Thomas Wheelock
May 23/1889
Mr. Thomas R. Wheelock, of shanghai, has just completed negotiations for the purchase of forty acres of land on the western commons, owned by David McRoberts. Mr. Wheelock will make that his summer residence, and as he has made all the money he wants in China, he will spend the remainder of the year in Boston, or New York. Mrs. Wheelock will be in St. Andrews this summer.
Oct 10/1889
As the plans for Mr. Wheelock’s cottage have not yet been completed, it is doubtful if anything will be done this season towards building it.
Aug 8/1895
Golf Strokes
The handicap tournament which occupied four days last week at Joe's Point links was won by Rev. Dr. Barclay, of Montreal. Geoffrey Wheelock, of Boston, was second man. Among the ladies, Miss Gardiner, of Boston, was the leader. She was closely followed by Mrs. Nowell, of Massachusetts. The tournament excited considerable interest. The magnificent silver cup, which Mr. R. S. Gardiner, of Boston, presented to the Algonquin Club, and which has won the admiration of all who have seen it, was competed for at a handicap match on Monday and Tuesday, two rounds of 36 holes being played. Dr. Swetland, of Ottawa, became the proud possessor the cup. . . . Dr. Barclay, of Montreal, has broken the "links" record, covering 9 holes in 39 strokes. He is delighted with the links and says it is among the best on the continent. J. A. Woolston, of Cambridge, Mass., who was among the Algonquin guests of last year, noticing in the Beacon the great interest that is being taken in the game, has presented to the Algonquin Golf club two setts of golf sticks to be competed for. There are six sticks in a set, and they are known as a wooden driver, a brassy driver, an iron, a cleek, a mashy and a putter. The sticks will be competed for this week.
Aug 22/1895
Seasonable Pleasures
. . . The fifth progressive euchre party on Monday, managed by the youth and beauty of the Algonquin was, as might be expected, the most successful of the season. Seventy six players in brilliant and varied costume assembled to do honor to the occasion, and the play was most spirited lasting two hours. The prizes, eight in number, were artistic and well chose—gems in Dresden and Wedgwood, china, unique embroidery and silver novelties from the Whiting Company, New York, giving pleasure to all, more particularly to the winners—Mrs. Hetherington and Miss Lynch, of Philadelphia; Ms. And Miss Gardiner and Miss Wheelock, of Boston; Miss Hill, of New York; Mr. Bertie smith of Compton, P.Q., and Mr. Van Horne, of Montreal.
Oct 29/1896
Another Summer cottage
Plans have been prepared and initiatory steps have been taken for the erection of a magnificent summer cottage on the property of Mr. Thomas R. Wheelock, of Boston. This property is situated a little to the east of the Algonquin and has a very sightly outlook, commanding the town, Katy’s Cove and the outer bay of St. Andrews. The building will be two stories in height, with a frontage of about 36 feet, running back 80 feet. It will contain eighteen or nineteen rooms, and will be constructed with a view to permanent use if necessary. The structure will be of wood with a large stone foundation. A commodious cellar will be arranged for Messrs. Stevenson and McKenzie, of SS, have contracted for the building, and in a short time will begin work. it is the intention to erect the frame, an close it in until Spring,, when the plastering and finishing will be done. The house is to be ready for occupancy next season. it will coast about $5000.
Nov 5/1896
Rapid progress is being made on the Wheelock contract. The foundation walls for the building are well advanced, and by the middle of next week will be ready for the wooden superstructure. The contractors are putting in good work.
Dec 10, 1896
The Wheelock summer cottage is roofed and boarded in and the rooms studded. The building will now be left until Spring when the mason work will be done. Messrs. Stevenson and Mackenzie have made rapid progress with the work.
April 8/1897
The Wheelock summer residence is being pushed along rapidly. Plastering began on Monday.
April 29, 1897
Work is progressing very favorably upon Mr. Wheelock’s summer cottage and its connections. The masons are now plastering the interior and in a few days this work will be finished. A large barn has been erected alongside. Another prominent feature is a windmill pump. The mill has been placed in position by W. H. Donovan, of St. Stephen. He has made an excellent job.
June 10/1897
Summer Cottages
The handsome summer cottage of T. R. Wheelock, of Boston, should have appeared in last weeks’ list of cottages that will be tenanted this season. This dwelling has just been completed, and is one of the prettiest and most commodious in town, commanding a splendid outlook of Passamaquoddy Bay. The interior appointments are very comfortable. A large well, situated alongside the house, provides the water therefore. The water is raised by means of a “Dandy” wind-mill. It is as dandy as its name. A large barn is located alongside the house. The buildings were erected by the well known contractors, Messrs., Stevenson and McKenzie. They have made a splendid job. W. A Donovan erected the wind-mill and performed all the plumbing. A. A. Laflin and his workmen did what painting was necessary. The cottage is now ready for occupation. The town authorities have graded the roadway in front of the cottage, so that the surroundings harmonize very prettily.
Sept 9/1897
Messrs. Wheelock and MacDonald, of the St. Andrews Golf Club, are laying out the additional nine holes to the south of Joe's Point Road. The Algonquin is now the only summer hotel in the country that can boast of an eighteen-hole golf links. (This would seem to indicate that the first course at Joe's Point was nine holes)
May 11, 1899
The keel of Mr. Wheelock’s yacht has been laid by Howard Rigby, the builder. The iron keel-piece, through which the centre board runs, arrived last week from Boston. It weighs 2297 pounds.
June 14/1900
Mr. T. R. Wheelock, of Boston, and Shanghai, will not open his elegant summer cottage at Victoria Terrace this year, having been detained in ‘China by business interests. This is greatly to be regretted, was he is one of our most active summer residents. He will be greatly missed among the golf players, as well as in other directions.
April 25/1901
Our Summer Cottages
15. T. R. Wheelock and family, Boston, King Street cottage
July 25, 1901
Sir William Van Horne is one of the directors of the Submarine Signalling What a charming picture for an artist is the Algonquin golf links on a sunshiny day. The fantastic costumes of the players scattered over the verdant field, the nimble caddies hastening hither and thither, and the picturesque surrounding of river and by and town, make up a scene that is truly inspiring. The roll of players this year includes:--
Gentlemen—N. A. Cliff, C. A. Richardson, R. B. Van Horne, Vern Lamb, T. T. Odell. J. smith, W. W. Watson, H. F. Hinckley, Dr. A. E Ham, Justice Street, A. E. Benson, Charles Holt, G. R. Hooper, Edward Burke, T. P. Curtis, J. H. Allen, J. D. Randall, We. B. Wendell, George Ethridge, T. J. Morrison, Rev. At. T. Bowser, Henry Reed Bowser, T. R. Wheelock G. M. Wheelock, T. G Wheelock, Jr. R. Fletcher, Dean Sills.
Ladies—Miss E. V. Ludlam, Miss Wendell, Miss Van Horne, Miss Hazen, Miss E. H. Smith, Mrs. Charles Allen, Miss Gardiner, Miss Benson, Miss R. Benson, Mrs. Charles Holt, Miss Williams, Mrs. George Ethridge, Mrs. J. H. Allen, Mrs. Nathan A. Woodlin, Miss Inness, Miss Sweetland, Mrs. J. B. Fletcher, Miss M. A. Sills.
Aug 8/1901
Algonquin management offering golf cup in tournament of 30 to 40 golfers to last all week. Geoffrey and Gordon Wheelock (brothers) fight it out for first place.
Aug 22/1901
Who’s Who and What’s What
Mr. T. R. Wheelock, who has a delightfully situated summer residence here, has extensive business interests in China. When not giving them his personal attention, he makes his home in Boston. He is a man of bright, active disposition, a keen golfer, wheelman and yachtsman. His son Geoffrey and Gordon Wheelock have his love for outdoor sport, they are recognized as two of the steadiest golfers this side of the Atlantic.
Feb 4/1904
Howard Rigby building 42 foot yacht for T. R. Wheelock of Boston
May 12/1904
The cottages of Sir William Van Horne, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. William Hope, Mr. Edward Maxwell, Mr. T. R. Wheelock, Mr. Donald MacMaster, Mr. D. Bleakney Hoar and Rev. A. T. Bowser will be occupied by these families again.
June 2/1904
Description of Wheelock’s new yacht.
Aug 10/1905
Place Names
Here are a few of the place-names about SA, with the names of the owners or present occupants:
Covenhoven—Sir William Van Horne
Dalmeny—William Hope
Rossmount—Rev.. H. P. Ross
Cedar Croft—Rev. A. T. Bowser
Resthaven—F. W. Thompson
Bide-a-Wee—C. R. Hosmer
Lazy Croft—G. B. Hopkins
Park cottage—D. R. Forgan
Tipperary Fort—Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
Top Side—T. R. Wheelock
Kings Brae—D. MacMaster
Chestnut Hall—Mrs. Simpson
Linden Grange—Lady Tilley
Clover Bank—Miss Ottie Smith
Ainslee Villa—F. P. McColl
Maplehurst—C. S. Everett
Red Cliff—A. P. Young
Beech Hill—George Mowat
Elm Corner—Miss Mowatt
Rose Bank—R. A. Stuart
Ifield—Rev. Dean Sills
The Anchorage—Mr. F. G. Andrews
Sea View—Mrs. John Robinson
May 3/1906
Executive of golf club--big wigs Ganong, Chipman, Grimmer, etc., as usual. T. R. Wheelock in former days.
June 28/1906
CPR has two wharves in town.
Shaughnessy’s, Wheelock’s and Thompson’s in town to open cottages.
Aug 6/1908
Mr. Thomas R. Wheelock is a retired merchant of Shanghai, China, who resides in Boston when he is not occupying his beautiful summer home in St. Andrews.
Sept 7/1911
Yacht Race—“Possum” Wins
An interesting event for the summer yachtsmen was the yacht race held in the bay on Friday afternoon. The starting point was from Mr. Hopkins’ yacht, the Seiglinde, which was anchored off the south eastern corner of Tongue Shoal Block, better known as the Sand Reef Light. The course ran direct to Magaguadavic Head, around Hardwood and Hospital islands, and then back to the starting point. When Mr. Hopkins blew the whistle four boats cross the starting line—the Barracouta, owned by Mr. William Hope, the Maple Leaf, owned by Howard Rigby, the Possum, owned by B. H. Robinson (formerly R. B. Van Horne) and the Pak Wan, owned by t. R. Wheelock. The race soon narrowed down to the Barracouta and the Possum, the Barracouta taking the lead at the start, but being overhauled by though Possum before reaching Magaguadavic Head and from that on the Possum increased its lead, winning out by a good margin.
Aug 29/1912
Vice Regal Visit
Duke of Connaught Loyally Welcomed at St. Andrews [Willa’s book, p. 29 photo]
Receives Address, Dedicates School and has a Good Time on the Golf Links
All anticipations with respect to the visit of St. Andrews of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia, last week were more than realized. The weather was not quite up to the mark in all respects, but it remained sufficiently stationary on Thursday to permit the public functions to be held most successfully.
The town was never more gaily decorated, nor was there ever more people on the streets. Autos and carriages by the score were present. SS, Milltown, Calais, SG, the islands and the mainland villages in the County each contributed its quota to the general throng. The Warden of the county, Mr. E. A. McNeill attended, and was present on the dock to greet His Highness and welcome him to Charlotte County. So also were Mayor Murchie, of Milltown, and Mayor Grearson, of St. George.
Nor was the scene afloat any less dazzling than on shore. The big American yacht Kehtoh was a mass of bunting, so was Mr. Hopkins’s beautiful yacht Seiglinde, also the clipper sardine boat Cansarco, Mr. Wheelock’s yacht, the yachts belonging to the Rigby fleet and many others beside. A more spontaneous greeting to a representative of royalty could not have been devised.
St. Croix Courier
July 21/1955
SA Tourist Bureau Chamcook receiving 40 inquires a day.
Women’s club Places 14 homes on Day Tour of St. Andrews.
A tour of “the stately homes” of this summer resort by-the-sea will be held Tuesday, August 2, from 2-6 p.m. when the third house and garden party day held here in four year will be sponsored by St. Andrews Women’s Canadian Club. The tour will take in 14 houses and gardens and two gardens of houses not included in the day’s itinerary.
Many of these homes contain valuable antiques and painting by well known artists while others are famous for the original design and furnishings.
Members of the Women’s Canadian Club committees are Mrs. Madge Rigby, chairman, Mrs. H. b. Hachey, tickets; Mrs. Herman Bartlett, program, assisted by Mrs. Gorham Hubbard; Mrs. W. R. martin, guides; Mrs. David walker, house arrangements, and Mrs. Hugh McLellan, publicity.
The tour’s attractions:
Les Goelands, (The Seagulls), owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray Vaughan of Ottawa, built by the late Fred H. Markey in 1912 and remodelled in 1951 by the present owners.
Next will be Kingsbrae, owned by Mrs. Howard W. Pillow, Montreal. Sir Donald Walker built this house in 1900. Topside owned by Mrs. Robert Struthers of Norton, Conn., is next on the program. This house was built in 1899 by Thomas R. Wheelock of Boston.
April 19/1978
Strathcroix part of local history. Part one by Willa Walker. Used to be bath house down by shore when owned by David McRoberts 1893. Purchased by Thomas Wheelock of Shanghai and Boston in 1889. (actually 1888; see Beacon above) Used to stay at Argyll. Part two April 26/1978