Armstrong
. . . The chief summer hotels at St. Andrews are the Algonquin and Kennedy’s hotel. St. Stephen has a good hotel (the “Queen”) of a permanent character. Lord Shaughnessy, who was assistant manager of the CPR not only extended assistance along summer tourist lines at St. Andrews but he also fixed upon the promotion of Saint John as a winter port. He provided his family with an attractive summer on the St. Andrews fort area, immediately adjacent of the Algonquin Hotel. Many others from Canada and the United States have also established attractive summer homes in that locality, most of which have beautiful flower gardens. The golfing links and bowling facilities are a source of great pleasure to tourists. There are also good fishing, bathing and boating opportunities in that section, as well as striking natural beauties. These are among the features which press the need for Passamaquoddy Bay being left constantly open.
St. Croix Courier
April 14/1927
Canada Tourist Resources. Charlotte County was Canada’s First Tourist Summer Resort. By Strongarm. (probably R. E. Armstrong) See also p. 12.
. . . Charlotte County, being supplied with many natural, industrial, and other advantages, being he possessor of camping, boating, bathing, fishing, hunting and numerous attractions, and being also a border county, connected closely with the State of Maine, the Bay of Fundy, Passamaquoddy Bay and St. Croix International
River, adorned with sea islands of splendid character, became as previously stated the first summer resort of the Dominion of Canada, and has been constantly successful along this line. SA, the Shiretown of Charlotte, which is in close touch with fine Passamaquoddy Bay, and which has numerous pleasurable facilities, was chosen as the first summer resort of Canada. The establishment of this magnificent resort began in 1888. The following year the Canadian Pacific Railway entered Charlotte County and other NB sections for the first time, and shortly after its patronization and adornment the CPR Company became the ownership of the summer hotel (the Algonquin) and all the other summer facilities that the St. Andrews Summer Resort Company had fixed upon and at its disposal Sir William Van Horne, the president of the CPR became the owner of a portion of Minister’s Island, and not only adorned it along numerous lines, but he erected a charming summer home, and supplied a roadway for public pleasures through his section of this beautiful and highly respected island. Lord Shaughnessy, the CPR vice president, also erected a lovely summer home on the old Fort area a few steps from the Algonquin hotel.