William Hope
Grand Golf tournament
The present week is one of the greatest interest to the visiting golfers at St. Andrews. On Monday, the grand tournament began at Joe’s Point Links, between twenty and thirty one of the best golf players in the United States and Canada. Two magnificent cups are the prizes. the first prize is a cup of solid silver, standing six inches in height. On one side of it is engraved the words “Algonquin Golf Club, Tournament 1898,” and on the reverse side appear the raised figures of a lady and gentleman golf-player. the latter has his stick raised in the act of striking a ball which is hidden among Scotch thistles, the lady player watching the effect of the stroke with great intentness. The consolation cup stands quite as high as the other and is a very handsome prize. the play on Monday and Tuesday determined the two team of eight players each who were eligible to complete for the two prizes.
the medal for the lowest score in the first two days play was won by Philip M. Prescott, Jr., of Washington.
the names of the sixteen players who qualified for the cup competitions were as follows:--
For St. Andrews Cup
Philip M. Prescot, Jr. 194
W. O. Underwood 196
Kenneth Sills 200
C. S. Van Rensellear 203
W. H. Wilder, Jr. 204
Jeremiah Smith, Jr. 208
Joseph R. Swan 210
William Hope 212
July 12/1900
Among the equine turnouts now to be seen on the St. Andrews streets are those of Mr. Hugh Allan, the steamship magnate; Mr. Charles R. Hosmer’s, Mr. Smith’s and Mr. Hope’s, all on Montreal.
Nov 1/1900
Workmen are employed on the grounds of Mr. William Hope, Bar road, getting them in readiness for the elegant summer residence which he proposes erecting there shortly. Mr. Robert Stevenson has the contract for the building.
Nov 22/1900
New Summer Homes
The grounds upon which Mr. William Hope, of Montreal, proposes erecting his summer residence (Mowatt’s Grove, Bar Road), are being graded and improved preparatory to the constructing of the building. One feature of the place will be an artificial lake, which as been laid out at the spring where so many picnickers have slaked their thirst in by gone seasons. Quite a respectable little sheet of water has been enclosed. This will be used either as fish pond or a spot for water fowl to disport in. No part of the house has yet been erected, though it is the intention to have it ready for occupation next season. Mr. Hope ill have one of the most beautiful situations for summer house at St. Andrews.
The work of erecting Mr. Donald MacMaster’s summer home at the eastern end of King Street is proceeding apace. The foundation walls are almost finished, and the lumber for the superstructure is being place don the ground. This cottage will also be ready for occupation the coming summer.
Jan 31, 1901
Distinguished Visitors in Town
Sir William Van Horne, Viscount Dunluce (nephew of Lady Minto [Governor General’s wife]), Donald MacMaster, K. D., Mr. William Hope and Mr. Finley, architect, of Montreal, came to St. Andrews on Tuesday in the private car Saskatchewan. The party drove to Minister’s island, where Sir William inspected his property. Afterwards, they looked over the site of Mr. Hope’s summer cottage and examined Mr. MacMaster’s new summer residence. Sir William stated that he had some additions to his present buildings on the island in contemplation. Mr. MacMaster expressed himself well pleased with the appearance of his cottage and with the character of the work being performed by Mr. Robert Stevenson, who has the contract for its erection. The party returned to Montreal the same afternoon.
Feb 28/1901
Mr Robert Stevenson is making rapid progress on the cottage he is erecting in Mowatt’s Grove for Mr. William Hope, Jr., of Montreal. The building occupies a beautiful site, commanding an expansive view of Passamaquoddy Bay.
March 7, 1901
One of the handsomest summer dwellings in St. Andrews will be that of Mr. Wm. Hope, Jr., of Montreal, which is romantically situated near the shore on the Bar Road. Mr. Robert Stevenson is pushing forward its erection and will have it ready for occupation when the summer breezes blow.
March 28/1901
The new summer cottages that are being erected here under the direction of Mr. Robert Stevenson are in an advanced state. That of Mr Donald MacMaster, of Montreal, will be ready for occupation in a few days, owing to delay in getting lumber. The cottage of Mr. William Hope of Montreal is not in such a forward condition, but it will be ready on the 15 of May as the contract requires.
April 25/1901
Our Summer Cottages
The following cottagers are expected here the coming summer:
1. Covenhoven—Sir William Van Horne and family, Montreal.
2. Lazy Croft—Mr. George F. Inness and family, Montclair, NJ.
3. Cedar Croft—Rev. A. T. Bowser and family, Wilmington, Delaware
4. Risford—Mrs. and Mrs. J. Emory Hoar, Brookline, Mass
5. Casa Rossa—Mrs. J. S. Ludlam, Lowell, Mass
6. Algonquin cottage—Ms. Thomas P. Curtis, Cambridge, Mass
7. Grimmer cottage (near Algonquin)—Mr. and Mrs. George Hooper, Montreal
8. Grimmer (brick) cottage—Prof. Wendell and family, of Cambridge
9. Bar road—Mr. and Mrs. E. Maxwell, Montreal
10. Bar road (new cottage)—Mrs. And Ms. William Hope, Montreal
May 30/1901
A water tower to provide water for the new Hope cottage, Bar road will be built at once.
June 6/1901
Occupying a romantic position on the Bar Road, on the spot known for so many years as “Mowatt’s Grove,” stands the beautiful summer home of Mr. William Hope, of Montreal. The lower part of the property skirts the CPR railway, so that the house may readily be seen on entering the town. It has a very pretty outlook to the south and east.
The structure is over 100 feet long. There is a verandah almost ten feet in width along the Bar Road front. On the railway side, this verandah is increased to fifteen feet in width. The high sloping roof gives the house a unique yet very summery appearance. There two entrances, one on the railway side of the house and one on the opposite side. They both enter a broad hall of living room, with a massive fireplace in the centre. Between the hall and the front there are two large rooms with a lavatory and closet between and a fireplace in the corner of each. One of these rooms will be used as a library, the other as a bedroom. The dining room, which is on the other side of the hall, is about 19 feet square. It is provided with a large fireplace and china closet. The pantry, which is of good size, adjoins the dining room. The kitchen occupies the whole width of the ell, and is a bout 15 x 18 feet. Adjoining it in the rear, there is a larder, also a cold room, ice room and wood shed. Upstairs on the second floor there are four large bedrooms one of which open son a balcony to the east, a commodious hall, also bath room linen closet, etc. On the attic floor, there are two bedrooms for servants, with a lavatory attached.
The interior of this dwelling is not plastered, but is covered by a creamy colored pulp, or heavy paper, which gives it a unique appearance.
A water tower will be erected in the rear of the cottage for the purpose of supplying it with the necessary water.
The grounds around Mr. Hope’s cottage have been laid out in a very tasteful manner. A miniature pond has been constructed nearby the old spring and it will be from its ice-cold depths that the supply for the tank on the water tower will be drawn. A broad carriageway has been opened up a few rods above the railway track. Drives around the building have also been provided for.
Mr. Edward Maxwell, of Montreal, was the architect of this building. It was built under contract by Mr. Robert Stevenson, of SS, which is a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of its construction.
June 27/1901
The grading around Mr. William Hope’s cottage which has provoked such favorable comment was the work of Mr. William McQuoid, of St. Andrews. It is certainly very creditable to his taste and skill.
August 15, 1901
Mr. William Hope of Montreal, whose beautiful cottage on Bar road was opened for the first time this season, is an artist of considerable repute. Since coming to St. Andrews he has transferred many subjects to canvas.
tons unloaded here.
October 31, 1901
Mr. William Hope of Montreal has a large crew of men employed in grading and beautifying his summer property on the Bar Road. Driveways are being laid out, trees planted and a great deal of other work is being done. When finished the grounds will be among the most beautiful in this vicinity.
March 27, 1902
Mr. William Hope as an artist.
The 23rd exhibit of the Royal Canadian Academy opened at the Art Gallery Montreal last week. The Star remarks—“In style and subject there is great diversification in the oils, indeed it would be hard to say which painting attracted the most attention last evening. In a prominent place hangs Mr. William Hope’s Eastport, Maine. This landscape, no. 94, showing Eastport from the water, aims at a light effect which is worked out in an excellent, clever manner. It is to all intents and purposes a picture of sky and water, in effect sombre and subdued. Mr. Hope has four oils on exhibit, but no, 94 which by the way has been sold to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, is unquestionably the best.”
Montreal Herald—“The positions of honor this year are given to the works of Mr. William Hope, Mr. Blair Bruce, and Mr. Harris, president RCA. The large picture, 94, Eastport, Maine, W. Hope, is attracting much attention, and deservedly so. Mr. Hope has come to the front this year with the stride of giant, leaving much of the dilettante behind him. He also exhibits some good work in smaller editions.”
Saturday’s Star:--At the meeting of the Royal Canadian Academy at the Art Gallery yesterday, Mr. William Hope, R. C. A. was elected an academician. Mr. W. Hope, R. C. A., is a Montrealer, and is well known as a landscape painter. He studied in Paris, and has been for some time an A. R. C. A. His most important work at present in the gallery is large picture of Eastport, Maine, which has already been specially referred to. Mr. Hope replaces as a member of the academy the late Mr. C E. Moss.
April 10, 1902
Mr. Edward Maxwell, of Montreal, will enlarge his summer cottage at SA, and has employed Mr. Wright McLaren to superintend the work. Mr. William Hope, of Montreal, has added a large barn to his summer premises. Robert Stevenson is the builder.
July 10/1902
A palace car arrived from Montreal on Saturday, having on board horses for Mrs. R. Meighen, Mr. John Hope and Mrs. George R. Hooper. They are all very stylish animals.
October 2, 1902
Mr. William Hope is having a studio erected on his grounds, Bar Road.
Aug 10/1905
Place Names
Here are a few of the place-names about SA, with the names of the owners or present occupants:
Covenhoven—Sir William Van Horne
Dalmeny—William Hope
Aug 6/1908
Mr. William Hope, whose beautiful cottage on the Bar Road is the envy and admiration of all who see it, is an artist who has already won fame with his brush. Some of his best work has been done in his atelier on his summer grounds.
Aug 4/1910
Barracouta under charter to William Hope of Montreal. Capt. Robert Maloney sailing master.
Sept 8/1910
Yacht Sold—The handsome yacht Barracouta, one of the finest of the St. Andrews Yacht Club, has been purchased by Mr. William Hope, of Montreal. This boat was built in New York by the late Mr. Kuhn, and cost in the vicinity of $3,500. Last season she was bought by Mr. Howard Rigby. This year she has been under charter to Mr. Hope, who has now purchased her. Capt. Robert Maloney will be her master.
June 29/1911
Coronation Day festivities--MacKay, Shaughnessy, Hosmer, Hope, McColl and Ross loan their teams and horsemen, and participate in the hurdle-jumping and other horse-racing events in the town.
Sept 7/1911
Yacht Race—“Possum” Wins
An interesting event for the summer yachtsmen was the yacht race held in the bay on Friday afternoon. The starting point was from Mr. Hopkins’ yacht, the Seiglinde, which was anchored off the south eastern corner of Tongue Shoal Block, better known as the Sand Reef Light. The course ran direct to Magaguadavic Head, around Hardwood and Hospital islands, and then back to the starting point. When Mr. Hopkins blew the whistle four boats cross the starting line—the Barracouta, owned by Mr. William Hope, the Maple Leaf, owned by Howard Rigby, the Possum, owned by B. H. Robinson (formerly R. B. Van Horne) and the Pak Wan, owned by t. R. Wheelock. The race soon narrowed down to the Barracouta and the Possum, the Barracouta taking the lead at the start, but being overhauled by though Possum before reaching Magaguadavic Head and from that on the Possum increased its lead, winning out by a good margin.
Oct 12/1911
Beautiful works of art. Mr. Hope of Dalmeny paints impressions of great storm of this year. Details.
Lovers of art, who have been privileged to see the interior of the art studio of Mr. William Hope, F.R.C.A., this autumn, have had a most delightful revelation of Mr. Hope’s powers as a painter of nature. While he is a keen rider, plays a good game of golf and handles a yacht with the skill of an ancient mariner, it is as an artist that he excels. This is very apparent in the splendid canvases that he has to show as a result of his labors this season. It is difficult to say which is best. One magnificent painting of heroic size, which may grace the Canadian gallery of art at Ottawa, shows a forest scene of wonderful strength and beauty and repose. Its vastness of outline, rich coloring, beauty of conception and wonderful restfulness grow upon the spectator the longer he gazes on it. Of another kind is a stormy day in autumn, when nature is in one of her turbulent moods. The murky sky, the waving trees, the trembling grass and shrubs—all are worked out with wonderful effectiveness.
A most striking painting is that in which he has set down his impressions of the terrible storm which swept over St. Andrews bay a few months ago. Mr. Hope was in the midst of it, in most deadly peril, and the scene that he has painted is one that is calculated to make a lasting impression. The gloom that pervaded everything on that never-to-be forgotten day is well depicted. In the foreground d is shown the dredge and tug doing battle against the raging tide, while her and there, through the gloom and sea spume one gets a faint glimpse of the wharves and harbor front. One very beautiful painting is an autumn forest scene, with the tall birches and maples in autumn tints and poses. Another is a sketch of the harbor front, of Palermo, Italy, as a result of Mr. Hope’s Mediterranean trip of last season. Several other attractive sketches grace his studio.
Mr. Hope is modest about his work and dislikes publicity, but it is difficult o hide such talent as he possesses under a bushel or in the very pretty little studio among the birch woods on this beautiful summer property.
Aug 29/1912
A Big Yacht
Mr. James Ross’s big ocean-going yacht Glencairn (formerly the property of Mr. Pulitzer, of the New York World) arrived at St. Andrews on Sunday from Newport, and anchored near the western entrance. Mr. Ross came ashore during the afternoon and visited Mr. and Mrs. William Hope and other Montreal friends. The Glencairn is a 1600 ton vessel and carried 47 men.
Oct 29, 1914
Mr. and Mrs. William Hope and family heft for Montreal Saturday evening last. It is winter, indeed, in St. Andrews when they leave us; for of all our summer residents none endear themselves more to the permanent inhabitants, none enter more sympathetically into the life and spirit of this old world town, then they. And those who have enjoyed the hospitality of “Dalmeny” look forward to the spring when this charming home will again receive its fortunate owners.
Nov 4/1915
Sir William Van Horne’s Recreations.
By Rev. A Wylie Mahon
Someone has said that we never know our great men till we see them at play, till we watch them throw off the vexing cares of business and allow themselves to be themselves. Now that Sir William Van Horne has gone from us, we like to think of him, not so much as phenomenally successful business man, who possessed, as few have done the Midas touch, who saw visions an dreamed dreams of Canada’s future greatness, and who did not a little to realize his own dreams; but we like to think of him as he revealed himself when far from the madding crowd he enjoyed his happy and beautiful home at Covenhoven, St. Andrews.
Sir William discovered St. Andrews as a summer resort about twenty-five years ago. He was the pioneer of the interesting Montreal colony that followed his lead, that included Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. Charles R. Hosmer, Senator Robert, MacKay, Mr. William Hope, Mr. Donald MacMaster, Mr. Edward Maxwell and many others. Sir William was universally acknowledged as the beloved chief of the Montreal clan, and this distinction gave him a great deal of pleasure. Whenever a member of the Montreal clan built a summer home for himself in that charming resort Sir William showed his appreciation by painting a large picture, usually of a his favorite bare birches, which was placed over the mantel of the new home, and was treasured by the happy recipient as nothing else in the house was.
St. Croix Courier
Sept 15/1949
SA in Painting and Poetry, by Dr. Samuel Davies. Painting by Innes, Horne, Horne-Russell and William Hope listed.