Old St. Andrews



Summer Directories



Summer People—Directories and Lists


Aug 22/1901
Who’s Who and What’s What
Mr Randle, who is sojourning at the Algonquin with his family, is the president of the Sea Coast Packing Company, better known in these parts a the Eastport Syndicate.  Mr. Randle hails from Chicago.
            Mr. William Hope of Montreal, whose beautiful cottage on Bar road was opened for the first time this season, is an artist of considerable repute. Since coming to St. Andrews he has transferred many subjects to canvas.
            Mr. Donald MacMaster, K. C., of Kingsbrae, is recognized as one of the ablest legal minds in Canada. He is interested in politics and literature; a man of an agreeable personality.
            Miss Fielding, who was in St. Andrews last week, is a daughter of Hon. William Fielding, Canada’s finance Minister. She has been yachting with upriver friends.
            Mrs. Eatough, widow of the late curate of Trinity church, Saint John, who is now visiting SA, is matron of the House for Incurables.
            Harvard College is well represented among the visitors to St. Andrews. Prof. Smith, who is at the Algonquin, is President of Harvard Law School. Mr. H. C. Copeland, who is at Kennedy’s, is a lecturer on English literature. Mr. H. C. Rideout, at Miss Ross’s, is an instructor at Harvard. The Board of Overseers is represented here, besides other departments of this great educational institution.   
            Rev. Mr. Winfield, who preached so acceptably in Greenock Church on Sunday morning, is the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Westmount, Montreal. He was chaplain to “The Aberdeens” when Lord Aberdeen was Governor General of Canada. Mr. Winfield is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, Bar Road.
            Judge Allen, at the Algonquin, who has been a summer resident at St. Andrews for several years, is a member of the Supreme court of Mass.
            Mr. C. J. Bonaparte, another Algonquin guest who has been making St. Andrews his summer home for quite a lengthy period, is a leading lawyer of Baltimore. He is also one of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College. He recently obtained some publicity, in the United States, through his opposition to the proposal to bestow Harvard degree upon President McKinley. Mr. Bonaparte, who is a direct descendant of Prince Jerome Bonaparte by his American wife, (Miss Patterson) is a man of literary tastes.
            Mr. Justice Street, of Toronto, who takes such a deep interest in golf and outdoor sports, is a member of the Supreme Court bench of Ontario. He is a man of pleasing address, a delightful conversationalist and highly esteemed by his fellow sojourners.
            Dr. W. H. Watson, at the Algonquin, a leading physical of Utica, NY. He is also entitled to the degree of L. L. D.
            Dr. J. G. Wilson, at the Algonquin, is a prominent member of the medical fraterni8ty of Philadelphia.
            Mr. Thomas Barlow, who is spending the season with his son and other members of his family, at the Smith cottage, is one of the keenest of Philadelphia’s keen lawyers. In politics he is a Republican, but in municipal affairs he is a Philadelphian. he is a man of advanced ideas and would make an excellent permanent summer resident.
            Mr. J. P. Hudson, of New York, who has been summering at Kennedy’s hotel with his family, is calendar clerk of the circuit court, Brooklyn. he is a native of SA, and obtained his first knowledge of law at Fredericton, where he resided for a number of years before removing to the United States.
            Mr. Nelson Cliff, who is spending the season here, was formerly a resident of NB’s capital, but removed to the United States some years ago. He has orange groves in Florida and spends his winters between Florida and the Bermudas. He is a bachelor, an ardent golfer and a very agreeable gentleman.
            Mr. C. R. Hosmer, who is registered at the Algonquin, obtained prominence through his association with the promoters of the CPR. As manager of the CP’s Telegraph Company he did much to bring the company up to its present degree of efficiency. He is one of Montreal’s wealthiest and most public spirited citizens.
            Mr John G. Grey, at the Algonquin, is a leading lawyer of Wilmington Delaware.
            Mr. George F. Inness, who has been sojourning at his summer residence, “Lazy Croft,” for the past two months, is one of the most successful of American’s artists. A son of the late George Inness, the celebrated American painter, he was early brought in to contact with the easel and brush. In addition to the training he received under his father’s eyes, he has had the benefit of the teachings of some of the best of the old world masters. His paintings long since won for him merited recognition at the Salon, Paris. He is an enthusiast in his profession. A member of one of New York’s’ crack military corps he is likewise a splendid horseman and a great lover of the horse. Personally, he is everything that is pleasing. Mrs. Inness is a woman of very charming personality, devoted to her husband’s interests and devoted to her family. She is a daughter of the late Mrs. Roswell smith, who spent several seasons at SA, and is associated with one of the oldest and wealthiest publishing houses in the United States. She is woman of broad and cultured mind, deeply interested in church work, and of generous disposition.
            Rev. A. T. Bowser, who is one of St. Andrews most esteemed summer residents, is pastor of the leading Unitarian church of Wilmington.
            Dr. Hartt, who resides at the Lorimer cottage, is a leading and wealthy physical of Philadelphia. he has his yacht moored in the harbor and has a white Indian pony for his two children. His wife . . . possesses much wealth.
            Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, whom we seldom see as often as we would like, but whose family occupies rooms for the season at the Algonquin, is President of the CPR, and as well is a very busy man. He owns a building lot in St. Andrews and proposes someday erecting a beautiful summer home here.
            Sir William Van Horne needs no introduction to the Beacon readers. As the leading spirit in the accomplishment of the CPR, with its extensive connections, Sir William has a reputation that is almost world wide. In addition to his connection with the great railway system of Canada he is associated in a number of other gigantic enterprise, such as the building of a railway in Cuba, the inauguration of the recently discovered system of submarine signalling; the manufacture of pulp at Grand Mere, Quebec; the development of the coal and iron industry at Sydney; and several other of lesser magnitude. He owns an extensive ranch near Winnipeg, has a palatial home at Montreal, and as Beacon readers know, is the possessor of a growing stock farm and an elegant summer home on Minister’s Island, St. Andrews. He is an artist of no mean ability, a collector of Japanese curios, and an authority thereon; has a thorough knowledge of architecture, and has also literary interests which he can afford to indulge. He is an approachable and affable man. His domestic relations are singularly felicitous.
            Mr. Allen MacDonnell, whose family is sojourning at St. Andrews, is the head of one of the largest contracting firms in Canada. He has been summering in St. Andrews for several seasons and finds life so agreeable that he contemplates establishing a permanent summer home here.
            Mr. W. W. Watson of Montreal, who is at Mrs. Johnson’s with his family, is manager of the Montreal Sugar refinery, one of the largest manufacturing enterprises in Canada.
            Mr. Frank Redpath, chief of the engineering department of the same refinery, is also a guest at Mr. Johnsons.
            Rev. Thatcher Kimball, who has been a recent visitor at St. Andrews in years gone by, and who is now summering at Mr. George Mowatt’s, is rector of the Anglican church at West Summerville.
            Mr. Edward Maxwell, who owns the sightly summer home at the farther of the Bar Road, is an architect of considerable prominence in Montreal, and is greatly esteemed as a summer resident of St. Andrews.
            Mr. T. R. Wheelock, who has a delightfully situated summer residence here, has extensive business interests in China. When not giving them his personal attention, he makes his home in Boston. He is a man of bright, active disposition, a keen golfer, wheelman and yachtsman. His son Geoffrey and Gordon Wheelock have his love for outdoor sport, they are recognized as two of the steadiest golfers this side of the Atlantic.
            Prof. Wendall, of Harvard college, has not honored St. Andrews with his presence this season. but his wife and children have occupied a cottage during the summer. The professor is a novelist of some reputation and is a man of light and ? in Boston and vicinity.
            Mr George R. Hooper, of Montreal, who has been spending a part of his summer very agreeably at St. Andrews for several years past, is connected with a large manufacturing concern in Quebec. he is a keen horseman a polo player, a golf enthusiast, holds or did hold the responsible position of Master of the Hounds in the Montreal Kennel Club, is Major in the Montreal Militia, and is one of the best fellows standing in shoe leather. He has a charming wife, whose broad generosity has placed at least one religious denomination in St. Andrews under a debt of gratitude to her.
            Mr. Frank Thomas, who occupies Rev. Mr. Mahon’s dwelling, is a member of the Thomas and Mitchell Morocco Manufacturing Company, Wilmington, Del. He is also president of the board of trustees of the Wilmington Unitarian church. Those who know him best say he a “good fellow.”


St. Croix Courier
Aug 19/1954
Summer Home Directory Issued for St. Andrews. All names listed, with addresses. 62 Homes. Includes Algonquin cottages.
            Balfour, Mrs. George, Greenock, Edward Street.
            Ballantyne, Charles, Bellenden, Cedar Lane.
            Ballantyne, James, Carleton.
            Beattie, James, Coven Hoven.
            Bishop, Mrs. J., and Mrs. B. Weeks, Bide-a-Wee, no. 3 cottage
            Breeze, William, Pottery Creek, Joe’s Point Road
            Burns, Herbert D., Pansy Patch, Carleton Street
            Christie, Miss Katherine, Wit’s End, Joe’s Point Road
            Clark, A. R., York Cottage, Joe’s Point Road
            Clark, Mrs. H. H. R., Shepody Shelf, Joe’s Point Road
            Cowan, Charles, G., Dunedin, Queen Street
Cruickshank, P., Grimmer Cottage, King Street
Davis, Lady., The Lupins, DeMonts Avenue
Dodge, P. L., Berwick Burn, Joe’s Point Road
Dunn, Sir James and Lady, Dayspring, DeMont’s Avenue
Devlin, Brian, Deery Bay, Joe’s Point Road
Dodge, J. D., Beech Hill
Eidlitz, Ernest Frederick, Sunbury Haven, King Street
Freeman, H. G., Tobermory, Joe’s Point Road
Forgan, David, Berwick Brae, Carleton Street
Gill, R. T., Gill Cairn, Prince of Wales
Gordon G. Blair, Elbow and Brandy Cove Road
Guiness, W., Brandy Cove, Brandy Cove Road
Hall, Mrs. Frank, Maplehurst, Edward St.
Henley, T. B., Pipincot, Prince of Wales Street
Hope, Mr. Charles, Fenton Barns, Bar Road
Hooper, Mrs. George, Edward St.
Hosmer, Miss Olive, Linden Grange, Carleton St.
Hubbard, Gorham, Kirkside, Edward St.
Hopkins, Mrs. A., Lazycroft, Prince of Wales
Howe, Rt. Hon. C. D., Penryn, Saint John Road
Johnson, Mrs. Hobart S., Lazycroft, Prince of Wales
Jones, Hugh McK., Grenlea, DeMonts
Kitchen, Mrs. Albert, Red Cliff, Water Street
Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. David, Caseia-Del-Mar, Water St.
McLaren, Lieutenant-Governor D. L., Algonquin Cottage no. 4, Prince of Wales
McKeown, Col. William, Invernenty, Harriet St
            McGee, A. A., The Little House, Joe’s Point Road
            Markey, Mrs. F. H., Hillside, Carleton St.
Miller, Dr. G. Gavin, Cloverley
Maxwell, Mrs. Edward, Tillieutudlem, Bar Road
Murchie, Guy, Colinsfield, Reed Avenue
Paterson, Mrs. James, Cedar Lane
Payne, Robert G., The Anchorage, Parr St.
Pillow, Mrs. Howard H., Kingsbrae, King St
Plant, J., Algonquin cottage no. 2
Prentice, Miss Mona, Harbor Lights, Joe’s Point Road
Purtill, J. T. K., O’Shea, Harriet St.
Quinn, William G., Deck View Cottage, Joe’s Point Road
Redmond, R. M.,Bantry Bary, King St.
Shaughnessy, Hon. Marguerite, Fort Tipperary, Prince of Wales
Sams, Mrs. L. G., DeMonts Avenue
Smith, Miss Elizabeth H., Mary St.
Shuter, Mrs. George, Linden Lodge, Edward St.
Struthers, Mrs. Robert, Topside, King St.
Thompson, Mrs. F. W., Meadow Lodge, Harriet St.
Thorp, Harry W., Sea Urchin, Water Street
Vaughn, A. Murray, King St.
Walsh, L. O. P., Reed Avenue
Wilson, Norman, Clibrig, Saint John Road


St. Croix Courier
July 21/1955
SA Tourist Bureau Chamcook receiving 40 inquires a day.
Women’s club Places 14 homes on Day Tour of St. Andrews.
A tour of “the stately homes” of this summer resort by-the-sea will be held Tuesday, August 2, from 2-6 p.m. when the third house and garden party day held here in four year will be sponsored by St. Andrews Women’s Canadian Club. The tour will take in 14 houses and gardens and two gardens of houses not included in the day’s itinerary.
            Many of these homes contain valuable antiques and painting by well known artists while others are famous for the original design and furnishings.
            Members of the Women’s Canadian Club committees are Mrs. Madge Rigby, chairman, Mrs. H. b. Hachey, tickets; Mrs. Herman Bartlett, program, assisted by Mrs. Gorham Hubbard; Mrs. W. R. martin, guides; Mrs. David walker, house arrangements, and Mrs. Hugh McLellan, publicity.
            The tour’s attractions:
            Les Goelands, (The Seagulls), owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray Vaughan of Ottawa, built by the late Fred H. Markey in 1912 and remodelled in 1951 by the present owners.
            Next will be Kingsbrae, owned by Mrs. Howard W. Pillow, Montreal. Sir Donald Walker built this house in 1900. Topside owned by Mrs. Robert Struthers of Norton, Conn., is next on the program. This house was built in 1899 by Thomas R. Wheelock of Boston.     
            The guest house of Mrs. Howard Pillow, King’s cottage, is fifty on the day’s agenda, followed by the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ross of St. Andrews. this latter house was built about 1830 and has been restored to its Colonial period.
            Sunbury Haven, owned by Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Eidlitz, of New York City, was built in 1830 by the first magistrate of SA, Judge Hathaway. Greenock House, now owned by Mrs. George was built in 1824 by Captain Christopher Scott of Greenock, Scotland, and was intended as the manse of Greenock, Presbyterian Church here. the staircase in Greenock house of the same two kinds of mahogany used in the pulpit of Greenock church.
            Maplehurst, owned by Mrs. Frank Hall of Berkeley, California, is the ninth house on the program and was built in 1824 by Edward Wilson to serve as the Presbyterian manse. Pansy Patch, next on the tour, is owned by Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Burns of Toronto. this house was built over 40 years ago, and features a carved fireplace with inscriptions.
            Spendrift, owned by Miss Madge and Carrie Rigby of SA, was built about 1800 by the son of John Dunn a Loyalist. The old beauty of this house has been preserved and the original kitchen with open fireplace and Dutch oven is intact. Tea will be served at this house all afternoon on the day of the tour.
            Sea Urchin, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorp of Montreal, is a modern cottage with a fine garden. A visit to Harbor Lights owned by Miss Prentiss of Montreal, is followed by a tour of elbow Bend, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Blair Gordon of Montreal. This a modern cottage with a garden.
            Bellenden, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ballantyne, of Sa, was built in 18u97 by Rev. Robert Bowser of Boston. The house has been redecorated within the past year and the gardens are described as “beautiful.” Mr. Ballantyne is president of Charlotte County Hospital. A tour of the gardens of Cloverly, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Gavin Miller and built in 1929 by Sir Thomas Tait, and Pen Ryn owned by Rt. Hon. and Mrs. C. D. Howe of Ottawa, will complete the tour.
            Programs with tickets will be issued when tickets are purchased. Last year over 300 people viewed leading homes and gardens here with proceeds going to the Women’s Canadian Club.


St. Croix Courier
Aug 11/ 1955
Directory for 1955. Seaside Resort Summer Homes, Occupants Listed.
Courier directory of summer homes and occupants at SA-by-the-Sea for 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Bide-a-Wee, no. 3 Algonquin cottage. Mrs. George Balfour and Mrs. A. W. Wilson, Greenock, Edward St. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Ballantyne, Bellenden, Cedar lane. Mr. and Mrs. James Ballantyne, Carleton Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty, Coven Hoven, Minister’s Island. Mr. and Mrs. Bourassa, Algonquin cottage no. 4.
            Mr. and Mrs. William Breeze, Pottery Creek, Joe’s Point Road. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Burns, Pansy Patch, Carleton St. Miss Katherine Christie, Wit’s End, Joe’s Point. Mrs. H. R. r. Clark, Shepody Shelf, Joe’s Point Road. Mrs. John T. Cundill, Prince of Wales street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowan, Dunedin, Queen St.
            Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Cruickshank, Grimmer cottage, King St. Lady Davis, the Lupins, DeMonts Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Lodge, Berwick Burn, Joe’s Point Road. Sir James and lady Dunn, Dayspring, DeMonts Avenue. Mrs. Brian Devlin, Derry Bay, Joe’s Point Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frederick Eidlitz, Sunbury Haven, King St. Mr. and Mrs. H. g. Freeman, Tobermory, Joe’s Point Road. David Forgan, Berwick Brae, Carleton St. H. R. T. gill, Gill Cairn, Prince of Wales.
            Mr. and Mrs. Blair Gordon, Elbow Bend, Brandy Cove Road. A. W. Guiness, Brandy Cove, Brandy Cove road. Mrs. Frank Hall, Maplehurst, Edward St. T. B. Heney, Pipincot, Prince of Wales Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hope, Fenton Barns, Bar Road. Mrs. George Hooper, Edward, Street. Miss Olive Hosmer, Linden Grange, Carleton. Mr. and Mrs. Gorham Hubbard, Kirkside, Edward St. Mrs. A. Hopkins, Lazycroft, Prince of Wales.
            Rt. Hon. and Mrs. C. D. Howe, Penryn, Saint John Road. Mrs. Hobart S. Johnson, Lazycroft, Prince of Wales St. Hugh McK. Jones, Grenlea, DeMonts Avenue. Mrs. Albert Kitchen, Red Cliff, Water Street. Col. A. A. McGee, The Little House, Joe’s Point Road. Mrs. Markey, Hillside, Carleton, St. Dr. and Mrs. g. Gavin Miller, Cloverley. Guy Murchie, Collingswood, Reed Avenue. Mrs. James Patterson, Cedar lane. Robert g. Payne, The anchorage, Parr St. Mrs. Howard H. Pillow, Kingsbrae, King St.
            Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Plautt, Algonquin cottage no. 2. Miss Mona Prentice, Harbour Lights, Joe’s Point Road. J. T. K. Purtill, O’Sea, Harriet St. William Quinn, Deck View Cottage, Joe’s Point Road. Hon. Mrs. Rene Redmond, Bantry Bay, Queen St. Hon. Marguerite Shaughnessy, Fort Tipperary, Prince of Wales St.
            Mrs. L. G. Sams, DeMont’s Avenue. Miss Elizabeth H. Smith, Mary St. Mrs. George Shuter, Linden Lodge, Edward St. Mrs. Robert Struthers, Topside, King St. f. W. Thompson, estate Meadow Lodge, Harriet St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Thorpe, Sea Urchin, Water St. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray Vaughan, King St. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. P. Walsh, Reed Avenue. Norman and Senator Cairine Wilson, Clibrig, Saint John Road.


St. Croix Courier
July 20/1961
To Tour Summer Homes. Canadian Club of SA, 6th annual House and Garden Tour. Homes listed. Guided Tour begins at Casino.


St. Croix Courier
July 25/1963
House and Garden Tour Slated for Shiretown. Descriptions of nine homes.


St. Croix Courier
July 22/1965
Annual House and Garden Tour, St. Andrews. National Sea Products Purchases Conley’s Lobsters. Conley’s known as world’s largest producers and shippers of live lobsters.


St. Croix Courier
July 17/1969
House and Garden Tour of St. Andrews. Descriptions of summer homes.
Rose Haughn
The tenth biennial House and Garden Tour to be held in St. Andrews will take place on Tuesday, the 29th of July from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
            This year seven of the outstanding homes and gardens for which the “shiretown” is noted will be open to the public. The old and the new will be represented.
            Possibly the oldest house, new to the tour, is “Maplehurst” home of the Hon. Evan W. T. Gill and Mrs. Gill. An attractive three-storey villa, it has known many owner an d occupants and much change since it started life 145 years ago as a small red brick cottage. [1824] During the 1930’s it was chosen by Lord Bessborough, then Governor-General of Canada, as a summer home for his family. Now owned by Canada’s former ambassador to Ireland, “Maplehurst” is the essence of traditional charm. . . .


St. Croix Courier
Aug 21/1969
House and Garden Tour Well Attended
“Harbour Lights” was a tat indeed and many patrons expressed the opinion that it alone was worth the admission fee. Many varieties of lilies, rose and delphinium stretched in a panorama of colour and the old-fashioned home with its soft apple-blossom pink color and dark trim on the emerald green lawn added to the fairy book setting. All garden and flower lovers had a real treat here.
            Each of the six homes had their dining tables set which was a new innovation this year and proved very interesting to the patrons. The dark blue and gold “Shaughnessy” china at Fort Tipperary was a gem. This had been the dinner service of Mrs. Norman Talbot-Mais’ grandfather, Baron Shaughnessy, and is still in excellent condition. Many other outstanding things can be found here including he many paintings. “Maplehurst” home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan W. T. Gill, was new to House and Garden patrons this year. The basement and first floor of this place were built before 1831 as was the interesting circular verandah with Colonial pillars of which forms the entrance. Also outstanding is the beautiful fan-shaped window above the entrance door with matching glass panels on either side. the hallway contains two antique mirrors topped pine tables and a graceful stairway with natural wood rail, Sheraton mahogany in the dining room and well chosen antique and modern furniture in the living room give an air of spacious comfort.
            “Waterside Cottage” the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shirres, has always been a favorite. A Cape Cod cottage built on the hillside at eh water’s edge fives a true split level effect, the downstairs living room having long widows and access to the wide seawall which forms a grassy terrace.
            “Tide Stones” is the new residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Meighen of Montreal and was completed by June 30l, 1967 for their 50th wedding anniversary and for Canada’s 100th birthday. It blends so well that it seems to have always rested on its prominence of land overlooking the Pottery Creek inlet and the wide expanse of St. Andrews harbour. The handmade shingles on its rambling exterior give it an antique look. The home is spacious with a blend of antique and modern furniture. A dear little place, formerly stood on the Meighen site and was indeed owned by her aunt, Mrs. Alan A. Magee and Colonel Magee. This has bee moved to the adjacent field and still called “The Little House” continued life as a guest cottage and most enjoyable through out its whole interior.
            “Bellenden” needs no introduction. the permanent residence of Mrs. Charles T. Ballantyne is known to most people for its charming rose garden, its gracious interior and its hospitality. It stands on the site of “Tufts Grange” home of the original potter who came from Ireland in 1811 and established the pottery which named the creek.
            Strathcroix, home of Canadian novelist David Walker and his family, completed the list for 1969. This was the MacRoberts property famous in the olden days for the shipyard on Brandy Cove. The large square box residence of MacRoberts and his many sons forms the nucleus of this spreading residence and the focal point is the MacRoberts stairway preserved in all its beauty, hand-hewn by father and sons during long winter evenings. A collection of pewter and a general air of family comfort add to the wealth of interesting things to be found here.